Now that America has elected Barack Obama as president

Wed, 11/05/2008 - 9:08am
By: The Citizen
The country will be better off.
30% (222 votes)
The country will be worse off.
56% (409 votes)
The country will be about the same.
13% (98 votes)
Total votes: 729
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Submitted by sackett on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 2:01am.

Now that the Democrats have the ultimate power,
The Presidency, Majority in the House and Senate
and the ability to shape the Supreme Court in their
image, will we ever again be a country where
democracy rules. Checks and balances are out the
window, who is left to ensure equality. Handouts
will be the norm, initative crushed, small buisness
an outdated dream and workers forced to be part of
a union if you want to work. Change you wanted, change
we all have.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 11:10pm.

If the Democrats perform like the Republicans did for the past 8 years - it's time for a third party! Why didn't you guys 'vet' Bush, Cheney, and Rove? My goodness, we have lost over 4000 young men and women; tens of thousands are maimed for life; our economy SUCKS - and anyone who expected us to vote the Republicans back in needs help!! The Republicans had the ultimate power the first 6 years - and squandered it. Stop the 'hate' the Democrats song - and clean up your own house! We're trying to sing an AMERICAN song now. Come on - lick your wounds and let's work together. Our enemies are out there hoping that we will remain divided. . . don't prove them right.

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 9:38am.

David's Mom,

Everyone knows that it was the Democrat leadership of Bill Clinton that enabled Bin Laden to get away and form a posse to bomb America.
Slick Willy was too busy getting his knob bobbed in his private office behind the oval office to care about some silly terrorists.
Thank the Lord that we had President Bush in office to keep America protected for the last 7+ years.

I truly fear the danger barry's policies are going to put us in for the next 4-8 years. When he starts to sit down without preconditions with leaders from Iran and Venuzuela, they will just tell him what he wants to hear while they plan to destroy America.

Submitted by Davids mom on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 9:46pm.

You need help.

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 9:04am.

You or someone you cut and pasted from wrote:

"Everyone knows that it was the Democrat leadership of Bill Clinton that enabled Bin Laden to get away and form a posse to bomb America."

Well, "fred," voting for a president so uninquisitive that he would ignore a Presidential Daily Brief PRE 9/11 titled "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US" may have had something to do with it.

Yep. ignoring this may have been a bad idea "fred"

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 9:46am.

I truly fear the danger barry's policies are going to put us in for the next 4-8 years.

I suggest that all of the people who are afraid of what will happen under the administration of Barack Obama go and hide under your beds for the next 8 years. Evidently, your fear-mongering techniques have found a victim in your own minds.

"I can't wait until tomorrow, because I get more lovable every day."

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 10:34am.

Don't you remember how much fun it was to have a sleep over when you were five years old and pile on the bed in the dark and tell each other about the monster under the bed?

Your problem Carbon is that you grew up.

Submitted by FayetteFlyer on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 4:17pm.

I've read your posts for a while now. I can't tell if you're GOP, Democrat, Libertarian or what! So instead of trying to pigeon-hole you, I'll just put you down as a pragmatist!

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 4:32pm.

The only national GOP figure I really like is Ron Paul! RON PAUL!

Hope that doesn't change your opinion.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 1:25pm.

You all enjoy this period of celebration. I mean after all, your party did make the "big win" and other other lesser wins in the House and Senate. It will be interesting to see how this all works out after parliamentary politics within the Democrat party lead to internal bickering and splintering. It will happen, just like it did with that other group.

Remember, all glory is fleeting. Smiling
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 7:53am.

You believe this of one party control of government's three branches?

"will we ever again be a country where
democracy rules. Checks and balances are out the
window, who is left to ensure equality. "

1. Did you vote for Al Gore in 2000 to protect the "rule of democracy?"

2. Did you vote for John Kerry in 2004 to provide for the "insurance of equality?"

Or were you perfectly content when that power was held by The GOP?

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 9:10am.

You ever gonna come back and answer the above post? Has one-party control always been a bad thing to you?

Submitted by booyakah08 on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 5:24pm.

I think President-Elect Obama will do an excellent job and he will change things for the better. I voted for the first time yesterday. I didn't vote for him because he is half black, I voted for him because I believe in him and most people my age (18) do. People across the world in Japan and countries in Africa celebrated when he won. It's something different, a historic change. I also think some people are mad because he is half black. He can't change anything unless we as people welcome him with open arms and are willing to accept change. I hear some people want to leave the country just because he won. Let me know, I will help you pack.

Submitted by CuriousBob on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 6:54pm.

Hey, I'll help them pack...I can pack a carry-on so well they won't even have to pay for a checked bag!

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Thu, 11/06/2008 - 7:33am.

Congrats on voting!

Print out your post about how Obama and put it somewhere you can find it in 12 years. You will be 30 and will have the advantage of hindsight of Obama's 2 terms (a certainty) and 1 term of Sarah Palin or some other Republican who promises "Change" and a departure from the "Failed policies of President Obama" I am certain your opinion will change and you'll be 12 years closer to having a fully-formed brain which you can use to harbour conservative thought. Trust me this process happened to a lot of us.

Good luck and save as much as you can for retirement - seriously you'll need it.

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Thu, 11/06/2008 - 8:46pm.

It might be "fully developed," but how does it see the logic in

A. A president "Palin"


B. "Print out your post about how Obama and put it somewhere you can find it in 12 years."

Why would it leave us hanging, with this sentence, for 12 years? How Obama what???? How Obama............. Come on home slice. You don't want this sentence to dangle for twelve years do ya? Smiling


Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 6:55am.

We had 2 terms of George Bush who was a great President on national defense and a very poor President on economic and domestic issues - especially immigration. The Dems love to pepper every conversation with "The failed Bush policies" and I predict that after 2 terms of Obama we will see that he was probably strong on domestic issues but a failure on the economy, taxation and national defense at which point we will be citing "The failed Obama policies" i just hope a failure in the area of national defense doesn't get too many of us killed.

Then someone will come along and we will vote for "Change" and the pendulum will swing back the other way. I use Sarah Palin just to infuriate the JeffC's of the world who are frightened of strong conservative women. The Dems think women should stay on the plantation and they resent those that have wandered off and are successful. I think she was interesting, but doesn't really have the staying power to be on the national stage. No, it won't be her, but another boring white guy who will take over after Obama's second term. Probably someone who will know how to grow the economy so we can continue the outflow of funds to the 50% who don't pay taxes but for some reason are allowed to vote.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 1:11pm.

You've got me all wrong, for sure. Palin does not infuriate me in the least. She is the very role model for a shrinking Rep. Party. I'm counting on watching the intra-party war unfold with great anticipation. Have you seen the FOX piece?

FOX on Palin

Who do you think is leaking to FOX? Democrats?

Palin represents the anti-intellectual wing of the Party which is driving the ideas people out. Let's face it, for years the Party invited these people in and ignored them and now there are so many that they are taking over.

Check out John Judis's article:

The Democratic majority: It emerged!

The D's took all of the top 19 states with the highest educated people and Obama did 17% points better than Kerry with college educated whites.

The only frightening thing about Palin was the near total irresponsibility of her selection. I told y'all two days after her selection that she was going to be a disaster. What are you expecting now? That Huckabee will concede the evangelicals to her? That Mitt will think her towering intellect is too formidable to challenge?

She's the gift that keeps on giving! It's going to be terrific to watch.

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 8:07am.

You might notice that the arrows raining down on her like the climax of the film "300" are being drawn from conservatives' quivers.

"I use Sarah Palin just to infuriate the JeffC's of the world who are frightened of strong conservative women. The Dems think women should stay on the plantation and they resent those that have wandered off and are successful."

Robert, I think you have a very inaccurate view of "my side's" view of strong conservative women. Kay Bailey Hutchinson is a strong conservative woman. Olympia J. Snow is a strong conservative woman. Christine Todd Whitman is one of my favorite conservative women. Sarah Palin did not know Africa is a continent. She is not (yet) a strong conservative mind. She is more an ideal and idea.

As to the "resentment" for women "off of the plantation," come on, friend. What political fraction of which political party is most likely to say these things?

"A woman's place is in the home raising her family."

"It is not a woman's place to occupy the highest positions of leadership (read pastoral positions)"

"As budgets allow, families should have one working parent."

"The XX chromosome wears the pants."

That ain't us libs, and I believe you really know that.


JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Thu, 11/06/2008 - 4:44pm.

Robert's choice for leader of the free world after Obama didn't know Africa was a continent.

Fox's Carl Cameron and O'Reilly Discuss The Palin Farce

Submitted by Bonkers on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 1:04pm.

Just how accurate is it for the country?

2/3 of Fayette are Republican right wing.

They always vote that way here!

Is this a way to make the readers feel well?

Submitted by PTC32YEARS on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 1:11pm.

You can always pick a Blue state and move there. No one is making you stay here.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 2:08pm.

"You can always pick a Blue state and move there."

Nawwww, we'll stay here and help turn GA blue. Look at North's now a blue state and the wave is moving this way.

Plus, it's way too much fun pokin' sticks at you Repub's, so we're stickin' around.

MainframeComputerGuy's picture
Submitted by MainframeComputerGuy on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 9:41am.

(who works) think the country will be better off Socialist -- it's an abject failure (like Communism) everywhere it's been tried. Dark times ahead . . .

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 10:43am.

I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what you call an administration that partially nationalizes the banks, insurance companies and brokerage firms. There's a word for it. Help me out here.

Submitted by MYTMITE on Tue, 11/11/2008 - 12:08am.


Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Tue, 11/11/2008 - 6:13am.

I hadn't heard about Jamie Goerlick, but that really pushes the envelope. I'd rather have William Ayers.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 12:44pm.

I'll answer that; liberal Democrats masquerading as Republicans. Now, please pass on your stash of cash. I feel a need to rekindle the economy. Eye-wink
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 1:41pm.

The word for that is "denial".

Somebody want to try again? It starts with an "S".

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Mon, 11/10/2008 - 7:58pm.

As in naming Jamie Gorelik as Attoney General and John Kerry as Secretary of State.

Or maybe the "s" word is silly - you know, like immature, you know.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 11/11/2008 - 9:18am.

No Jamie Gorelik as Attorney General, although after eight years of Bush appointing incompetent cronies I can see how you'd expect that. And no John Kerry as Secretary of State. Biden won't want another power center like that so close to the President.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 11/11/2008 - 8:05pm.

I still think Obama (who is the only one we are talking about) will have to appoint some suck-up left-wingers to high office and Jamie and John seem likely. Maybe we could get a great American like Chuck Schumer or Henry Waxman to have a high profile role in Obama's administration as the "New face of America" How about State or Treasury?

What say you JeffC?

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 10:06am.

It's hard now to mention all those Bush appointees who did such a heck of a job but I'll try.

I think not Chuck Schumer nor Waxman; they're way too valuable in the Senate and House. Waxman will have his hands full investigating and exposing the misdeeds of the Bushies, not that that has anything to do with Obama.

For State maybe Ambassador Richard Holbrooke or (I like) Governor Kathleen Sebelius. Bill Richardson will fit somewhere.

For Treasury all the speculation is either Lawrence Summers or Timothy Geithner. Given the current crisis, if I had to pick between the two I'd go with Summers. On the other hand, his deficit hawk leanings may not suit him at this point in time.

Gov. Janet Napolitano as AG. I can't wait to throw out all these people from Pat Robinson Univ! Jamie Gorelick might fit there but I think her Fannie Mae connection and her support for Hillary might work against her.

For Homeland Security maybe Gov. Tom Kean or Sen. Chuck Hagel. Show some bipartisanship. If he's looking for more women I wouldn't rule out Rep. Jane Harman.

I'd be surprised if Colin Powell didn't get in somewhere.

I'd also be surprised if I was not surprised. I'm expecting some new people who are not well known.

ptctaxpayer's picture
Submitted by ptctaxpayer on Tue, 11/11/2008 - 11:20am.

In an effort to speed up the transition, CNN reports that Senator Obama will be making the following Cabinet appointments:

Secretary of Treasury: US Rep William Jefferson of Lousiana
(the guy with the cash in the freezer)

Attorney General: US Rep Alcee Hastings (impeached and removed as judge)

Secretary of the Interior: Al Gore (talks the talk on global warming but has been spanking the waterways of Tennessee with his family businesses)

Secretary of Defense: Cindy Sheehan (the camper outside Bush ranch)

Secretary of State: Andrew Young (he of “smart a%$ white boy” fame)

Ambassador to the UN: Gotta be Queen Latifah after that Gwen Ifill imitation

Press Secretary: Joe Izusu

Homeland Security: Bill Ayres

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 11/11/2008 - 12:26pm.

As the incompetent cronies they would be replacing.

Goodbye and Good Riddance

Submitted by boo boo on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 2:31pm.

Is it, ummmmmmm, drum roll, Conservative Socialist, or Socialist Conservative...

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 1:48pm.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 1:24pm.

them weren't liberal Democrats, them were just plain nitwits.

"I can't wait until tomorrow, because I get more lovable every day."

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 1:53pm.

That wasn't the crowd I voted for. Cool
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Submitted by Bonkers on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 11:49am.

He will eventually just tell you that Clinton and Carter set it up this way and that the repubs didn't have any choice but to taste a little SSSSSSSSSSSSSSo.....I can't say it!!!
They never noticed it for many, many years happening.

Submitted by Jarman on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 10:54pm.

The Hate Mantra of the RNC is getting so old! Why, are the few members that are left sooooooooo, obsessed with other people and their lives. A party that has a base that spews hate wants to transfer that hate, I don't think so. DEMS are too smart for that!!!

The stats say it just might be,the FACT that MOST Educated people have left the RNC for the DNC.
Hence the Palin following being the base!!

A hint might be to correct the ever shrinking Mantra of the HATE party, educate yourselves, spend less time inbreeding and study (if you find time to go to school) Civics, Critical Thinking and resolve to learn something about analytical analyzable text and dialog. Stop following the likes of a Palin

Think and then rethink and actual plan/idea study that plan/idea for validity and then act!

Submitted by Bonkers on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 1:14pm.

We are already half socialist, with the exception of crooked "bankers!"

Obama can't add much more in four years!

Submitted by Davids mom on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 10:13am.

Fortunately, the majority of citizens in our country are not as cynical as those who voted in this survey. Those who worked so diligently for his victory now have to put their shoulder to the plow and work hard to turn this country around. . .and from many comments on the blog, there are those who didn't vote for him who are willing to work with him in this effort. This is the American way!

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