Peachtree City Beware, It's Coming!

After a lengthy Discussion with Captsarcasm in Citizenbrians Blog concerning the upcoming Council vote on a FORCED single provider for Peachtree City I thought I should for my own piece of mind reinforce Citizenbrians plea and ask for those concerned about the potential risk to come forward and voice your disapproval. Some would argue that this is good for the City and it is as it gives the City another factor of your life to control.
I have already e-mailed the City Council and the Mayor from the PTC Website and while I was there I was able to look at an Agenda for the workshop for Nov.4 at 6:30pm that will cover this issue and a lot of other issues on the Council Agenda for the Nov.6th meeting. This issue starts on page 80 and I find a few things to be interesting that you all should be aware of:
1. No Opt Out Option – This means that if you want to opt out and not use the provider that the City is forcing on you, you can’t. I’m sure there the City will if you refuse the City will have you appear in court to force you. (captsarcasm says: just do it, he knows best)
2. Although this is not in the Agenda I read you need to realize that if you don’t pay your bill the City will cut your water off which is common practice in most cities that have these contracts, you see they tie this bill in with water and sewage so they will have a way to enforce this action on you. (captsarcasm says: just pay your bill, no excuses)
3. The company chosen by City Employees (CLM) which I will quote from the Agenda
say – (The company has adopted and has evidenced a uniquely customer-friendly business approach that is designed to minimize complaints and missed collections and maximize citizen satisfaction.) I have a few issues with that one mainly go to and check each and every company on the list, I find that CLM who When compared against the others is much smaller but has 10 times the complaints.(captsarcasm says: They haven’t went over their limit, the City knows best)
4. CLM says they will do such a good job with getting the recycle at the curb that we will not need the recycle center anymore. (captsarcasm: hasn’t commented on this but you can just imagine.)
Got your interest yet? when the complaints start coming into City Hall we will be taxed to pay for the new Garbage Complaint Department to be staffed regardless of what they say the calls will come. They forced us to do it they will hear every complaint from us.
Ladies and Gentlemen there will never be just one truck on our roads, one garbage truck never, one garbage company (if forced) yes. If a truck is going to leak it will leak the name on the side doesn’t stop that. REMEMBER CAPTSARCASM SAYS: we are stupid, we are not able to think for ourselves, we whine too much because we like our independence, because we do think because we are able to handle our own decisions. Now it’s up to you to stop this madness. E-Mail, Attend the meetings.

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Submitted by Coolhand Luke on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 9:07am.

You keep saying that CLM is smaller than all other companies in Atlanta. They are actually the largest residential hauler in Georgia and that is why the BBB takes that into account. Every other hauler you site is a landfill company with a few hauling companies too. But they are no where in size comparable to CLM and according to state websites CLM has been in business for over 20 years.

It is one thing to stay on point about your hatred for the franchise agreement but another to bash someone for no reason and unfounded truths.

Submitted by cantkeepmequite on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 1:46pm.

As stated in other areas you are not a good liar.1. you are not the largest hauler or residential provider in the state, that is very mis leading comment you are at best maybe the largest indepedently owned provider but are far from being the biggest, I got the numbers directly from the other companies who refer to you as a mom and pop operation, there's nothing wrong with that but to make these outlandish claims when people can pick up a phone, look on the internet is not very bright of you.2.You keep saying the same rhetoric about the other companies owning a landfill, well doesn't the fact that they own a landfill just prove that they have better resources than you to function as they have a place to dispose what they pick up whereas you have to pay!!!!!!!!!DUH. They are bigger and have more customers and own a landfill ?????????????????????? WE still do not want a contract or your company!!!!!!!!!!!
OH YEAH, smaller company with 70 complaints versus much larger companies with 6 and 7 complaints each, says volumes about your customer service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

secret squirrel's picture
Submitted by secret squirrel on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 7:19am.

It bothers them because they have nothing else to complain about which is astonishing given the current socio-economic climate. These are the same people who have no problem with getting their water or electricity from a single source. Or having their mail brought to them daily from a single source. Or having their laws enforced and emergencies responded by a single source. They don't complain that there's a single source providing municipal landscape recycling or that there's a single source providing municipal services like grass cutting, infrastructure repair and road maintenance.

These are people who have such a narrow view of their daily lives that they don't realize complaining about single-source contracted waste is truly making a mountain out of an imaginary mole hill.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 1:29pm.

I am one of those who complains about getting postal mail, electricity, etc from one provider that is a monopoly created and sanctioned by the government. It's very anti-capitalism and free market and results in waste and inefficiencies, much like the government itself tends to do with most anything it touches.

Monopolies are bad. Government created ones where no competition is even allowed are even worse.

Cost is not everything in the equation for that matter. I'd rather pay more and have the option to tell my trash provider "you're fired" than pay less and be stuck with no choices. Oh wait, I'd have the one choice that government approves of. This is such a Dem idea of "it's best for all" that it would be laughed out of PTC except there seem to be a lot of repubs these days who secretly desire the government telling them what to do or what choices they can or cannot have that like the concept.

Submitted by Spyglass on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 1:15pm.

Folks that make mountains out of molehills, that is.

Submitted by cantkeepmequite on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 12:55pm.

I ask this because the comparisons you make are really not revelant,I mean water and electricity does not come from the Government but they are a monopoly that is enforced by the Government through police force that if Deregulated like Natural Gas could benefit from the Free Market and price competition would ensue. As for as the Police, Fire these are services that like road repair and maintenance has always been paid for through the Tax Process, these people are Government Employees. I would also say to you that a Landscaper working for the Government on Government property is being paid for by the Tax Payer through the Tax Process.
I love how you supporters do this, the name calling and the whining and complaining accusations when you have no other arguments. Nothing you mentioned above is a reason for us to give the City more control over our daily lives, My goodness do you want the Government to make every single decision for you in your life? LET the Free Market work and prices will reflect competition, it has worked pretty good so far. NEXT

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 7:43am.

... but my primary objection centers around what I deem to be "empire building" on the part of city staff. The wear and tear on city streets by those additional trash trucks is minimal while the extra noise issue falls somewhere in the train whistle category. We already have considerable overhead on the city payroll that, in my humble opinion, needs to be trimed.

For those among us who see the need and act on the recycling issue, have really nothing to gain by the "single source" provider other than another city employee. One need look no further than the number of outside contractors that the city has hired over the last two years to do what once was done by city employees. The total number of city employees has not been reduced nor, has the payroll-only the actual city workload while the number of routine projects(grass cutting) keep being contracted.

Submitted by Spyglass on Mon, 11/03/2008 - 2:24pm.

I know of folks who take their trash and throw it into local dumpsters. Maybe this is the folks that really won't like this deal. Many communities nationwide have/make trash deals like this all the time, and the world hasn't ended.

You would think they are banning Co-Cola, or Sweet Tea.

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