PTC Garbage Provider Contract

The Mayor has once again trying to take away more of our freedoms of choice, at the Nov.6th Council meeting they will once again present to the Council a recommendation for a single provider for the citizens of PTC. I did and I invite you all to go to the Better Business web site @ and get the complaints against those companies wishing to get this contract. For the last 36 months CLM on Thursday had 67 complaints today CLM has 70 complaints, Allied has 7, All South Robertson has 6, Advanced Disposal has 3 plus at each site and Viola isn't listed (?) but guess which one they will recommend (just a lucky guess)from past record. I implore every one to e-mail the Mayor and Council or better attend the meeting and voice your objections. I for one would like to keep my freedom to make my own choices.

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Submitted by Coolhand Luke on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 9:03am.

You keep saying that CLM is smaller than all other companies in Atlanta. They are actually the largest residential hauler in Georgia and that is why the BBB takes that into account. Every other hauler you site is a landfill company with a few hauling companies too. But they are no where in size comparable to CLM and according to state websites CLM has been in business for over 20 years.

It is one thing to stay on point about your hatred for the franchise agreement but another to bash someone for no reason and unfounded truths.

Submitted by cantkeepmequite on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 1:51pm.

As stated in other areas you are not a good liar.1. you are not the largest hauler or residential provider in the state, that is very mis leading comment you are at best maybe the largest indepedently owned provider but are far from being the biggest, I got the numbers directly from the other companies who refer to you as a mom and pop operation, there's nothing wrong with that but to make these outlandish claims when people can pick up a phone, look on the internet is not very bright of you.2.You keep saying the same rhetoric about the other companies owning a landfill, well doesn't the fact that they own a landfill just prove that they have better resources than you to function as they have a place to dispose what they pick up whereas you have to pay!!!!!!!!!DUH. They are bigger and have more customers and own a landfill ?????????????????????? WE still do not want a contract or your company!!!!!!!!!!!
OH YEAH, smaller company with 70 complaints versus much larger companies with 6 and 7 complaints each, says volumes about your customer service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by PTC_factchecker on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 3:07am.


"The mayor is trying to take away your freedoms". Wow, you give this guy way too much credit.

Let's see - getting MORE SERVICE for LESS MONEY....for trash pickup? Sounds like picking my own provider is a "freedom" I can live without. Please do!

You folks really don't have much else to complain about, do ya? I'd say that the other cities throughout the state that have garbage franchises don't seem to be whining as much as you guys do.

You always have freedom - you can move Smiling

I guess we could just let them raise taxes to take care of the street wear and tear that five times as many trucks can put on the roads...but NO, don't take away my freedom to do whatever I want! Stupid, stupid, stupid...sometimes "freedom" has a cost. I'll happily let the City tell me what garbageman I can use.

Funny, when you move into certain neighborhoods, your HOA tells you what you can do and what you can't. And they also probably contract with a garbage collector. So why is the HOA doing it a good thing and the City doing it a bad thing? Because of who's in the mayor's office, that's why! I'm ready for a change - let's change out the fools that keep saying there's a great developer conspiracy out there just looking to hurt the "middle class".

You whine about $26 a year for an ice rink. You whine about a tennis center. You just whine. Privilege must allow for that, I guess.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 10:35am.

This whole thing started because Mr. Recycle couldn’t even get his own neighbors to use one provider. His HOA owns the streets in their neighborhood so they are responsible for the maintenance. He failed to get the city to assume the cost of maintenance, he couldn’t get his own neighbors to use one provider so he takes his argument to the only group of morons that can DIDCTATE his failed policy.

“I guess we could just let them raise taxes to take care of the street wear and tear that five times as many trucks can put on the roads...”

Do honestly think it will take a significantly less number of trucks to collect all of the trash in PTC then it already does? Do you honestly think a trash company will send a truck/crew here for less than a truckload of trash? If you answered yes to either of those questions you are wrong.

And you forgot the other ‘talking point’ about not having trash trucks coming several days a week. I guess you already know the answer to that one.

“Funny, when you move into certain neighborhoods, your HOA tells you what you can do and what you can't.”

They absolutely do, BEFORE you buy, not after. If you wanted to implement something like this for all NEW homebuyers I don't have a problem with that.

“And they also probably contract with a garbage collector. So why is the HOA doing it a good thing and the City doing it a bad thing?”

Because MOST HOA’s have a PREFERED provider not a MANDITORY provider.

Now let’s take this a little further. Why aren’t businesses being forced into these same agreements?

The answer is, IT’S ILLEGAL because it would force a corporation to cancel it’s existing contracts for the service they have. Look it up.

Now you can explain to me why we’re going to have to pay over $1,000,000 to move the recycling center if we can’t use it?

Why don’t you do some homework about the cities last attempt to do this?

A few years ago when PTC had preferred provider contracts with trash companies the city staff was inundated with complaint calls to the point that hiring additional staff was going to be needed. Great now we need to spend another $50,000/year for the trash complaint department. A great way to save taxpayer money.

Submitted by PTC_factchecker on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 11:11am.

Well....actually, if the contract has a termination clause, it can be broken with a penalty, I'm sure. Illegal? Not criminally, the cops will not come to the business and arrest them. Contract law doesn't work like that. You can be sued for breach of contract at worst. So not sure about that, but the proposal was for residential. The commercial components are more than likely (no, I don't know for sure) handled by a few providers and are not nearly as prevalent geographically as the residential sanitation.

I don't believe that the proposal is designed to eliminate the recycling center, as there are still things I'd assume you won't be able to stick in the recycling truck (like your computer, etc.). Nor will you be able to pick up mulch from the back of the truck, so I'm guessing that certain recyclable materials (NOT normal household trash and recyclables) will need to go somewhere. I would also assume that more citizens would participate in recycling if they could just put it out in a bucket by their house instead of having to wait until two days a week.

The city's last attempt was shang-haied by whiners who are honestly crying about something that costs less than $200 a year. The majority of citizens probably don't care. But the majority of citizens also don't post on this site, don't come to city council meetings, because it honestly doesn't matter to them - occasionally a competing voice to the naysayers of "City government is bad" should be heard.

So let's make it easy for everybody.

And the complaints in the preferred provider were because the preferred provider stunk, and had no reason to improve. Having a contract that CAN be cancelled (yes, it can) by the City if performance isn't up to snuff should be incentive.

Submitted by cantkeepmequite on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 8:45am.

Well Mr.Sarcasm who's payroll are you on? You sound like someone who is directly involved in said process! The free market will drive prices,competition between the companies has been pretty good so far. I would bet that whatever price you are going to get LOCKED into for however many years you sign everyone up for is not as good as can be gotten especially since the greater population DOES NOT WANT the EXTRA SERVICES (YOU) WANT, The way I see it is this gives the City just a little more power of the citizens to force them to pay for services they don't want because that is exactly what will happen I don't need them picking my provider, I don't want all the extra services that are being forced on me to pay for that I won't use just to give you more power over me and make you feel all fuzzy inside. OH and by the way the HOA can't turn my water off if I choose to go to another provider like the city will to inforce their will on me. Your SECOND WEAK POINT the amount of traffic on roads, well what are you going to do about every other service provider ie... Fed Ex, UPS, DHl and for your info while some providers go into every neighbor on average each sub has a single provider and Mr. I like government control who is going to pay the higher taxes on the people the city will have to hire to handle complaints and don't say the provider because calls will go to City after all they control the contract and provider. OH and what about the BBB complants from above which one do think we will get stuck with at such a great price???????? I will bet a dollar to a doughnut that on Nov.6th some really intelligent City Employee will stand up and say (I recommend CLM THEY"RE GREAT) and then with daily BBB complaints going up, I'll bet we'll get great service. So you go right ahead and support your big great government because we all know that government does everything so much better, we read about it everyday.

Submitted by PTC_factchecker on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 9:33am. your attention?

Please review the post above entitled "you must hate the free market". I'll wait.

OK, now that you've done that, let's extend that argument a little further. Why is it that in matters of public safety, we've GOT to have tons of them to keep us safe, but in a matter of sanitation, we MUST have free markets! Are they not important? What happens if I don't take out my trash? Well, let's see, disease, animals, lower property values....and how about recycling? If you don't want to do it, maybe the rest of us do, how about that?

I bet if we have competition for fire services and police services, we could save the taxpayers even more money! Let's bid out all government and see where we get!

At some point, government DOES do certain things "so much better", and in this case, I'd say sanitation is one thing they can do better. Some times, believe it or not, you probably don't know what's best for you.

Oh well, an argument I'm sure will fall on many deaf ears...

Submitted by cantkeepmequite on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 10:38am.

So now that your one and only argument for this action has been rebuked you resort to trying to scare people with the above tactics, OKAY history lesson.... Our Republic was founded on the belief of a small non-interfering government responsible for the basic needs of the citizens ie.. Infrastructure, Roads, Highways,Police, Fire just essentials I don't believe it is the responsbility of nor the intention of the founding fathers to have the Government to take care of us in our daily lives and believe it or not people are capable of taking care of themselves. Now you would have us believe that if the City doesn't pick a trash service for us then we will be over run with rodents and a new Black Plague will soon insue. Give it a break outside of the approaching Socialism that is slowly taking over this country you have no argument either factual or intelligent as to why the Government must force itself into yet another aspect of our daily lives. One more thing, you said earlier a HOA does the same by getting a contract the difference there is all the Home Owners get to vote on the acton. if the Mayor and council think so highly of this then lets end it for once and all and put it up for vote to the citizens to decide if this is what we need, OH THATS RIGHT WE ARE not smart enough to know what is good for us, stupid me I forgot.

Submitted by PTC_factchecker on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 11:22am. a time when slavery was okay.
...when the economy was almost entirely agricultural.
...when horses were the fastest way to get from point a to point b.
...when the population of the country was a little less than 3 million people.
...when neither women nor non-whites were allowed to vote.

Times change. Welfare includes health, and to me, where the garbage goes is just as important as a house catching on fire.

Health, Safety, Welfare.

Again, you're fighting to protect $200 a year THAT YOU ALREADY PAY.

If you want to vote on everything, move to Maine.

And on another note...the BBB complaint log? Let's actually look at the BBB website:

Based on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record


A business identified in our report as satisfactory has, based on BBB files, been in business for at least one year, and has voluntarily provided BBB with all information requested about the business and its product or service. If any complaints have been received about the business, their number has not been considered by BBB to be extreme, given the nature of the company's business and the volume of business transacted. Complaints are also generally typical of what might be expected for this type of business. A business stated to be satisfactory has not been the subject of any recent law enforcement actions concerning its dealings with the public. If the business has been contacted by BBB about its advertising or selling claims, it has modified or substantiated its practices to BBB's satisfaction. In addition, BBB has a clear understanding of the company's business, and the business is not in an industry which has raised significant marketplace concerns.

Of the complaints issued? From the BBB site:
Check it out for yourself if this is too hard to read

When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.

BBB processed a total of 70 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 70 complaints closed in 36 months, 34 were closed in the last year.

Contract Issues: 1 complaint, 1 resolved

Billing or Collection Issues: 7 complaints, 5 resolved, 2 administratively closed

Service Issues: 52 complaints, 44 resolved, 8 administratively closed

Customer Service Issues: 1 complaint, 1 resolved

Refund or exchange issues: 9 complaints, 6 resolved, 3 administratively closed.

$200 a year YOU ALREADY PAY FOR. Quit whining!!!

Submitted by cantkeepmequite on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 5:07pm.

Capt. you really must be a politician as demonstrated by your ability to confuse the issue with a bunch of useless dribble.
at a time when slavery was okay.
...when the economy was almost entirely agricultural.
...when horses were the fastest way to get from point a to point b.
...when the population of the country was a little less than 3 million people.
...when neither women nor non-whites were allowed to vote.
We base everything we do by the constitution and as long as we stay true to the concept the result will be A FREE SOCIETY.

Regardless of the breakdown of reasons on the BBB complaints PLEASE EXPLAIN to use dumb ones as you call us, wise one why CLM has 70 complaints in 36 months and the two other companies who are twice the size of CLM only has 6 for one and 7 for the other.
So you want to defend this company and their obvious poor customer service, unfourtunatly I have been educated on these companies because I have nothing better to do than protect myself from people like you who resort to name calling (stupid, dumb and unable to decide for myself)when you are trying to take yet another liberty from me no matter how small I will fight you, I like my freedom, I don't like big Government I don't like Socialism which by your tone and words you are readily excepting of.If you like this type of Government WHY DON"T YOU MOVE to Venazula, Russia or Cuba? I hear they will make all your decisions for you with no pesky free thinking, liberty loving people standing in your way. Your arguments are empty excuses to reach and end. People have fought and died so we can sit in our homes and decide what to eat, what to wear, where to go, WHAT COMPANIES WE WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH. Give up just one freedom and the rest will follow.
You contend that we all are whinng and we don't know what is good for us, We are incapable of making a rational decision. So by your own words to refuse to follow blindly and readily give up a portion of our rights to the Government some how makes us Stupid?
You are a great American, and I would bet I just called you a name you hate.
I will add that I found out that CLM is the company being recommended, Bet also that you already knew that, But others can go to the PTC web site and down load the PDF file for the agenda and go to page 80.
The proposal is wrong then on top of that the worst company they can find.

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