Fire Revolving Happily Together

cabbagehead's picture

Dear Skippy, N-Da-know, & CMC how are these Blogs affecting our ISO rating? How many points can we get for each blog? Maybe we should all get involved with the flogging and blogging. We all know that the ISO is the most important thing in the world. The people are not important. By the people I mean the employees. Morale is nothing in the world of ISO. There are no points for morale or happiness. Be advised I would appreciate any input from captain caveat. How many batteries does a caveat use in one shift? It would be SUPER if we could all jump like beans and rest our weary. We cannot all be trained killers and SUPER real estate gurus. No matter what happens with the ISO lets all keep our chimneys swept and inspected annually if not bi-annually. Any insight into the “pumpkin policy” would be valued significantly. This ISO ordeal is a “fruitless pursuit of an undomesticated water fowl”, feel free to use this quote. Well “boys and girls” your help is needed. They only did this because we were home.

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pumpkinhead's picture
Submitted by pumpkinhead on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 7:12pm.

Look Cabbagehead no one pays attention to the ISO. It is another scam close to the one the National Registry has running. You, the other fat firefighters along with the Susie Home Makers disgust me. If a Paramedic only wanted to ride the engine would that be okay. No, he would be forced to partake in the ambulance activities of the department. I must agree with your boss, morale is YALLs problem. I would like to see more knee jerk reactions from everyone at the fire department. From what I understand Cabbage head and others overlook qualified firefighters and hire less qualified people. What is going to be done about the morale, hiring and officers who cannot lead?

Submitted by skippy875 on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 7:08pm.

That was very entertaining, if we could all just laugh at ourselves, the world would be a better place!!!! Have you seen my gerbil, I lost him!!!!!!!

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