Write In Votes

Git Real's picture

Did the civic duty thang this past week as I held my nose and cast my vote to select our next Socialist Presidential Candiate. Glad that's over. We get to see who follows our first elected socialist president ever.

Anyways.... Got to write in Nicole File for school board. That felt good.

Wrote in Git Real for District Attorney. Hope you guys didn't forget about that important write in candidacy. I humbly ask for your vote to replace our current DA in an attempt to make Fayette County the county you never want to get caught committing a felony crime in.

And I had the tremendous honor of writing in Mickey Mouse to replace Lynn Westmoreland. (One of Bush's chief architects and supporters of our socialist take-over of our financial and banking industries)

So folks.... git to the polls and vote. This is an important election.

Well, I suppose this posting will earn me some more threatening e-mails from TeaserCat60 threatening my family and naming them as this sick prick continues to routinely stalk me. This always happens when I voice opposition to Scott Ballard being our district attorney.

Best to everyone.


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The Wedge's picture
Submitted by The Wedge on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 7:50pm.

According to the Vote record that I referenced, Westmoreland voted against the bailout measure both times. If that is a correct statement, then how would Westmoreland be a chief architect?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 8:41pm.

Here you go Mister Wedge... Click below to see Git stand corrected.

Westmoreland Got This One Right

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 9:02pm.

we have to start at the ground and go up...Take back our schools, etc...work from what hurts our most helpless, and move up

I feel we can not do anything higher till we help our children. I do not blame the taxpayer, they are so busy working, trying to make ends meet. They have been totatly taken advantage of, by trusting in the people elected to take care of them. It isn't their fault. It is time to clean house.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 1:13am.

I voted Nicole for post 1. It is a monumental task running as a write in and I respect her for it. I truly hope she wins.

I too visited Disney in the voting booth. I voted Donald Duck as write in against Smith!

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 11:17pm.

we've missed your comments. Check in more often Smiling

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 7:37am.

I miss being on here too. I'm taking a break. Tired of discussing issues with neither willing to accept the flaws of their candidates or political belief systems.

I might as well stick my head in a 5 gallon pail and debate the back side of my head.

We need to be aware that this time we just might truly get the government we desire and deserve. I'm just not so sure that is a good thing. We're going to give up way to much thinking these guys are going to 'fix' things for us. They're going to 'fix' things alright.... and quite frankly..... we'd be better off with with another lame duck administration over letting one party rule as is a great possiblity. Our Republic is in extreme danger and I'm not so sure if we can recover. I truly feel like we have endangered the opportunities and freedoms you and I grew up with and our children will suffer tremendously as a result.

Today, instead of leaning on our own initives we have traded opportunity for some sort of so-called security. So instead of being able to earn, forage and build we will all become dependent on whatever crap our government doles out to us. And to disagree with our upcoming system will most definetly place your future and existence in dire jeopardy. So... do I shut up or do I speak and face the wrath and consequences of those that have succumbed to the church of big gumament? Look at the abuses of government against folks now, even in this election and try to convince me otherwise.

Hell no I'm happy.... 19 different families including mine face some extreme and perhaps fatal business times as a result of all of these plans to go after those who are perceived as successful. Many of my folks are 6-digit beneficiaries of my business and the fact is they will never experience the same opportunities they have now as a result of our gumament trying to drag and dumb down everyone to a "fair" level.

And what the hell do they do? They throw nearly a trillion dollars propping up corrupt and flawed business plans that are hugely a result of bi-partisan social engineering programs and policies that have been heaped upon our financial institutions and businesses. And now we've created a business environment where success is defined by how much you can get the gumament to inject into your industry sector. And that greatly depends on how much you inject back into their pockets. This guy doesn't play....so how long do you think I'll last?

I'd like to say these have been interesting times in both recent years and in the direction we are heading... but I see very little in which to be joyful about. We are trading our future and our financial success away for some perceived 'security' promised by those who stand to gain tremendously by garnishing power. And the funny thing is that those who fight, support and defend these clowns the most are the ones that will suffer the most.

So Main... I have accepted the fact that the people I once supported are hugely corrupted and self serving. It benefits me and my family 'not' to support the otherside. So again... with both of these parties afraid of freedom, the capabilites of the individual, smaller gumament and the fact that they are both embracing socialism in such a huge manner; Who am I to fight and argue for?

I can appreciate something Jeff C said a short time back when he said the conservatives are endangered and out of influence to paraphrase. I agree with him 100% on that. The odd thing is that the Republicans you despise so much have become so much like you. And they are migrating to you positions at an escalating pace. Perhaps instead of fighting them.... you should embrace them.

Anyways...no spell check or proof reading. Gotta roll and enjoy this beautiful day and make the best of my newly found middle aged crisis. LOL! The outdoors is calling me.

Thanks for saying hey and the best to you and your family.


The Crime Dog's picture
Submitted by The Crime Dog on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 3:27pm.

Tired of discussing issues with neither willing to accept the flaws of their candidates or political belief systems.

I agree. If you bother to point out one candidate's fallacy, you're practically accused of hate crimes by *some* lowlifes on this site.

If I didn't have 2 kids I care too much about ... I'd say we should make a go at forming a real third party. Honestly all those politicians are responsible for the $700 billion handout. If that ain't socialism, I'll eat my hat!!!

I'm MAD AS HELL and quite honestly I'm surprised there hasn't been a massive uprising against the gov-morons.

Why in the hell can't these corporate weasels be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law? Why doesn't anyone seem to care?

I guess my party would be the "Sick and Damm Tired of It" party. Care to join?

I can't write you in for DA because Scotty's tough on gangs but would you please accept my nomination for the BOE post 1 seat???


Crime Dog

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 12:21pm.

It's hard to imagine now in the midst of the election with all the “Obama is a socialist” talk but the fact is that most of the Democratic candidates who may take Republican seats in the House are true fiscal conservatives.

Look at Walt Minnick in Idaho, Ethan Berkowitz in Alaska, David Boswell in Kentucky, Glenn Nye in Virginia. Col Charlie Brown in California and Bobby Bright (mayor of Montgomery) in Alabama among others. These here are some true fiscal conservatives.

And it's not surprising either. They're getting elected in red districts. The Republican Party is divided into three wings: fiscal conservatives, national security advocates and the "Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs" wing which Palin will rally and champion in the coming Party breakup. Democrats aren't going to win against the Palin wing Republicans. For a Democrat to win against an incumbent Republican in a very red district it's more than likely that the race revolves around fiscal issues.

Consider yourself in this very red district. If there was a scenario in which you would vote for a Democrat what other than his fiscal conservatism could possibly win your support?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 1:46pm.

I'd like to find some hope in what your claim regarding some fiscal conservatives in your party. Few as they may be the reality is that they are superiorily overwhelmed by the socialist crack-pots that dominate your party. You see... those guys you speak of are about as rare and ineffective as the few that remain on the right side of the aisle.

But thanks for trying to cheer me up buddy. It's the thought that counts. LOL.

Submitted by swac on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 6:55pm.

I don't want a fiscal conservative or a spend and tax liberal or a spend and borrow Bushie. I want a fiscal PRAGMATIST. We have seen what happens when political policy trumps fiscal policy.
We need pragmatism not idealism.
From what I have heard Obama is open to new ideas. All McCain offers is lower taxes but nothing on paying our debt.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 2:41pm.

This is America after all, and we are the greatest country to ever exist. We have freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and we are a democratic republic. Let's get going and work together, regardless of whose friends get the good jobs.

"I can't wait until tomorrow, because I get more lovable every day."

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 1:07pm.

How would those named as fiscal conservatives Democrates get along with the likes of Congresswoman Maxine Waters? You remember, the one that said the "S" word.

Maxine Waters at her best
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 1:18pm.

I expect and look forward to a low intensity war. Party unity is less of an issue when one party has a large majority. Both parties are changing.

Who was it that Cheney told to go **** themselves? That was entertaining too and I've lost the reference.

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 11:01am.

I will echo Main and say it is good to see you here and read your comments. I have been absent a good deal here myself and also welcome the end of this particular election season. I fully realize that, no matter the outcome, our chances of being free of continued recriminations are slim. I hope to address some of that in a future blog post.

I have said all along that it is time for us, as a people, to readdress how we vote and how we choose our leaders. We have the choice now between two candidates who, while clearly representing different segments of the electorate, are definitely polarizing figures. THAT is not the way we need to be going as a nation. Hopefully we all will wake up soon and realize that we are on the verge of losing what we cherish most as a people...if we haven't lost it already.

I look forward to future discussions with those who are still searching for something different than "politics as usual". Keep the faith.

Submitted by Bonkers on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 8:33am.

I perceive that you have been damaged in some way by what has occurred during the last few years. Although you8 aren't very specific, I detect that you think maybe the fault lies in what is yet to come and not the federal management of the last eight years! Also, maybe the non-regulated Wall Street and Banking fellows would have done better by you if the government had stayed out of it.

Anyway one looks at the mess we have however is not the fault of Washington laws, but of the individuals and corporations who took advantage of such bad laws. I assume that we are talking here primarily about the economy and not our war mistakes nor our national debt?

The Trillions we are now investing (donating, in my opinion) to banks instead of locally, is just a further means to raise the national debt and will not resolve the economic problems for people--for some moneyed interest, maybe.

The fault lies here: Investing a trillion dollars already, plus the future of who knows how much, into an unnecessary war in Iraq; and, borrowing up up eleven trillion dollars to prop up a false economy (people making far more money than they earn and too many of them); and allowing personal debt to reach about a year's worth of work for them---beyond their home---which is also mortgaged at about 120%! Huge banking mistake--betting on the "come" for ever, and ever.
Three cars and a chicken in every restaurant pot, the norm.

It is now a terrible mistake to provide the tax money (Chinese loans really) to Banks to loan to us and business (who pay little actual net tax anyway) trying to regenerate our same economy---which is a dead one now. Need a new approach---change is the word, I think.

Our country will not operate for long on the theory that more intelligent and devious people are allowed to become filthy rich without working for it or having new ideas, other than paperwork ones, that make actual progress with a real value.

You are correct that there is little actual difference in the democrats and the republicans, although some do continue to espouse the old philosophies verbally, but not in actuality--you know---like voting against the Trillion donation one day and for it in two days?

We won't turn completely to a Socialistic society in the USA, but there are a few more things, other than the Army, the roads, the dams, the schools, the poor, and bank bail-outs, that must also be done. They are: Our national debt; our health system; our retirement system; and our education system--which is rapidly failing.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 8:44am.

Hey Buddy,

I perceive that you have been damaged in some way by what has occurred during the last few years. Although you8 aren't very specific, I detect that you think maybe the fault lies in what is yet to come and not the federal management of the last eight years! Also, maybe the non-regulated Wall Street and Banking fellows would have done better by you if the government had stayed out of it.

Nope... you've got me all wrong. And for you to narrow the scope down to Bush and the last 8 years is ridiculous and shallow.

I agree with you from time to time guy.... You just need some adjustments made to your thinking. You should let me lift your hood and make a few adjustments up there and I'll git you fixed up just right. Eye-wink Just messing with ya. Have a great day.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 8:14am.

it has been awhile. I missed your writings, really I did. It has been said that one can even miss the sound of a sawmill. These are troubling times for just about everyone, and the only thing that I think will pull us out of this hole is a good dose of real common sense, not the politically hijacked variety: fiscal responsibility, the rewarding of work ethic, an end to the current system of social and corporate welfare, realizing that we are not the world's police department, and taking care (and now restoration) of the rights and freedoms that make America a great nation and a great society. In short, R E S P E C T for America and Americans.

"I can't wait until tomorrow, because I get more lovable every day."

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