Like, Socialism...

sniffles5's picture

Interesting read in the New Yorker this morning: LIKE, SOCIALISM which chronicles the current attempts of the McCain Bigot Brigade to paint Obama as a "socialist".

"Sometimes, when a political campaign has run out of ideas and senses that the prize is slipping through its fingers, it rolls up a sleeve and plunges an arm, shoulder deep, right down to the bottom of the barrel. The problem for John McCain, Sarah Palin, and the Republican Party is that the bottom was scraped clean long before it dropped out. Back when the polls were nip and tuck and the leaves had not yet begun to turn, Barack Obama had already been accused of betraying the troops, wanting to teach kindergartners all about sex, favoring infanticide, and being a friend of terrorists and terrorism. What was left? The anticlimactic answer came as the long Presidential march of 2008 staggered toward its final week: Senator Obama is a socialist."

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JAFO 72's picture
Submitted by JAFO 72 on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 4:25pm.

So, you're saying that if I support Senator McCain for POTUS that I am a bigot? Nice rhetoric sniff. Perhaps I can come over to your side, and call people names that I disagree with. Can I start with...
Obamacrats = Zombies

Speaking of candidates and bigotry, didn't Obama write in one of his books, "White peoples greed runs a world in need"?

"Hey kettle, you're black.", said the pot.

“Every time you vote Democrat God kills a kitten.”

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 10:09am.

The Barack Obama reignites fears of socialism

"In the 2001 discussion on with Chicago Public Radio, Mr Obama, then an obscure state senator and university law lecturer, was speaking about the US Supreme Court and noted that its history meant that "I'm not optimistic about bringing about major redistributive change through the courts".

Although his remarks were heavily analytical and academic, he spoke warmly of the notion of redistributing wealth, suggesting that there were other vehicles that the courts to achieve it."

Mr Obama said: "One of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organising and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that."

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 10:34am.

In the 1980s, the CIA put out a document distributed in third world countries about how repetition is the key to success in less-developed cultures. I understand how you and your fellow travellers are attempting to influence the public with your constant "He's a SOCIALIST!!' remarks, but you shouldn't be surprised that your bleatings fall largely upon deaf ears.

Your post is an admirable attempt to twist Obama's words (and I realize you got them straight from Drudge, btw).

What Obama is talking about is how the Civil Rights movement got lazy and lost focus beginning in the 1970s and began to rely upon the court system to do their heavy lifting for them.

He was specifically referring to Jesse Jackson's stupid drive for slavery reparations, stating that if Jesse and the gang felt so strongly about reparations, they should have organized and pushed for legislation instead of demanding the courts do their work for them. The "suffering" he was referring to was a lack of organization, not redistributive change.

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 11:36am.

How can I twist words from a direct quote, Sniffles.

He is speaking about his desire to bring about. Here it is again -

Mr Obama said: "One of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organising and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that."

He is talking about effective ways that "Community Organizers" like himself can bring about "redistributive change"

Now, we know that you obamabots have been hypmotized by his rhetoric and eloquent speaking, but for cryin out loud, the guy is nothing but a SOCIALIST!!. He wants to try someting in America that has failed in other countries. He is not about change. He only wants power over the individual.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Tue, 10/28/2008 - 6:16am.

I appreciate that you are still tackling the libs on this website with facts, but you are casting the proverbial Pearls before the swine, when you attempt to get them to concede the truth about Barack Obama being a socialist.

His associations written by himself in his book, (or written by Ayers) regarding avowed Marxists mentors he praised like Davis. Or Black Marxism cloaked in religion, like Wright, or his own comments in 2001 and more recently to Joe the plumber should scare the American Electorate to death, it does me. But, apparently the American Electorate has finally learned that when almost half pay no taxes, and that all they need to do is vote for a Socialist to get the wealth from hard working people redistributed to them, then I fear for the health of our country.

Pearls before Swines Fred, then again, its more like Welfare checks before the ignorant masses.

America should be careful what they ask for, because that's exactly what they are going to get.

Many American men and women sacrificed so much, including their lives in giving us a Country predicated upon the Rule of Law, i.e. the Constitution (you know that fundamentally flawed document) enveloped in a Democratic Republic, and based upon a Free Market Capitalistic society.

On Tuesday, America will have shown those lives to have been given in vain, when we move to a country based upon mob rule, i.e. Majority vote, with little regard for the Constitution, (activists judges) and an economy that is rooted in fascist styled governmental controls that attempt to manipulate basic economic principles to promote the left leaning agendas of those in power, i.e. sub-prime, affirmative action mortgages, wealth redistribution, (reparations cloaked in legal ease).

Barack Obama is about Change, its just that the kind of Change he is really attempting to make can be found in the writings of socialists who have always hated America's entrepreneurial spirit of individual rights and liberties. Personal economic security is now more important that personal liberties and freedoms given to us by our Constitution. The bread and cheese lines in Russia were long, but at least they got free food.

Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Adam, will be rolling over in their white racist graves next week.

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