Joe The Plumber

First, Joe didn't have a chance of buying the plumbing business where he worked--at least so said the owner! Joe told Obama that he was planning to buy it, and his taxes would go up under Obama.
Secondly, Joe didn't have any cash to buy much of anything, he had not even paid his property taxes for the year!

Facts are that Obama doesn't plan to raise anyone's taxes who make under $250,000 per year, just those who make more than that (resending the Bush tax break he gave those high-earners earlier).

It is beyond my comprehension just what McCain means when he says that Obama wants to raise the taxes of those people in the crowd watching him, and on TV, when maybe 2% of them make over $250,000!

That insults my intelligence, and I plan to vote for John!

I hope we aren't trying to put another W. Bush in power!

I guess he means that corporations furnish jobs when they don't pay high taxes, but why doesn't he say THAT?

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meanoldconservatives's picture
Submitted by meanoldconservatives on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 4:47pm.

If you make less than $250,000 Barry isn't going to raise your taxes!!! He is going to give you a tax cut!!!! I mean, who could turn their back on a promise like that?? goes a little deeper than that. According to the Tax Policy Center, if you make between $69,490.01 and $117,535.00, for example, here is the difference:

Chairman MaO-Bama will cut your taxes $755.

McCain will cut your taxes $3,110.

Those aren't my numbers. They were in the good ole liberal AJC on Oct. 5th. Now, unless you could use that extra $2,355 yourself ole Barry has already designated some worthy recipients who don't even pay income tax now. Your choice.....

Submitted by Bonkers on Fri, 10/24/2008 - 3:14am.

Well, you may be right. They are both lying. Not lying but misleading.

Fact is, either one will have to stop spending over the income, or raise the income. Otherwise no other country can deal with us and the recession will continue.

Congress will thrash any bill around to death anyway.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 3:43pm.

(resending the Bush tax break he gave those high-earners earlier). What do you mean resending? You spell like a cheerleader.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Submitted by Bonkers on Fri, 10/24/2008 - 3:09am.

Somewhat better than the average cheerleader, I think, but an error nevertheless! Thank you! I got lazy.

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 3:38pm.

"It is beyond my comprehension just what McCain means when he says that Obama wants to raise the taxes of those people in the crowd watching him, and on TV, when maybe 2% of them make over $250,000!"

That doesn't suprise me, Bonkers, given the level of intelligence that you have displayed.

How many employees do those 2% "individuals" employ? Did it ever occur to you that those employers will offset the obama tax increase by either a)firing people or b)raising prices.

Either one is going to have a negative impact on our economy. Not to mention the large corporations that oblama plans on increasing corporate taxes on. These corporations will merely raise their prices (defacto taxes on Americans) or fire people, raising unemployment.

People that believe the garbage that obama spews just don't have the brains to grasp this simple concept.

I've got an idea, why doesn't barack reduce taxes for the 50 percent of us that DO pay taxes at a higher rate instead of giving the 45% that don't pay taxes a welfare check?

Submitted by lion on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 5:54pm.

Barack Obama will win the Presidential election. All the polls show this. And I am optimistic that this time the polls are correct.

Obama may even carry Georgia. The latest Rasmussen poll shows McCain's lead in Georgia shrinking to 5%.

So now is time for all good Georgians to step up and vote for Obama and progress.

This is the time for Georgia to show class and be part of the American movement into the 21st Century and progressive programs for all Americans.

This is not a time to find Georgia in line with Alabama, Mississippi, or South Carolina. These are strong McCain states and they unfortunately represent an ugly history of racism in America. It is time for Georgia to put that prejudice and division in the past.

2008 is an opportunity for Georgia to look forward and not to the past.

Vote for Obama.

meanoldconservatives's picture
Submitted by meanoldconservatives on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 6:33pm.

progressive programs for all Americans?????????

Oh, those "progressive" programs aren't for "all Americans". Unless you want to say taking from some and giving it to others means "all" were involved....

These are strong McCain states and they unfortunately represent an ugly history of racism in America. It is time for Georgia to put that prejudice and division in the past. 2008 is an opportunity for Georgia to look forward and not to the past.

So, you're saying Barry winning Georgia would close the book on that ugly history once and for all??? It would "put that prejudice and division in the past"???? We could all finally "look forward and not to the past"???

That would be the one good thing I could think of coming out of him winning. But, there are too many people wanting to hold onto that for various reasons. That might affect it, but not for long. IMHO

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 5:58pm.

Only self-hating, anti-Americans will vote for Obama.

Obama only wants power over individuals. That is all. He and his wife hate America.

hersheybear88's picture
Submitted by hersheybear88 on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 8:56pm.

A lesson in history for everyone.Smiling

Listen to We shall overcome

Please don't stop Martin Luther King dream. That's my dream also.

I did what the video suggested I have it in written form also.

I thought this is a great lesson some of us forgot.

Submitted by lion on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 6:45pm.

I hope that you do not represent all that is left of the GOP: ignorant and full of hate.

To say that over 50% of American citizens are "anti-American" is just stupid and divisive in a very ugly way.

And to state that Barack and Michelle Obama hate America is so irrational that it defies a serious response from any patriotic American.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 7:00pm.

He does not represent all that is left of the GOP. He represents the currently ascendant half. After the election the party will devolve into recriminations. Pull for the real conservatives. There aren't many but they've got the brains, ideas and should end up with the power.

It's gonna be fun to watch.

meanoldconservatives's picture
Submitted by meanoldconservatives on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 6:56pm.

I hope that you do not represent all that is left of the GOP: ignorant and full of hate.

Hey say that ignorance and hatred is all that is left of the GOP is in your own words, "stupid and divisive in a very ugly way".

Ya feel me?????

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 9:49pm.

I feel your pain!

(I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.)

meanoldconservatives's picture
Submitted by meanoldconservatives on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 10:30pm.


It is painful....

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 6:20pm.

We're having a blogger get together on Saturday morning at 9 a.m. at the Starbucks in PTC where the old Fuddruckers used to be.

I invite you attend and tell me to my face that I am an "anti-American". We can have some fun.

Submitted by Bonkers on Fri, 10/24/2008 - 3:18am.

Yeah, knew it would come to this!

Submitted by MYTMITE on Fri, 10/24/2008 - 10:09am.

You know in your heart of hearts you want to be there. Not lurking and taking notes, but to be an active participating member. Come on admit it--if Bonkers doesn't want to come let Sage or one of the other guys come-he can always report back to the other selves or better yet bring them all--the more the merrier. By the way, which one of you votes in elections--does one decide, do you take a vote, or do you go in that booth over and over? Just you and your other selves could decide an election. Think of that power!!!

Submitted by Bonkers on Fri, 10/24/2008 - 10:31am.

Who are others?
Some I think aren't guys!

Anyway, I hear dollaradayandfound and sage and d.smith, do take turns researching for their books on these events! Such as they are!

That is until some started making real threats to do others harm for their blogging---at the coffee.

Don't go. The ones I mentioned are unknown so they may show up, I suppose---I don't know them!

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 10/24/2008 - 10:56am.

If these people sound like nice people then go.

If they don't sound like nice people with all of their threats and name calling, then don't go.

If you do go and lurk, let us know how many people they call racist and other pleasant names to their face.

PS: bring a first aid kit.

hersheybear88's picture
Submitted by hersheybear88 on Sat, 10/25/2008 - 12:31am.

That was a good advice to Bonkers.Smiling

As for myself I don't have time to lurk. I have too many things to do.

If I were to go I would meet them.

I did go to one just as you did. I did meet some fine people.

It's hard to find the time to go when my list of to do's are full.

Hope they have a great time. Maybe Bonkers will let us know.

Have a nice weekend.

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 6:53pm.

but I must go slave away for massa'. Hopefully someone videotapes what is sure to be our most stalked by lurkers coffee.


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