The Coming Economic Pandemic

DarthDubious's picture

Touted by the one worlders as the natural evolution of humanity, a world without borders is a world with no economic safety net. Previously, when one or more countries fell under sway of serious economic recessions or depressions, borders tended to confine the damage. With today’s retrenchment and redistribution of industry, no safety net is possible. When any significant country catches a cold, the rest of the world will sneeze. God forbid a fatal economic disease should rise up anywhere.

Fact is, however, that fatal disease already exists and has swept the globe. It is called fiat money. Simply put, fiat money is any money, the value of which changes based upon actions of the government responsible for it, not due to economic underpinnings. The American dollar is the perfect example, with our government running the printing presses nonstop, just to keep the doors open.

Unlike what many people call “real money,” such as gold and silver, all down through history fiat money always has been watered, diluted and abused by its issuing government, until it soared into hyperinflation and became worthless. In times past, even real money was weakened as the result of people and government shaving off the edges, leading to the grooved edges which now are minted into coins to discourage shaving.

There are only limited quantities of gold and silver available and only limited amounts that can be mined each year, with each year seeing decreasing quantities of ore hauled from less productive mines all the time. The rarity of precious metals is what keeps them from being abused when used in commerce. That is why governments hate to use gold and silver as money. They cannot steal from the population through inflation merely by printing more.

Those of a more conspiratorial bent of mind believe the current decline in the value of all fiat currencies throughout the world is intentional. How better to implement a single currency for use throughout the world than by making all currencies fail at once? And governments get a huge bonanza in the process by paying off their debts with ever-more-worthless currencies that they simply print for pennies on the dollar. How better to pave the way for a single world central bank? Of course, those of us without printing presses get left holding the bag, as always.

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