Tired of the Smola's

frustrated taxpayer's picture

I am new to the blogosphere, but I have been reading about the Smola's and the sign ambush is pretty much the most ridiculously childish thing I have ever seen. Utterly classless behavior, and she is an elected official? He is a former elected official?
Why does this woman want to serve another term on the school board? It can't pay very much. Other than McIntosh and Starr's Mill all the other high schools aren't doing as well on test scores so obviously she isn't interested in education. A truly engaged school board would be thinking of how to raise all the standards througout the system. Is there someone looking at ways to help the other schools succeed? What makes the taxpayers of this county think that the school board is going to get any better if they keep re-electing the likes of Janet Smola and Terri Smith?
Vote Nicole File as a write in for Post 1

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Submitted by hi grover on Sat, 10/11/2008 - 8:53pm.

Was this a typical date for them?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Sat, 10/11/2008 - 6:39pm.

Just kidding dude.
You are correct the Smolas have really worn out their welcome and will hopefully go away after she gets her butt kicked out by a write-in - can you imagine how embarrassing that would be?

Welcome. Hang in there and tolerate those of us that act a little bit nutty.

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