HT solve our current problems

What is needed: Borrow more for our infrastructure; Borrow more for Social Security; Borrow more for the Health Care of the Boomers. Cost? It doesn't matter.

Buy: All transportation Industries; take over all public schools; Nationalize the Energy Industry; Run and maintain the highways with tolls; Nationalize all Waterworks; Hire an all mercenary Army.

Subsidize: All food processing and sell much of it to the world.

Changes Needed: Eliminate Computer Trading of Stocks at the Market; Simplify all Federal and State taxes with no deductions; One term for Politicians--5, 8, and 4 years; Elect Supreme Court with 4 republicans and 4 democrats and on more by the court.

Long Range: Complete our ability to destroy and attacker--let the rest fight among themselves; Several mass projects at the same time to---Use ocean water, new energy source, find way to detect cancer and heart problems early and treat; insert a chip into everyone that is tracked by satellite (removal poisons the subject) and then have open borders.

Do away with money (printed).

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Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 7:40am.

I'm afraid neither of the current candidates has the vision, nor will they have the power, and the people behind them, to pull off even one or two of your suggestions!

Them whats got health care ain't worried too much about them what ain't got it. They don't want to hep pay fer it.
About 25% of folks ain't got no pension ceptin siciable secure when they git olden--thet is jist the way it goes wif capitalism! Can't all make it good. Onlley 75% can git thet much ahead!

Ifn we hire mercerinaries to fite the ground wars fer usn, then whut will we do wif all them soldieres whut come home lookin fer a job?

And, I say let the darn bridges fall--we will ford the creeks and rivers lak we used to! Ferries is a good business you know---jist look at the ferry raods and sich in Atlanta? Used to ferry cross the Chatttahoochie Koochie.

I do think more trains would hep, Ge them darn truck ofn the road.

And I'll tell you right now---I ain;t drinking no ocean water! Ever see how many fools bath in it? Whales poop in it! WoW!


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