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HT solve our current problemsWhat is needed: Borrow more for our infrastructure; Borrow more for Social Security; Borrow more for the Health Care of the Boomers. Cost? It doesn't matter. Buy: All transportation Industries; take over all public schools; Nationalize the Energy Industry; Run and maintain the highways with tolls; Nationalize all Waterworks; Hire an all mercenary Army. Subsidize: All food processing and sell much of it to the world. Changes Needed: Eliminate Computer Trading of Stocks at the Market; Simplify all Federal and State taxes with no deductions; One term for Politicians--5, 8, and 4 years; Elect Supreme Court with 4 republicans and 4 democrats and on more by the court. Long Range: Complete our ability to destroy and attacker--let the rest fight among themselves; Several mass projects at the same time to---Use ocean water, new energy source, find way to detect cancer and heart problems early and treat; insert a chip into everyone that is tracked by satellite (removal poisons the subject) and then have open borders. Do away with money (printed). Nitpickers's blog | login to post comments |