The Age of Greed is Finally Over

The collapse of the national financial system has killed Americans ability to get credit. But the after effects will be with us for a long time. Plastic money, nothing down loans, and purchases. Our reckless and absurd economy that was based on consumption instead of production and backed by government assistance and promotion had its beginnings in 1964 with Pres. Lyndon Johnson’s gun and butter administration, lasted for 44 years and ended with Pres. George W. Bush’s guns and butter spending from 2000-2008. In between, the American people were rotted out with incredible greed. Now all who are born today must pay for the excesses. Destruction of marriage and the family, high crime, a society of dope heads, inflationous destruction of the value of the dollar, a failed court system, and gluttonous eating are some of the results. The average young woman’s weight in the 1960 was 115-120 lbs. Today, women are monstrous pig-a-roasters over 200 lbs, larger than the average high school football linemen of the 1950’s. Ditto for the men too. Historians will still be writing about the age of greed 50 years from now. In 2008 the beginning of a new era started. Where it will take us no one knows. Will the brain dead voters really elect Osama Obama und Biden to prolong the depression? The Shadow Knows.

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