Republican Grammar

I thought I knew what double-speak was until today.
A considerable number of republican congressional representatives just this week voted no on the bail-out bill, saying it was socialistic and way too much money.

Today the all got up in the pre-vote debate and said no, they weren't wrong earlier this week, but they were changing their vote today since another $150,000,000,000 had been added making it a much better bill---and besides it appeared to be the only answer, although it wasn't yesterday. I don't think it is enough yet!

I also heard them practice their election speeches back home, such as:
I voted agin that thing due to it being un-reoublican, I did---that is, before I voted fer hit!
Now I voted fer hit cause George called me personal and said all hell would break loose ifin I didn't. I wuzen't shore whut he meant, but I bit. I am a good republican, re-elect me.

We got sum gude thangs added by the senate and it pleased us muchly:
Wooden arrows can now cum in hyar wifout excise taxes.
Auto race tracks air now exemted from more taxes.
Puerto Rican Rum has had the excise tax cut out fer their good.
And, enybody whut rides a bicycle to work can deduct thwt frum their taxes.

I can be bought if the price is right!
Whar kin we fine sum more uf fellers lak the ones we done elected afore fer the next time?

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Submitted by Nitpickers on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 6:30am.

I think the house republicans also got the FDIC to insure 250,000 dollars of one's money instead of only 100,000 dollars.

Now many, many, many middle class families got $250,000 thet they need
pertection fer, now don't they? Heck they owe $30,000 on credit cards and air ahind on the 2,000 dollar mortgage!

Whatever happend to makin good on all the 401-ks whut have gone to pot---them folks whut wren't goin to depend on SS only fer their retire?

Them what got a 300,000 dollar mortgage and second mortgage and an equity loan also, now own a 250,000 house! Due mostly to millions of empty houses on the market for half price!
How do you sell a 300,000 dollar house when you can only get 250,000 outen it, and you owe 350,000 all together?

Looks tuh me lak the only ones gettin hepped air the banks!

Whut about all them developers (commercial and homes) who air in debt with half finished houses and can't get no mor money to finish em? Sides there are million fer sale at half price, or the cost of the lot!
I do think we air in fer it fer more yhars, jset more slowly than ifn we hadn't loaned the Trillion or more soon, to the banks.

Submitted by MYTMITE on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 4:13pm.

and some even answer back. I must say though that you are the only one I know who blogs to his other entities. It is great that you all get along so well together. Usually multiples have one or two who are antagonistic toward the others. Not you and yours. I am proud of all of you.

Submitted by doi-it-to-me-on... on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 11:45am.

Of all the add ons to the bill this one helps the most. Do you think a small business keeps less than 100K in their account at any given time. There are wages, payroll, taxes, medical insurance payments, rent, supplies and all the other overheads that go into running a business. This helps them. What about the senior citizen who has taken his life savings out of a 401K to avoid risk and puts it in a money market account to live off of for the rest of his life. Get over thinking only rich people have more than 100K. I sure hope I end up with a lot more than 100K as I want no part of the government looking after me now or ever.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 8:33am.

Yes, I'm very happy about the increased FDIC insurance.

This means that I can now keep all of my money in just over a dozen banks and still have it insured.


"Puddleglum" by Weatherwax (one of the Muddlings).

Jeeves to the Rescue

Submitted by MYTMITE on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 4:09pm.

of a golden parachute--almost like golden wings, huh? Think I could run over there and get me a position? Maybe on their new campus when it opens in PTC? Oh, guess not--I sometimes have thoughts that are not entirely pure.--sure would have been nice. I have my money in just over a dozen mason jars buried in twelve different locations in my back yard. Was I covered in the multi-billion bailout? Couldn't read all of it--kept getting sick trying to swallow all that pork.

Submitted by jevank on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 9:17am.

Will you adopt me?

Submitted by susieq on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 9:09am.

I am relieved to know that you didn't have it in the stock market. LOL

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