Good Therapy:

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Hello, my name is carbonunit52, and I have no idea what is going on with the financial mess, and I firmly believe that no one else does either.

There, now I feel better.

Try it, you may feel better too.

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Submitted by boo boo on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 2:11am.

I don't think anyone knew what the heck the other was doing, or if they did, they were making so much money they went for it, to heck with everything and everyone else. So now we have a Catastrophic problem and it will take years if ever to recover from.

No one held a gun to those bank officers heads demanding they give out those loans. They gave people loans because they didn't care if they could repay, they were not going to keep those loans, they sold them, got their fees, the next bank sold them again, got their fees, over and over and over again they sold those loans and everyone along the way got their fees...until the buck finally stopped and that is where we are today. They were actually selling paper. Give em an inch they will take a mile. That is why there is NO CHOICE about REGULATION it is a MUST HAVE when it comes to People and Money. Republicans Free Market idea, yea right, ok, just will not work without regulation.

Now we have no choice, this Bailout bill had to be passed. So what do these idiots in Washington do....not pass it, market drops over 700 points.

Granted both party's have to take blame for this Financial disaster. Of course if we had some intelligent Republican Congressman in Washington I might be encouraged that we would survive this mess but that is not the case. If I was one of those House Republicans, constitutes, I would be the first one in that voting box, voting them out of office, in November. What a sorry group of clueless cry babies, why don't they go home to Mama and maybe she could knock some sense into them...Is it any wonder this Country is in such a mess after 8 years of people who think like this. We should all march on Washington, good God!
Carbon, I still don't feel much better, well, maybe just a touch.

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