Wasn't there a catastrophe in Texas?

Did it go away? Haven't heard lately! Didn't the fourth largest city in USA get highly damaged? Does it seem minor now?
Are we still at war somewhere? Maybe not. Haven't heard.

Weren't we bombing in Pakistan last week? Did we hit anything? Where is Osama?
Isn't Pakistan blowing itself up, and our hotels? I thought I heard one blip about that!

Are people by the millions still starving in Africa? Did we give them enough food to stop that? Wasn't their a great big Tsunami somewhere a little while ago? How are they doing?

Isn't there some kind of weather catastrophe in the mid-west states from the BIG hurricane rains and wind? Maybe that went away?

Aren't there terrorist prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba yet? Did they ever get a trial after 5 years? Did we hang them?

Did Russia move out of Georgia and into two other Georgian places that want to be Russian? That seemed to go away suddenly. Guess we can ignore that! Where is Condi?

Is China now trying to poison their own people instead of us? Is that a problem? Haven't heard much.

We have more preachers doing weird things everywhere, and Counties being dis-accreditated, and people going to schools everywhere willy-nilly, what is going on there?

School boards ask for budget approval, then ask for a SPLOST to pay for it! Notice the THEN I put in there!

We still have a Tennis Center that I don't know if it is free and clear ours, or not! If so how did we do it? Amphitheater going back to "String Bean and Oz" entertainment!

Much more, but now we are trying to get everyone out of debt:

Banks and Investment"banks" have been approved for any amount they need in exchange for all of the bad loans they have and some of their worthless stock.

Big old Insurance and Annuity companies have been hepped too! More to come.

The Loan Arranger and his faithful friend Paulson, along with a Mr. Burnkey and some guy who runs the market (last one went off with 250 million not long ago) a Mr. Cox, I think, are in the process of threatening congress (with Bush approval) to open the money press doors and turn on the power and supply the ink and paper! We need a bunch, maybe one to two Trillion, no one knows.

We soon will own hundreds of thousands of empty and full foreclosed houses going to pot. I don't know what they will be worth, but Bank Of America bought Merrill-Lynch for 22% of it's asset value!

How are builders supposed to survive with all those junkers on the books?

I suggest that we also bail out the builders and developers of their construction loans; all the credit card debts of everyone and all companies; all college loans; and any money lost by anyone due to most anything!

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Submitted by Bonkers on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 4:08am.

Congress, about midnight, voted to bail-out the Bush girls by giving them a job!
Helping Palin raise her kids at the White House.

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