Board of Ed. worries about how to deal with bad press

Tue, 01/24/2006 - 5:28pm
By: John Thompson

Board, staff listen to plans
What’s the best way to get out the message of the many accomplishments of the Fayette County School System?

That was one of the topics discussed during Saturday’s retreat of the Fayette County Board of Education. The board members took the short trip to the Lafayette Education Center in Fayetteville to discuss the system’s plans for the next year.

Assistant Superintendent of Education Fred Oliver told the board the system was already using a variety of tools to get press releases out, and also said the system had added a new item on its Web site.

Oliver explained that “On The Record” was up and running and was serving as a way for the system to get out all the facts on stories portrayed in the local media.

“Sometimes with tight deadlines, some mistakes are made,” Oliver said.

“On the Record” will make any corrections and enable parents and visitors to the site to get the whole story, he added.

Board member Janet Smola was also concerned about items that appear on the letters pages in local papers. She alluded to a recent controversy concerning the number of out of county children who attended local schools.

“This information is incorrect. We need to be more proactive,” she said.

While the school system can’t address every letter, Smola said when something blows up out of control and starts steamrolling, the system needs to do something.

“We need to issue a press release to show what we are doing,” she said.

Board chairman Greg Powers agreed and said the school system and board sometimes get a black eye for situations that are not in their control.

“We’ve got a picture in the paper of one of our students standing in front of one of our schools after he was kicked out for having a knife. If you don’t like that, contact your legislators because they made the laws,” he said.

Oliver said he would work with school system spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach to make sure that any controversies are dealt with quickly.

For other views on these subjects, see the Letters and Free Speech section.

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secret squirrel's picture
Submitted by secret squirrel on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 3:24pm.

Here's a really quick recommendation for getting some needed good PR:

Start addressing this issue of out-of-county residents using our schools. This is nothing more than a subtle form of theft and the reaction printed in Mumford's article has been refuted by more than a couple of people on this site.

If Coweta residents were using our golf cart paths, there would be a blockade and helicopters patrolling the air. This is no different- except that this is worse. This is theft from us as taxpayers and from our children as recipients of those services.

So BOE: you want to make some good press? How about standing up and acting a little proactive, as much as it's possible at this point, and make an active effort to stop this?

Submitted by historybuff on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 4:24pm.

The press is not nearly as bad as it deserves to be. Come on Janet Smola - get real. Your "Let them it cake" comment is priceless. To say that the information is inaccurate is utterly ridiculous. Many, many people know students that are illegally attending our schools. Many of these have been reported to no avail. So the BOE doesn't want the bad press that goes with not properly doing their jobs. One of them said that they just don't have the manpower to police the situation. You will never convince me that all those cars have not gotten around to getting their new Fayette County tags. With the taxpayer money that would saved, additional help could be hired. Yet the BOE and their employees sit with their heads in the sand. How many of these board members are up for election this year?

Submitted by Citizen_Steve on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 7:43pm.

It is ironic that Greg Powers characterized schools as having no discretion in enforcing some regulations, even when violations are accidentally discovered (Andy Petty). Apparently the lack of discretion is discretionary since other rules violations are scarcely followed up, even when parents report specific cases.

If school administrators have zero latitude in dealing with drugs and weapons violations then I agree with Mr. Powers that legislators should be taken to task for writing poor laws. And if, as has been alleged in blogs/comments here, the school system has selectively enforced these regulations they should be held accountable.

Certainly a small percentage of out-of-county plates are actually violators. I know several people with non-Fayette tags whose children attend school here - they've either recently moved, or are building houses, or are in unfortunate divorce situations where the parents live in different counties. But that fact doesn’t excuse schools from proactively enforcing residency violations with the same vigor they’d apply to the theft of $7,000+ of school property.

Submitted by Sailon on Thu, 01/26/2006 - 8:40am.

Why do some care if students from another county are trying to get a better education? Don't we all send our kids to the best college we can afford and get into? Anyway a few hundred extra students from Clayton and Fulton who can get here (most can't) doesn't cost Fayette County $7000 or so dollars. If we only had half the current students enrolled, the school system wouls still spend 80% of what they spend now. You think the Super would take a pay cut? Back off this racially tinged griping.

Submitted by CNP2000 on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 10:43am.

Are you kidding me? Do you want Fayette Co. to start looking like the other counties? Why does it matter so much? I'll tell you why. My child is entitled to a good education and he cant get that if the schools continue to let students in that shouldnt be here. A few hundred extra students is okay? No, its not okay for them to be educated here. If they cant afford to live in the county and pay taxes then they dont deserve to go to school here. Racially tinged griping? See, people like you that throw that "word" around are so ignorant. Race has nothing to do with this. Obviously you dont really pay attention to whats going on. If they are out of county then they need to be kicked out of the school, whether they are Black, White, Hispanic or any other race for that matter.

Submitted by historybuff on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 1:39pm.

Why do ignorant people use the race card? It is because they have no real defence of their positions. They use that when there is nothing else to say. Race has nothing whatsoever to do with this issue. These illegal students are costing the taxpayers of this county!!
It is like people who say George W. Bush is dumb. He had better grades than Kerry it was finally revealed (when Kerry showed his grades after the election). Bush has a degree from Harvard and one from Yale. He is our first president with an MBA. Now you may not like him, but he is not dumb.

secret squirrel's picture
Submitted by secret squirrel on Thu, 01/26/2006 - 9:12am.

I've read your posts before and can only believe that your login has been hacked; you seem far too old to honestly be this niave. Why do we care if students from other counties come into Fayette County schools? Are you kidding? Have you not been paying your taxes here in Fayette County? In deference to you, I'll simplify the concept: taxpayers pay, among others, a school tax which affords public education for age-appropriate children who reside in the county. I pay for my children to go to Fayette County schools. When someone from another county sends their children here, two things occur: Fayette County's resources-per-child are diluted and the county from which the child is actually from has a net gain since money paid there is not being used.

If you are a taxpayer, the money you are taxed in Fayette County is being used by people who do not live here for their own personal gain. I find it doubtful that a reasonable and educated person would not find something nefarious, at best, with that. Additionally, your mathematics are woefully lacking; out-of-county students certainly do cost taxpayers much more than $7000.

Finally, your polemical attempt at casting this issue as one which is racially-motivated is as unfounded and ignorant as it is a strawman effort to focus away from the problem.

Submitted by Sailon on Thu, 01/26/2006 - 12:24pm.

I'm not old, but I don't see what age has to do with it. Old people don't pay quite as much school tax as you I suppose, but enough. I get your attitude to be like the jokers who want to jump lines, be waited on first, never allow someone behind you to go first for any reason, honk your car horn at other drivers who hold you up a second, etc. You can survive without being a jackass.

Submitted by DWP33 on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 10:57am.

look man, if you dont care about the shcools and future of fayette co then just simply leave. We pay taxes for our children to have the fine education they recieve. We dont want non paying citizens muching off us for free. You want something in this world then earn it. Dont go get it by taking advantage of the govt, or other county residents.Whats being done to our school systems is fraud and should be handled the same.

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