Fannie and Freddie

Anybody care enough to figure out yet what it might cost us taxpayers to complete the rescue job of the two subject corporation failures?

Some say 25 billion, others 50 billion--there doesn't seem to be a way to put a number to it!

Since these corporations are responsible for most of the bad mortgages in the USA, doesn't the number have to be much more than that? (well local banks sold them).

These two corporations have TRILLIONS of dollars worth of mortgages, total! One out of every nine being in foreclosure, and much more close or doubtful to come yet. That doesn't add up to just several billion dollars of bad loans!

We are being "snowed" from Washington again! Or smoke is being blown where you don't want it blown!

This like the Oil wars, which aren't oil wars, but this one is that if we don't pay off the foreigners who are financing these loans and certain others with the US tax dollars, they will not loan us any more money and will call in what we owe!!!!!

Don't pretend that you don't need to know this stuff! You do. It will eventually effect your way of life, badly.

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Submitted by mgarlow on Tue, 09/09/2008 - 8:29pm.

The next time anyone cries out about the move to socialism when we consider single-payer health plans, improvements in Social Security, and other programs to assist those who have nothing, or very little, remember the bailouts for Chrysler in the 1980's. Remember the bailout of the Savings and Loan failures in the early 90's (remember Neil Bush - W's brother?). Remember the bailout of Bear-Stearns. Remember the pork-barrel Farm subsidy programs. Remember he non-competitive bid awards to Blackwater and Halliburton. Those are all ENTITLEMENT programs for fat-cats. Social Security and Health Care for everyone are ENTITLEMENTS for the skinny-cats. Who is more deserving? If you cannot answer that question, you should not be involved in crafting public policy.

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