Smola to face challenger in Nov. general election

Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:11am
By: Ben Nelms

It is never over until it is over. Peachtree City resident Nicole File announced Friday that she will run as a write-in candidate against Fayette County School Board Post 1 incumbent Janet Smola in the Nov. 4 general election.

The 10-year Fayette resident said she is running because, “I’m a common sense person, and common sense is in short supply right now.”

File said her priorities are open government and fiscal accountability.

“Over the years, our Fayette County Board of Education has developed an ‘us’ versus ‘them’ mentality that does not serve the children of the county,” File said. “Taxpayers deserve full disclosure in the form of well-documented meetings and open records.”

File said she believes the school board should not be asking taxpayers for maximum flexibility. The board should be showing taxpayers how they can best support students in a time of belt-tightening, she said.

File was trained as a teacher and graduated from James Madison University in 1992. She served as a program manager for the USO in Okinawa, Japan, before moving to the area.

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Voice of Fayette Future's picture
Submitted by Voice of Fayett... on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 4:02pm.

In 1995 Developer Jim Pace announced he was running for City Council. He joined a couple clubs, going in the front door and walking our the back door after the election. He worked the Planning Department on his projects like a Stradivarius.

Right before the election he had a write-in opponent in the PTC election. There were no contested races AT ALL on the ballot. THE WRITE-IN CHALLENGER STILL GOT 42 % OF THE VOTE !!! Ms. File can do it.

Submitted by Y oh Y on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 4:57pm.

Where is a letter, a blog, or statement from Ms. File so we know her positions?

Submitted by notjustcomplaining on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 7:20am.

I was shocked and disappointed when Dave Houston failed to get elected. Here is a guy loaded - he's smart, he's ethical, and has no-nonsense business experience that could truly shake up the BOE. Fayette county responded with a yawn at the polls - - couldn't be bothered.

Flash ahead a month or so, and we are suddenly now lacking in money which requires emergency SPLOST's, Millage rate hikes....hummmm.And why didn't this surface before the primary, we wonder?

Fayette County, let's not blow it this time! Here's a passionate, educated mom who is determined to make a difference in the lives of the children of our community. I don't care if you live in Brooks, Fayetteville or Peachtree City - - we need her to get Nicole elected or we get NOTHING different for the next 4 years! Questionable votes, secrecy, unethical behavior, lack of due diligence with the budget, lack of respect for constituents, failure to get the picture.

Vote NICOLE FILE! It's a long shot, but a shot worth taking!

Submitted by doi-it-to-me-on... on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 9:40am.

Currently the board is set up to implement anything Decotis asks for. Wright, Smith and Smola will always vote together so he has never had any worries in getting his agenda through, whatever the cost. It is time to break that monopoly and hold the board accountable to the tax payers of the county. Nicole File will be a great watchdog for the county

Submitted by bluesky on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 10:25am.

Because of the efforts of this very “hands on” Superintendent my son not only graduated, having overcome incredible obstacles, but to this day credits Dr. D. for making the difference in his life. Please do not think you can vilify this beloved man. Many people in this county know him to be an honest, humble, involved, dedicated servant of the school system. I’m not just talking about parents like me, but teachers, staff, business people etc. Does it even occur to you hateful people that one of the many reasons this school system is so good is because he makes good decisions.

Submitted by notjustcomplaining on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 12:45pm.

Let me say up front that I have had many
many conversations with Dr. DeCotis - - he's
a truly well-intentioned man who sincerely
wants to do the right thing.

However, that's where my praise ENDS. As much
as I personally like this man, he is not tough
enough to make the hard decisions. He has been
referred to as "afraid of his own shadow", and I
can testify to that.

Under his watch:

- School Board Members Smola and Smith act with
such unprofessional behavior that it would make
any seasoned business professional shudder.
They are so rude and condescending to their fellow
board members Dr. Todd and Marion Key that it would
make your head spin. Generally, they do what they
want with no fear of any consequence.

- Sam Sweat and C.W. Campbell lead redistricting
processes so badly that they ran off one of the
most qualified professionals in this very specialized
business - Kelly Carey. Dr. DeCotis brought Mr. Carey
in but did not control Sweat & Campbell, who were
in the back room creating maps and usurping the very
process methodology that would have made this truly
transparent. So much money and time wasted.

- Agendas, Agendas, Agendas. Talk about serving
special interests, all of the above have been enabled
to look out for their special interests with no fear
of consequence. Unconvinced? Look at the Inman land
purchase, and the land purchased to store buses off Hwy
85 south. Shady at best.

- SPLOST & the Millage Rate Increase. All of the sudden,
we're in this huge need for money,but they can't
demonstrate where it's been an agenda item on a meeting
without spending thousands of tax dollars to "retrieve"
the information? Are you absolutely kidding me?

- Redistricting. 'Nuff Said.

In corporate America, this person would be laughed out
of the ivory tower.Fired. Gone. Only in government
education is this behavior rewarded with kudos and awards
for what? Test Scores? How much has he done to benefit
my child's test scores. Absolutely nothing.

Again, nice man, but no backbone and no ability to
be a steward of the assets that they have been given.

Blank check no more!! I'm voting Nicole File!

Submitted by notjustcomplaining on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 12:41pm.

Let me say up front that I have had many
many conversations with Dr. DeCotis - - he's
a truly well-intentioned man who sincerely
wants to do the right thing.

However, that's where my praise ENDS. As
likeable as he is, he is not tough enough
to make the hard decisions. He has been
referred to as "afraid of his own shadow", and I
can testify to that.

Under his watch:

- School Board Members Smola and Smith act with
such unprofessional behavior that it would make
any seasoned business professional shudder.
They are so rude and condescending to their fellow
board members Dr. Todd and Marion Key that it would
make your head spin. Generally, they do what they
want with no fear of any consequence.

- Sam Sweat and C.W. Campbell lead redistricting
processes so badly that they ran off one of the
most qualified professionals in this very specialized
business - Kelly Carey. Dr. DeCotis brought Mr. Carey
in but did not control Sweat & Campbell, who were
in the back room creating maps and usurping the very
process methodology that would have made this truly
value added and "transparent". So much money and
time wasted.

- Agendas, Agendas, Agendas. Talk about serving
special interests, all of the above have been enabled
to look out for their special interests with no fear
of consequence. Unconvinced? Look at the Inman land
purchase, and the land purchased to store buses off Hwy
85 south. Shady at best.

- SPLOST & the Millage Rate Increase. All of the sudden,
we're in this huge need for money,but they can't
demonstrate where it's been an agenda item on a meeting
without spending thousands of tax dollars to "retrieve"
the information? Are you absolutely kidding me?

- Redistricting. 'Nuff Said.

In corporate America, this person would be laughed out
of the ivory tower. Fired. Gone. Only in government
education is this behavior rewarded with kudos and awards
for what? Test Scores? How much has he done to benefit
my child's test scores. Absolutely nothing.

Again, nice man, but no backbone and no ability to
be a steward of the assets that they have been given.

Blank check no more!! I'm voting Nicole File!

Without Janet Smola, the bully block of Terri Smith,
Janet Smola and Lee Wright will be broken and we have
a running shot at some logic prevailing.

Submitted by Y oh Y on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 1:50pm.

If we want to talk about unprofessional, shouldn't we talk about Dr. Todd wagging his finger and calling a fellow board member Missy? That gets you an anger management and harassment time out in corporate America.

"SPLOST & the Millage Rate Increase. All of the sudden,
we're in this huge need for money,but they can't
demonstrate where it's been an agenda item on a meeting
without spending thousands of tax dollars to "retrieve"

Tami Morris, why haven’t you told us what the school system DID give you. You said it cost you $40 so it must have been quite a bit. I’m curious that you made the request claiming the school board never discussed a SPLOST, but they may have if you had to pay $40 to get copies. I think it’s even more conspicuous that you don’t share that information with us in your lengthy blog. I also believe that it has always been customary for most public entities to charge for such documents.

In corporate America, this person would be laughed out
of the ivory tower. Fired. Gone. Only in government
education is this behavior rewarded with kudos and awards
for what? Test Scores? How much has he done to benefit
my child's test scores. Absolutely nothing.

Umm. Kept class sizes lower
Has the best admin team in the state
Great continuing ed for our teachers
Maintains a culture of achievement

In corporate America, Dr. John would receive obscene CEO pay, rediculous perks and anything else he wants. Instead he puts up with people who pount who don't get their way.

What other superintendent in the state would you want than Dr. D?

Redistricting......Nicole File.... Another Kedron Hills house heard from. Will Nicole File do what's best for all of Fayette County or just her buddies in NPTC?

opusman's picture
Submitted by opusman on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 7:47pm.

Once again when facts are distorted or lies are told I must protest.I was at the meeting the term Missy was never used. Also AJC QUOTE "Todd took exception to subsequent comments Smola attributed to him, angrily pointing his finger at her while saying, "Don't accuse me, lady." check the link if you don't believe.
An obvious reaction to her attempt at bullying rudness that she was caught short on.
Check her tactics on you tube smola talks down to fellow Board member to see who is unprofessional

So SMITH SMOLA OR WHOEVER your basis in fact fits your trio.

Submitted by Y oh Y on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 11:35pm.

Opus. Yes you are right the meeting you went to Bob Todd wagged his finer and said lady, other times ( yes more than one ) he has said Missy. See if you come to more than one meeting you and see angry ole Bob for yourself.

Instead of playing gotcha like demoncrat slime with select Youtube video. Come to the meetings and observe for yourself. You will be amazed at all the "professional conduct"y some board memebers... when they show up.

Just a parent, taxpayer and spouse of a teacher who gathers all the facts not just the one we like.

Trust but Verify

opusman's picture
Submitted by opusman on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 7:05pm.

Once again you make assumptions and accusations with no basis in fact. I have attended many of the board meetings and those I did not I have talk to those who have. The term “Missy” has never been used. Also I am far from democrat slim (Very Smola like reaction don’t you think) more Independent/Centrist with Conservative leanings and far above the petty personal attacks (Smola). Nothing anyone says about you should make you angry unless it’s true. Video does not lie Unedited in it’s entirety Smola shows her true colors. (SMOLA THE PROFESSIONAL ( If you are not who everyone seems to believe you are then your educator spouse should read or be informed about the pay system and proposed benefits cuts that will cost employees 100.00 a month. While dear Dr. Decotis 100% benefits package remains untouched. Read my other blog” Cuts and trim the fat”. I deal in real facts. Not something you truly seem to do.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 3:39pm.

"If we want to talk about unprofessional, shouldn't we talk about Dr. Todd wagging his finger and calling a fellow board member Missy? That gets you an anger management and harassment time out in corporate America."

I wish Dr Todd had put it on the agenda, the place would have been packed! As arrogant and obnoxious as Smola is, I'm sure she has been called much worse than 'Missy'.

I'm glad he put her in her place. I'm sure it rocked her world that someone got the best of her.

FACTS ARE FACTS...DURING THE ELECTION, Smola, nor Smith even hinted there would be a shortfall. All you could hear out of Smola was how she had done away with trailors and how great the kids were doing. The inference was that the test scores were her doing.

In my eyes, they mislead the taxpayers, by not putting all the facts on the table.

Submitted by Y oh Y on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 3:48pm.


Sonny Purdue and Senator Voucher Johnson cut our funds AFTER the election. It is a matter of public record. Two cuts so far and they are saying more is possible. The state is off by BILLIONS. As a republican I am ashamed of Sonny Purdue and Senator Voucher for being so irresponsible to put our cities, counties and schools in this position. Our FCBOE budget is based on state formulas that changed in August.

It's in all the papers. Can't blame our board on this one.

Take Care

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 3:59pm.

The state is anticipating a 1 billion dollar shortfall, not BILLIONS, which would mean 2 or more billion, not one. Also, the Governor of GA is named Sonny Perdue, not Purdue. I would figure that anyone who calls themselves a Republican would know how the top Repub in the state spells his name. He's only been governor for 5 and a half years.

The BOE was planning for this SPLOST long before any announced state shortfall. According to the BOE attorney, there has been a TON Of work done already on SPLOST that would take a lot of manpower and time to research. The bit about the state is typical BS since the facts indicate this SPLOST was being generated before Perdue announced any shortfall or budget cuts.

Submitted by Y oh Y on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 4:56pm.

Actually spelled it right in my view.

See below.

This report examines the current fiscal year’s revenue outlook in relation to the budget passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor. The report projects a FY 2009 budget gap of between $1 billion and $2 billion and includes recommendations for a balanced approach to deficit reduction. (7/29/2008) (Press Release Georgia Policy and Budget Institute ) So we don't how far this hole goes yet, although we did have a sales tax holiday. Real responsible!!AND he wants to give vouchers to our schools!

But here is the question.. if you now say there was a TON of work done on the splost already,..

1 ) Is contingency planning now bad??

2 ) Better yet, how can all of this work and discussion gone on and fighting Bob Todd and Marion Key not have a clue? Did they or did they not know? IF they knew what did they say nothing too?IF they did not know, how are they being stewards of our money??

Facts are truly funny things.

Happy convention!

opusman's picture
Submitted by opusman on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 7:10pm.

Once again you distort facts in your dialog with NUK
In the older FY2009 Budget and Revenue Outlook you reference “A potential budget shortfall of between 1 and 2 billion needs to be managed.” 7/29/08
In the more recent FY 2009 Deficit Reduction Step 2 : 8/11/08
“The governor projects a POSSIBLE deficit of 1.6 Billion” Not billions in either case.
Please check your facts.
Yes this is a financial crisis but state facts when you “exaggerate” it diminishes any credibility you thought you had.

Real Facts.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 11:28am.

Does it even occur to you hateful people that one of the many reasons this school system is so good is because he makes good decisions.

Did it even occur to you that "this school system" was good before DeCotis moved onto the scene? Puzzled

I'm not so sure this is an issue of "hateful people" trying to "vilify this beloved man" as you state. Many of us are concerned as to the direction this board, under the direction of Mr. DeCotis has taken in regards to violating open meetings laws and their arrogance and disregard to 'we the peoples' concerns. If you choose to be a part of the DeCotis / Smola / Smith rubber stamp camp that is fine. But don't dub the concerned citizens such a do-it-to-me as being "hateful" as he/she/or it was hardly such.

Submitted by Y oh Y on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 12:12pm.

The schools were good... So were Clayton's. Our schools continue to be good due to GOOD MANAGEMENT. That management starts with Dr. D.

Git what are your complaints other than a pathological hatred of Janet Smola and Terri Smith?

Do you not like our scores and results?

Do you not like the fact that a welcome center was established in fayetteville to give police power to FPD over anyone who lies about residency.

Forward planning ( yes the houses aren't there but they are coming ) for tomorrow so we do not build trailer cities like other systems?

Not rubber stamping I would like to see smaller class size ( they are growing ), 5 high schools that beat the national average not just the # 47 state average, and higher expectations of our high school students... no remediation miss a deadline get a zero and learn a lesson.

But we are far far better off than most. Thanks to all of our current board, Dr. D and Mr. Sweat. As well as our teachers, parents, and students, it is a team effort and credit is due.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 12:40pm.

Or who ever.

Git what are your complaints other than a pathological hatred of Janet Smola and Terri Smith?

So I have issues with open meetings violations, hidden splost agendas, careless school planning a re-districting efforts and not to mention an attitude of arrogance and belittling from our school board towards it's concerned citizens and this makes me a "pathological hater"? Puzzled

Citizens come on here voicing legitimate concerns in regards to the conduct between the school board and the superentendent and instantly by you and the other knucklehead I responded to we are designated as "haters"? Gee..... some folks whip out the ole 'race card' when others disagree and Smola and company whoop out the ole 'hate card'.

So I disagree with what appears to be some very wasteful spending funded by the SPLOST and I'm classified as a "pathological hater". Gee.... sounds familiar doesn't it?

To quote a world famous philosopher we've all come to know.... Whatever!

Submitted by Y oh Y on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 1:39pm.

Not you NOTA, I am a parent and spouse of a FCBOE teacher who has bothered to get the facts by contacting all 5 school board members.

Exactly what issue do you have with our schools PERFORMANCE??

What is wasteful about the splost? The parapros?, the computers? new roofs for old schools? Maybe it is the tax relief from paying off some priciple off the construction bonds.

No artifical turf by the way that is Cobb County not Fayette.

Git you are better than this.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 2:40pm.

Problems with SPLOST:

A) The giant lies of omission by not informing anyone prior to the election that thousands of hours of work was supposedly being done to spring the SPLOST on taxpayers in November. I don't reward deceitful cowards who care more about being re-elected than doing the right thing nor do I trust them to manage a school system.

B) Redistricting SNAFUS. First, hire a very highly-paid consultant that in the end is almost completely ignored. Great use of money! Next, attempt to violate the Open Meetings Act until The Citizen stepped in and let the BOE know that it wouldn't go unnoticed or unreported. I don't trust people who want to backroom deal matters that couldn't be more plainly spelled out to all as PUBLIC by law.

C) $1000 per computer? That's like $100 hammers. While someone went on for about 25,000 words here, let's put it very simply: any fool involved in technology knows that a school system doesn't have to spend 1K per computer in 2008. They also know that signing a 6 year lease on computers was equally stupid. Again, why should citizens trust this board with more money when they are clueless about the money they already get?

D) Despite a lot of hysteria and downright fabrications in advance of the two SPLOSTs that failed, the school system didn't collapse when the SPLOSTs were rejected. It won't happen now either.

E) What were alternatives given to SPLOST? Oh wait, they weren't mentioned since SPLOST was kept secret itself. What about staff cuts that aren't the same as the goofy PowerPoint scare tactic mentioned?

F) Before everyone keeps singing the praises of parapro's, it might be wise to research and see what studies have said about whether having parapros has an effect on student performance or not. They are a luxury that might not be completely affordable at times.

The Fayette schools have high performance in spite of the BOE, not because of the BOE. Thank the teachers and especially the parents, not cowardly board members who poorly manage resources presently and hopefully won't be entrusted with even more.

Submitted by Y oh Y on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 3:00pm.

Thanks for making this easier to discuss.

A )Do we include Marion Key and Bob Todd in this group. I understand that Tami Morris's open records request indicates the subject was discussed in several committee meetings and at the annual retreat. Where were Bob and Marion in fighting all of this?

B)redistricting is never a happy process. All meetings should be advertisied and open. I agree with you.

C) I have asked for specs on this. Since this all started, I have been getting data from all over the FCBOE. I will report back good or bad.

D)Last two periods of SPLOST were in real estate boom with room on the millage. Where will the money come form just to cover gas price increases?

E)See above. Can't raise taxes, Sonny won't give us our money. Can't use construction money. Only options really are cut basic investment and defer maintenence.

F) Luxury??? Small class sizes are never doubted in any research. That's how private schools make the money. If we don't start them out right our kids will be on a lower trajectory.

Results are a team effort. Kinda like supporting our troops while blaming their chief.

Take Care

opusman's picture
Submitted by opusman on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 8:45pm.

How about Dr. Decotis take a benefits cut as proposed for the teachers? When asked this at the Board meeting he did not reply.
Administrators in Fayette county 2% pay raise is 100% inclusive of their total pay:state plus local supplement and a $100 per teacher perk for principals based on the number of faculty at their school(50 teachers equals a 5000.00 bonus to the principal)All figured when calculating the 2%. Calculate this with the staff size of each school, number of schools and number of principals.

Adminstrators should get their raise on the same calculation as the teachers and cut the bonus for the number of teachers.

(teachers raises are based solely on the state portion and not the county supplement or any extra supplements or extra curricular activity pay)

Who actually has the greatest impact? The classroom teachers dedicated students and involved parents.

So why not be serious about this situation and start trimming the fat

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 5:56pm.

I have consistently stated that Todd and Key are both part of the problem and not part of the solution. I know some here sort of side with them, but I do not.

Parapro's don't shrink class sizes. They are a luxury to have in the classroom in the early years, but yes, class size itself has been shown to be the biggest factor in student success in several studies. That includes with/without parapro's in the classroom.

Submitted by Y oh Y on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 11:40pm.

Fair enough on Key and Todd. One board one result.

I would prefer actual class size reduction in all years but parapros for the early years may be all we can afford.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 7:04pm.

and want the best for ...our..children...I understand Smola's are out of the system,

Please resign!

If you are really out there for ..our.. kids, who are still in school, you must know you've lost your credibility.

If you want what is best for, not yours, why are you staying? Who are you trying to help?

If it is ..everyone else's kids,...not yours, you must understand you are doing them more harm than good. No one is going to vote for SPLOST with you in office.

If you are indeed unselfish, and love the kids of the county, not just your own interest, prove it and step aside.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 6:03pm.

I have talked to someone today, like Sniffles 5, who saw the astro turf in the SPLOST! Also, it does appear, Key and Todd, were kept out of the loop.

I think some have made the taxpayers so angry, we are going to fight over the hook to pull you off stage!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 8:42am.

I'm sure others here would like to learn more before making change just for the sake of change. Personally, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Nicole File might indeed be a worthy candidate to support. Any info would be appreciated.

Who is this masked hero? Puzzled

Submitted by PTC Avenger on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 9:42pm.

Good. Get Smola out of there!

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 8:19pm.

You have my support! Smiling
Now, if only someone would step up as a write in against T. Smith... Smiling

Submitted by RT Tugger on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 10:41pm.

I was thinking the same thing, though I will be thrilled if we replace Janet Smola.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 3:18pm.

I'd like to learn more about Nicole File. At this point it wouldn't take much for this lady to get my vote over Ms. Smola.

“I’m a common sense person, and common sense is in short supply right now.”

“Taxpayers deserve full disclosure in the form of well-documented meetings and open records.”

If Nicole is for real with her statements, then she already stands tall over her opponent. This news is icing on the cake as we look forward to a 3 day weekend. Smiling

Submitted by Nicole_File on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 7:02am.

Hello Fayette County!
I am running as the write-in candidate for Post 1 for the Fayette County Board of Education. I have a new website that is up and running. You can find out more by going to:
Please take a look!
Nicole File

Submitted by USArmybrat on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 3:47pm.

Not much at all, Git, to get my vote and support, also. Now this is CHANGE we can believe in! LOL

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 3:53pm.

We're so desperate to get rid of Smola that we'll embrace CHANGE just for the sake of change. Shocked

Submitted by USArmybrat on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 3:47pm.

Not much at all, Git, to get my vote and support, also. Now this is CHANGE we can believe in! LOL

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 3:37pm.

the 3 amingos wouldn't have their lock on the BOE anymore. No more land barrons! Maybe Smith needs to wait awhile on rewriting that handbook!


I was looking on the court clerks records, that 100 acrea for Inman, wasn't 100, it was 129.6! check it out for yourselves.

Submitted by helpful lawyer on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 2:01pm.

Under Official Code of Georgia Annotated section 21-2-133(a), for a general November election an intention of candidacy as a write-in candidate must be filed and published no later than the Tuesday after the first Monday in September.

For a school board candidate, subsection (a)(2) requires that the notice be filed with the county superintendent of elections and published in the official organ of the county, the Fayette Daily News.

I don’t think the Fayette Daily News publishes on Tuesdays. Unless this notice has already been published, there may be a problem in meeting the deadline.

Nicole File has a name that’s easy to spell and remember. That’s always helpful.

Submitted by loanarranger707 on Sun, 08/31/2008 - 6:50am.

Nicole File's legal ad was published in the issue of Aug. 30-31. If she knew about this deadline, she knows about what else she has to do.

The key for her now is to educate the people on how to vote for her.

When the Board of Education Post 1 item pops up on the voting machine screen, the name Janet Smola will appear and below it will be a line for write-in vote. If someone touches the square next to that, the voting machine screen should change so as to show a keyboard with all the letters of the alphabet. Then it is important to press N-I-C-O-L-E-space-F-I-L-E. There should also be a key to return to the main ballot, to continue the regular voting.

If Nicole File will teach us how to vote for her and do it right, Fayette County might have its own little revolution.

gelato's picture
Submitted by gelato on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:45am.

You certainly have my support, respect and admiration. I know you will succeed in getting the Smola virus out of the BOE.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:32am.

Best news I've heard all day!

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:30am.

I can't believe what I'm reading!

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