Field Marshal Program for PTCYSA

Thu, 08/28/2008 - 9:11am
By: balcony

Dissappointed is only the beginning of how I feel about PTCYSA Field Marshal Program now in effect for our children playing soccer. The Field Marshal must be present at each game or it will not be played and the home team will be assessed a loss of 3-0. The purpose of this Field Marshal is to assist the coach with enforcing the rules of spectator conduct. This includes disrespect, foul language, general unacceptable behavior from spectators. Bottom line is that our kids may not be allowed to play their game, that is supposed to be played for "fun" and "recreation", because they don't have a Field Marshal present to help crowd control. This is no fault of their own and yet they are the ones who will not be allowed to have fun and be active on Saturday morning playing ball with their friends. This is an issue of disrespectful spectators. Why shouldn't our children get to play their games when it's not their fault or problem? Not to mention parents are paying to have their kids involved in a recreational sport that they may not get to play. How does this promote sportsmanship, activity and having fun playing a sport? Check out the rules at and see what you think.

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Submitted by Dondol on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 1:10pm.

This has been the rule for as long as we have associated with the league. It seems to work well, the home team coach brings the yellow vest over and has one of the parents wear it for the length of the game. We've been in the league for 6 years now and as far as I know there have been no problems. If you are just joining the league, I'm glad to see that you are reading the rules (that's more than I can Say for most parents), but you must have missed the part where it says A Spectator or Parent will be the Field Marshall. It works fine and there's no need to change it.

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