Iraqi Army?

Big headlines yesterday concerning the Iraqi army going to try and "defend" a section of the country to the west of Baghdad, near Syria.

As far as I know the Iraqi military does not have any tanks; does not have any Air Force; does not have any Navy of importance; does not have any place to get spare parts for the limited transportation and weapons that they have; they have no factories to make other weapons and supplies; there is little water and electricity in the country anywhere---some, part-time in the cities; and they have mass desertions every time they don't go home every day!

Obviously we intend to stay and support them with all that stuff they don't have! (in and out of the fortified zones).
We have to do so! To keep Iran and Syria out, and to protect Israel.

Also, if we don't soon reinforce Afghanistan (forget NATO, they are all going home) we will lose even the one city that we control!

Why do the supporters of this war use all of the false rhetoric defending it when they know as well as I do that what I say above is basically true?

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Submitted by Bonkers on Sun, 09/21/2008 - 12:29pm.

Read the above and tell me!

Submitted by Bonkers on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 6:54am.

The Iraqi army also is not an "army of one" as is our boys!

Our guys carry up to 75 pounds of gear and weapons.

The average Iraqi soldier doesn't even like to wear a helmet, or a hat for that matter.

We ain't going nowhere!

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