Biden=Back to Carter

Ruth Kimble's picture

Excerpted from an article by Amir Tehri on Aug 25th, 2008 (New York Post)

" . . .Biden, an early supporter of Carter in his quest for the presidency in 1976, shares the former president's view of the world and the United States' place in it.
In 2004, I was astonished to hear Biden doing his own bit of America-bashing in front of an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The US, he claimed, had no moral authority to preach democracy in the Middle East. "We don' have much of a democracy ourselves, " he said mockingly. "Remember our own presidential election; remember Florida!"
Biden has the experience of more than three decades in the US senate, at least two of them dealing with foreign affairs and defense. But experience is no guarantee of good judgment. And Biden has been wrong on almost every key issue.
* In 1979, he shared Carter's starry-eyed belief that the fall of the shah in Iran and the advent of the ayatollahs represented progress for human rights. Throughout the hostage crisis, as US diplomats were daily paraded blindfolded in front of television cameras and threatened with execution, he opposed strong action against the terrorist mullahs and preached dialogue.
* Throughout the 1980s. Biden opposed President Ronald Reagan's proactive policy against the Soviet Union. Biden was all for détente - which, in practice, meant Western subsidies that would have enabled the moribund USSR to cling to life and continue doing mischief.
* In 1990, Biden found it difficult to support President George Bush's decision to use force to kick Saddam Hussein's army of occupation out of Kuwait.
* A decade-plus later, the senator did vote for the liberation of Iraq from Saddamite tyranny. But as soon as terrorists started challenging the new democratic system in Iraq, he switched sides and became a critic of the whole war effort. He claimed that the Iraq war was lost and suggested that the US partition the newly liberated country into three or more mini-states.
Biden's misreading of the situation in Iraq shows that experience is no substitute for judgment. He judged the situation on the basis of headlines and CNN footage - not the long-term, geo-strategic interests of the United States. In short, he lacked what President Harry Truman called "strategic patience."
* For more than a decade, Biden has adopted an ambivalent attitude towards the Islamic Republic in Tehran, now emerging as the chief challenger to US interests in the Middle East. Biden's links with pro-Tehran lobbies in the US and his support for "unconditional dialogue" with the mullahs echo Obama's own wrong-headed promise to circumvent the current multilateral efforts by seeking direct US-Iran talks, excluding the Europeans as well as Russia and China.
Had Biden had his way, "the Evil Empire" would still be around and Saddam Hussein still in power. The US would still be begging the mullahs of Tehran for forgiveness of unspecified "past sins" - and more American hostages would be seized in the Middle East while the mullahs celebrate their first atomic bombs.
By choosing Biden, Obama, the candidate of hope, has transformed his promise of change, into a back-to-the-future pirouette - back to Jimmy Carter."

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JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Mon, 08/25/2008 - 1:48pm.

I am pleased to know that Amir Tehri opposes the selection of Biden. It reinforces the notion that Obama made the right decision much the way you know you’re right if Charles Krauthammer opposes a thought you have on the Middle East; hundreds of statements and declarations and not one right yet.

Tehri desperately wants the US to start a war with Iran. He is the Iranian version of Chalabi and Rafid Ahmed Alwan (aka Curveball) rolled into one. If I found myself in agreement with him, I’d have to seriously reconsider my position.

Ruth Kimble's picture
Submitted by Ruth Kimble on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 10:03am.

You attack the messenger instead of refuting the facts. The fact is, Biden has been wrong on many of the most important foreign policy issues of our time.
Explain this to me. If, as you say, “Obama made the right decision” in picking Biden, how does the selection of a VP with more than 30 years in the Senate square with Obama’s main message of “change”?
Huge problem. It doesn’t. So, I’ll answer the question for you. It proves that Obama is just another politician willing to do/say anything to win. Even as Obama introduced Biden, he was busy trying to spin it by saying that “Washington hadn’t changed Joe Biden”. Yeah, right. Just how gullible does he think the American people are? Oh wait, as an elitist who panders to the masses, Obama believes most of us are very gullible. So much for “change you can believe in”.
Biden was a “safe” choice. The real problem is, Biden’s supposed foreign policy credentials really don’t solve Obama’s leadership problem. We all know the real decisions are not made by the VP. Furthermore, since Delaware and its 3 electoral votes were already strongly in the Dem column, it really makes you scratch your head. Biden does not add much of anything to the ticket. Unless you are looking for an attack dog with foot in mouth disease.
Just as Richard Hobbs predicted, the ticket is upside down. Biden as VP was not a great choice. It was a desperate choice. It will prove to be a loser.

Ruth Kimble

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 10:36am.

Here's his first purported "fact":

"In 1979, he shared Carter's starry-eyed belief that the fall of the shah in Iran and the advent of the ayatollahs represented progress for human rights."

Want to try to back that up with evidence?

It's just silly propaganda.

Ruth Kimble's picture
Submitted by Ruth Kimble on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 1:03pm.

I’d like to see you prove your own propaganda.
You stated, “Tehri desperately wants the US to start a war with Iran.”
Prove it.
(Your own knee jerk dismissive response got you this time.)
How does it feel to be the only one who believes your dismissive rhetoric?

Ruth Kimble

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 2:07pm.

You’re the one posting this then telling me: “You attack the messenger instead of refuting the facts.”

The "facts" are self evidently absurd.

You posted it. Prove your “facts” first. Don't shift it off on me.

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