Sandy Creek Volleyball

What in the world happened that the best setter around was cut from the almighty Sandy Creek VB team because her skill was not good enough? After the performance of the team this weekend with his other setter I wonder if the Coach is still holding his head high?

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Submitted by Tyronemomof3 on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 2:41pm.

After reading all of the comments posted from everyone I have to say I am riding the fence on this one. I do know the Belyeu child.
I know that it seems a little strange that after playing for Coach Collins for 5 years and being on a Club Volleyball team (which she was cut from last year) that he decides to cut her this year. Is it because of performance level or because of bad behavior? Maybe it's a little of both. Maybe her bad behvior interfered with her performance and the Coach saw that. As parents we always like to think our child is the best and the team can't survive without them. But there is not one person that can't be replaced. We all like to think our children do no wrong...but they do. Hopefully this experiance will make Belyeu & family stronger, better people. Hopefully she will walk away having learned a valuable lesson..whatever it may be. Good luck in the future Lauren!!

Submitted by tyrone teen 6 on Mon, 08/25/2008 - 4:49pm.

Im not sure what the so called behavior problems were. So that doesn't make sense. She definitely is not lacking in skill. It blows my mind that she has been playing for this coach for four years and then he suddenly cuts her from the team senior year when it really matters. I know that a parent and a few players don't like her for reasons totally seperate from volleyball. She didn't get cut for skill, and the behavior problems at school were non-exsistent. It may seem a little judgmental, but I would not be surprised if the people that also put input into the team had something to do with her being cut at the worst possible time for her future.

Tyrone Teen

Submitted by alarmed on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 2:46pm.


Submitted by sickandtired on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 9:26am.

Of course the coach is holding is head high. He represents a GREAT team and I'm sure is very proud of their performance this past weekend. The "other setter" did an awesome job playing her position. The team as a whole played very well. They were up against some fierce competition....but did very well.

Submitted by alarmed on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 9:32am.

I agree that SC still has a great team, and while one player does not make a team the loss of Belyeu this year is going to be a hard one to swallow on the court. All of us who have watched her over the years realize that she has such talent, but I think what will be missed most by her once fellow players is her leadership...she had a way of pulling that team together and making it happen on the was really amazing to watch a young person with that kind of gift. I can’t understand how a educator/coach could be so heartless to not even give a spot on the bench to a player that has given so much to this team…he may still hold his head high in public, but I would hope that behind closed doors he hangs it in shame. After all, it is ultimately our girls that will suffer for an error in judgment by the man we call our coach. Good luck SC…after last weekend’s tournament, where we suffered a loss to a team that we beat last year, I get the felling that we are really going to need it.

Submitted by 1bighammer on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 12:46pm.

There comes a point in time when a young person has to be held accountable for their actions. Whereas I don't particularly care for the VB coach at SC, I can appreciate him taking a stance on the behavior of his players. Our students and athletes would be better off if more coaches followed his lead. Teenagers need to recognize that their behavior reflects on those around them. Its a shame that Parents now don't instill this in their kids, like our parents did in us.

Instead of playing the poor pitiful team and player card, why not applaud the coach for teaching this girl a life lesson.

Actions have consequences, a lesson too many athletes never learn!

Submitted by alarmed on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 2:49pm.

I completely agree with 1bighammer’s comment that actions have consequences, however I also believe that as educators/coaches/parents we have a responsibility to show mercy and have compassion. We all make mistakes…there are ways to handle mistakes that allow us to learn from them. Breaking a child’s spirit by telling them that they no longer have the skills required to do what they love cannot be one of those ways? So, I must disagree, neither our students nor our athletes will be better off if we follow this coaches lead. I personally do not think that taking a child out of athletics will help to steer them in the right direction, but if this were in fact an attempt to teach a “life lesson” the coach has got to find his backbone and be honest so she is given the opportunity to learn from it instead walking away thinking she is not good enough…this is no way to teach a child.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 2:53pm.

It might if most people had some idea what is being discussed here.

One person says superstar is cut for suddenly lacking skills and another says superstar is cut because of behavior/actions. Another says we sure wish cut superstar was on the team because it isn't as good.

So....exactly why was this player cut from the team as it sure doesn't seem like it was due to talent?

Submitted by atlantackr2000 on Sat, 08/23/2008 - 10:01pm.

"Sickandtired" should look over their shoulder and to the group of parents you represent, as if this is what one would call coaching (give me a break), then we all should be ashamed, for this so called coach has managed to break the spirit of one of the finest setters ever to play for Sandy Creek VB, as for the parents that are supporting this so called coach, shame on the bunch of you! There is no sign of backbone, from the coaching down, even the players are now scared that they may ride the bench if they should question the “All Mighty Coach”. Sure the replacement is not bad, this team will win many matches, but last year’s setter took them to the finals at state playoffs (2nd); Sandy Creek VB has lost its Mojo, charm, magic and influence as a powerhouse with the eviction, expulsion and the expenditure of their number one setter. Let us be patient, await the judgment of GHSA later on, and see where they rank in their division, at preseason the team was rated first. All this sounds very fancy and clever, but does the coach and the misguided supporters of SCVB have the stomach for Humble Pie, and admit a very serious mistake in judgment and leadership was made? (I thought not). I once thought this organization finally had what it takes to make it to the state playoffs where first place was possible, guess that we can say goodbye to any dream or ambition that we had towards a winning season, for our leader has left the building.

Submitted by sickandtired on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 3:42pm.

Is that a threat? It's funny how all the bad behavior has come to a complete halt since she went to NC. And you wonder why she was cut????

Submitted by tyrone teen 6 on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 9:44pm.

Exactly what bad behavior has come to a halt since she left for NC? It hasn't even been a week, and apparently everythings better. I really wish I knew what "bad behavior" we're talking about. No one will say. So is there really anything? No. There isn't.

Tyrone Teen

Submitted by alarmed on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 7:50pm.

"look over your shoulder and to the group of parents you represent"...a threat...really? And unfortunately, from what I can tell the tension on the team has only increased since the departure of Belyeu.

Submitted by 1bighammer on Sun, 08/24/2008 - 12:07am.

A little bitter are we? I can understand I suppose. We get it that you don't like the coach and you think Belyeu was wrongly cut, but why do you have to down the team? She didn't take second in the state by herself there were other players on that team. They deserve your respect.

Why exactly are the supporters of SCHSVB Misguided? Are they wrong to support the team just because you're unhappy with a coaches decision? Or is it the fact that you're even more pissed off because nobody else around here will let her play for them?

Submitted by atlantackr2000 on Mon, 08/25/2008 - 11:00am.

No, not her mom but obviously close enough to feel the pain...
If by downing the team you mean expressing my belief that the performance
of the team will suffer you are correct, however I do still believe that
the individuals on this team have more talent than most. Of course you are
not misguided to support the team, it is the support of the coach I am
referring to, which I realize does not include everyone.
As far as no one else letting her play?...the truth is, local teams began
to show interest as soon as word got out she was cut, but unfortunately
GHSA rules would have required the family to move residence in order to
play for another varsity team in the state.

Submitted by pvsj_13 on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 5:42pm.

This year at tryouts for SCHS Vball one girl got cut, Belyeu. She was the setter for this team since her freshman year, and for this coach since she was in 7th grade. Coach said she was cut due to her skill, obviously not the case if she was the starting setter before. Those associated with Belyeu want to know the real reason, and if it is due to "behavior/actions" then this was not told to the girl or those concerned with the matter. Basically, seems that some parents or students dislike her and the coach responded by not allowing her to make the team at all her senior year.--the year for college recruiting which was her goal.

The Crime Dog's picture
Submitted by The Crime Dog on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 10:08pm.

OK. No one has mentioned the player's specific "behavior/actions" that might have led this coach to cut the player.

Spill the beans and maybe I'll agree with you. But right now there's not enough evidence to shift either way.

Heck, for all I know the new setter ain't so bad, either.

Submitted by pvsj_13 on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 11:05pm.

Well thats a part of the problem, no one knows what those actions may or may not be. The student has no prior history with the school itself. And the new setter is not bad, she was the second setter to Belyeu previously, but SCHS's performance in the tournament this past weekend was weak and the new starting setter did not perform as expected. I'm sure she will get better over the season, as anyone does, but the reason for a senior not making a team is still unclear. The coach explicitly stated that the reason Belyeu did not make the team was due to skill.

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