Inspiring Stories?

Every day while watching CNN or FOX, I hear the announcer say something about the "inspiring story" for the day! I think I know what inspired means, but I never seem to get inspired by their films! Yesterday forty people apparently flipped a bus off of a dead woman who was pregnant! And they said this sort of thing doesn't happen in NYC!

We seem to be losing the American English language! The words "awesome", "not so much," "FOX Babes," "like," "you know," "WOW," "cool," "she's hot," "I want answers," (generally spoken into a TV camera), "in my thoughts and prayers," and hundreds of others, are bothersome!For instance; something can be "lovely," but another can be, "not so much!" You are either lovely or not lovely!
The room full of hot babes at FOX apparently comes from them having short skirts, high chairs to sit on, and a camera angle with 15-20 degrees up shot!
Kind of underwear, if any, optional.

Rick Warren, the so-called evangelical, mega-church preacher from California will moderate a discussion with our only two presidential candidates today. Now this preacher is the daddy of the modern church services with amplified hippy music, no hymn books, and use and teach corporate plans as to how to multiply church membership with only those members who are likely to be cooperative! All not welcome, in other words. He preaches raising kids by letting them screw-up all of the time----they learn faster that way.
Better keep religion out of politics!!!

"Bigfoot," "Sasquatch," whatever, has been found again---dead of course--except for a picture of some walking away! Georgia guys found him dead in the GA mountains.
For $1000 they will take you on the next hunt with them--send it in now! If you also believe in flying saucers from another galaxy, you can also attend this hunt as none are expected in the same time frame! A book will soon be due!

Isn't modern media wonderful?

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Submitted by Bonkers on Sun, 09/21/2008 - 12:40pm.

Just read those good ones above!

Submitted by tuscandesigner on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 6:06pm.

I ran across this posting while looking up this nonsense about the bigfoot. I want you to know that I wholeheartedly agree with you about the English language and especially the FOX news women, or almost ANY news women, or just most women today.

My question is, whatever disagreements I may have (there are some) with Rick Warren, where did you get the authority to claim that he is wrong for not using a hymn book? Or that his music is "hippy music". When I disagree with someone, I have a biblical ground for it. The Bible does not tell us we have to worship with a Baptist Hymnal. (Neither does it tell people to be disrespectful about music they do not like, whether it be old-fashioned hymns or Southern Gospel or Rock or Jazz.) The hymns that we have now were once considered vulgar, crude songs, unfit to worship our Lord with. Luther's songs were written to drinking songs of the day, he received much criticism for singing "vulgar" music. David danced to loud music, he wrote loud Psalms with clashing cymbals and resounding instruments.

About the interview with McCain and Obama. I am 100% against Obama, and he dodges questions like a typical politician, but neither am I for McCain. He claims to be against abortion, but he is not. He excuses it for cases or rape and incest. That is NOT being against the hideous murder of human life! (Not to mention that his wife dresses like a call-girl.)

It is good, however, to see an honest Christian on the web telling it like it is. Not many Christians have the guts to believe the Bible, much less to proclaim it.

Very few Americans, Christians or not, have any respect whatsoever for appropriate language and form, good manners and respectful disposition.

In Christ Alone

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 6:51pm.

but I will anyway.

"He claims to be against abortion, but he is not. He excuses it for cases or rape and incest."

Yes, women and girls who have been subjected to rape or incest MUST be forced to have the rapist's baby.

(did you know that some women have resorted to taking a Pine-Sol douche to induce abortion? some use knitting needles and coat hangers. abortion should always be available, legal, and safe for all women. you must be a male, right?)

Submitted by Bonkers on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 8:30am.

Interfering into the private lives of women no matter what the circumstances, is caused by the religious nuts who want us all to do as they say, not as they might do!

Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 6:32pm.

Women do seem to have regressed back to using their sex more as a tool to do better in life. I thought the feminist movement had resolved some of that, but apparently not. Showing your busts and butt while praying whole heartedly seems somewhat out of order. With a boyfriend that you don't mind seeing them, maybe!

I merely stated that Warren's church did not use hymnals, I don't know about Baptist or others! Is that what he is?

I see those same looking "call girls" as you said coming out of churches all of the time.

I don't plan to have an abortion nor force one nor prevent one, myself. I know way too little to judge these women. Basing one's vote on one such item simply being said is too limiting. He may not even care one way or the other in his heart!

Now as to authority to say Warren is wrong about no hymnals--I didn't say that, but I could say it if I wanted to do so! I also think the Pope is a fake symbol! How about you?

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 6:44pm.

you're attracting some loons. Or is this a fan?

I can't tell.

Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 6:29pm.

Women do seem to have regressed back to using their sex more as a tool to do better in life. I thought the feminist movement had resolved some of that, but apparently not. Showing your busts and butt while praying whole heartedly seems somewhat out of order. With a boyfriend that you don't mind seeing them, maybe!

I merely stated that Warren's church did not use hymnals, I don't know about Baptist or others! Is that what he is?

I see those same looking "call girls" as you said coming out of churches all of the time.

I don't plan to have an abortion nor force one nor prevent one, myself. I know way too little to judge these women. Basing one's vote on one such item simply being said is too limiting. He may not even care one way or the other in his heart!

Now as to authority to say Warren is wrong about no hymnals--I didn't say that, but I could say it if I wanted to do so! I also think the Pope is a fake symbol! How about you?

Submitted by Bonkers on Sat, 08/16/2008 - 4:45pm.

"I want answers," means--according to one reader: "I want some money and I want it now." "It's my money!"
The correct answer is, yes!

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 08/16/2008 - 5:15pm.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

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