Another Obama Supporter, quacking like a Duck, flocking like ducks do!

Richard Hobbs's picture

I'm reminded of Gomer Pyle right now, "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!"

Why, Because I just couldn't imagine that the Communist Party of America is now supporting Obama as the great black hope.

Yes, supporting him is the choice term, not endorsing him. They endorse everything he wants to do and say, but they won't use that term.

They call it "Keeping their Eyes on the Prize!"

So lets now add to the list the name of Communists/Marxists/Terrorists/Racists/Anti-Semites that find comfort in Obama's type of Change!

Terrorists-Bill Ayers and most Muslims in the Third World.
Racists- Jeremiah Wright, You know the Pastor of Barack's. . ."Not particularly controversial church."
Marxist- His mentor Frank Marshall Davis, who advised Barack to return to the inner city to Organize the oppressed workers.
Anti-semites-Like Farrakhan.

and now the Communist Party-Which is pretty much the same as the Marxists, but they have better window dressing.

Quack, Quack, the call to all those that find kinship with Barack has gone out. I wonder what else will creep up out of the wood pile. (Yes I use that term for a reason.)

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Fyt35's picture
Submitted by Fyt35 on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 9:28am.

It reminds me of the X-Files, “the truth is out there”; and many of our liberal friends refuse to see or acknowledge it.

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