Resident, council clash over citation

Mon, 01/23/2006 - 9:56am
By: John Thompson

Thursday’s Tyrone Town Council meeting got off to a fiery start as a resident accused the council of selective enforcement of the town’s ordinances.

Hank Sanak told the members that he was being “singled out” because he had asked some pointed questions at a recent meeting. Sanak found a citation for having his RV illegally parked in his yard.

Sanak said there were plenty of other illegally parked vehicles in Tyrone and he saw Town Clerk Valerie Fowler and Town Manager Barry Amos ride by his house. He also took the town to task for allowing a “junkyard” at a nearby residence.

Councilman Mike Smola said the town was just enforcing the ordinances, and he was also curious why an RV with a Florida tag was with the Tyrone Neighborhood Alliance at Founders Day.

“You knew that was my RV. You saw me get out of it,” Sanak retorted.

But Smola claimed he didn’t know it was Sanak’s and claimed Sanak kept the vehicle registered in Florida for another reason.

“I just want you to pay your ad valorem taxes,” Smola said.

As Sanak left the podium, he made it clear how he felt about Smola’s response.

“Your opinion is like a butthole. Everyone has one.”

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Submitted by 1bighammer on Mon, 01/23/2006 - 11:25am.

for Tyrone's leaders, using their positions to wage a personal war with someone. Mr. Sanak is probably correct about selective enforcement. I like Mr Sanak's exiting comment "Your opinion is like a butthole. Everyone has one" .... Well the Town of Tyrone Government has MANY !

Submitted by southernboy on Mon, 01/23/2006 - 5:10pm.

I've heard stories like this as long as I've lived in Tyrone. Let's just wait till election time rolls around and see what transpires. Mr. Sanak, you are being victimized by the town government and no matter what anyone says we all know the truth. It's time for a change and the people of Tyrone are more than ready!!!!

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