
Ok, I am still recovering over who's in who's out and the upcoming run-offs. But, I am onto other issues.

SB458 died right? I was talking with a teacher from South Fulton who heard from her teacher grapevine that their school board had a meeting with their principals. They're preparing for Clayton County kids who will more than likely have something like "vouchers." But they're preparing.

What are our Principals being told here? Teachers go back August 4th.

Any BOE, teacher's have any updates?

Here's an article I find.

Withdrawn and recommitted, we expected SB 458 to make it to the House Floor at some point before midnight, but it never did. The bill was Senate President Pro Tem Eric Johnson’s school voucher bill. The legislation was designed to give vouchers for students in low-performing public schools. If a school loses accreditation or remains on the “needs improvement” list for seven years, the school system would be required to provide parents with the option of a voucher for use at a private school. The Clayton County school system has been used as an example in the debate this session because the system is in danger of losing it’s accreditation on September 1. Johnson held a press conference to clear up misunderstandings about Fayette County schools being forced to absorb Clayton students. The bill never received a vote on the House floor.

What does re-committed mean?

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Submitted by boxwing on Thu, 07/17/2008 - 6:49pm.

SB458 was sent back to committee where it stayed until the end of the State legislature session with no action taken. In other words it died in committee. I confirmed this with the FC Superintendent at the time. So the only Clayton students the FCBOE or any other BOE must take are the ones who move into the county. So I would like to see a little extra vigilance on the residency requirement for the coming school year!

mother hen's picture
Submitted by mother hen on Thu, 07/17/2008 - 11:08am.

Generally speaking, when a piece of legislature is recommitted it means that it will be referred to committee again. I can't vouch for the fact that it means the same thing in our state government without asking one of our representatives directly, of course. But if you were to ask my opinion about what this means, I would say that we all better start hounding the BOE and Matt Ramsey and Ronnie Chance for information and making sure our interests are protected by the language in the bill, or we just may end up supporting out-of-county students after all.

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