Ballard Vs. Hayes revisited

sniffles5's picture

The election is over and the voters have spoken: an overwhelming majority re-elected Scott Ballard as district attorney.

I thought it'd be a lot closer race.

Hayes ran a textbook professional campaign, he had the slickest marketing materials and the highest presence. He dropped bombshells ("1100 non-filed cases") with precision.
He all but promised the death penalty for shoplifters in conservative Fayette county.

So what went wrong?

I think Dave Simmons' gang hysteria was a major factor in getting Ballard re-elected. Simmons breathless "gangs are coming! gangs are coming!" rhetoric made the public uneasy...particularly when Sheriff Johnson didn't do anything about it (Johnson later denied any home-grown gangs existed) and Wayne Hannah sat on his hands at the NAACP gang meeting (a masterstroke, in retrospect).

Enter Scott Ballard. Ballard threw the book at the two African-American gang-banger-wannabees, and gave the 3-4 white gangstas probation. It seemed like overnight the "gang menace" evaporated...and it was Scott Ballard who had "done something".

Hayes is a very conservative prosecutor, and Fayette is a conservative county. I think, perhaps, that Hayes learned the "Lakly Lesson"...that there are limits to conservatism. (Former state rep Dan Lakly got defeated for re-election his first time because he bragged about how little money he spent on Fayette education like a "good conservative").

I believe Hayes seriously misjudged the bloodthirstiness of the Fayette populace. The voters evidently wanted a "fair and balanced" prosecutor, not a knee-jerk throw-the-book one.

The last days of the campaign were very strange, almost as if Hayes was throwing everything and the kitchen sink against Ballard ("Coozies!" "1100 cases!" "child molestors!" and "mismanaged office!") just to see if anything stuck.

It didn't.

The last major charge by Hayes, that Ballard mis-managed the office, was especially laughable. Ballard inherited a mess from his predecessor Bill McBroom and despite any misgivings people may have had about his courtroom behavior, he was, by most accounts, a very fine case manager.

I don't think Hayes was helped by enlisting the "Studdard Machine" (David and county clerk Sheila Studdard) to manage his campaign. Those two seem to have a near-pathological hatred of all things Ballard (Sheila Studdard beat Scott's cousin for the clerk position a while back).

In any event, it's a moot point now. Ballard has another four years to show us what he can do. I didn't vote for him because I thought he showed poor judgement in that character witness fiasco. But I'm willing to give him a chance now.

We'll see how he handles the next four years. Buckle up folks, it's going to be interesting!

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Christian's picture
Submitted by Christian on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 5:51pm.

Ballard won a convincing 60-40 victory for several reasons:

1. I think Ballard is a generally warm/agreeable decent person that most people like. When I have seen him, he has a big smile and is backslapping and shaking hands. He has many friends and relatives in Fayette County, and his ties here are extremely strong. Rudjard is basically an outsider, and he can't claim umpteen cousins in the area, with Fayette ancestors stretching back to the 19th century.

2. Ballard was the incumbent. Incumbents dominated.

3. Some people have made some thinly veiled anti-Catholic remarks about Rudjard's kids going to the local Catholic schools. While Hayes is not Catholic, I think that there is still some lingering anti-Catholic bias in this circuit and that probably hurt Rudjard. Hayes was also called a carpet bagger by one defense lawyer.

4. While Ballard is manifestly not an effective DA, many of the people that voted for him made a rational decision. They have seen first hand how he will break his oath of office to defend a convicted molester all because he is one of Ballard's old buddies. Many Ballard supporters probably think that if they (or their family members) ever get into trouble, they can expect some home cooking from "their" DA. Ballard is their "get out of jail free" card.

5. The Ballard voters I know were generally older people, and they have roots here. I have 4 colleagues (all very high income professionals with advanced educations) that live in PTC, but none were born or grew up here. NONE OF THEM EVEN VOTED!! Two are on vacation. They have their lives and careers, and local politics has no interest for them. If things get really bad, they have all said they will simply move.

6. The defense lawyers probably helped Ballard as much as they could. Defense lawyers supporting a DA? Enough said.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 7:42am.

I agree with most of your analysis of the race, except that David Studdard worked for Ballard in the DA's office after his wife Sheila had beaten Ballard's Daddy, so I don't think there is any personal animosity Studdard vs. Ballard. DavidS probably thought that being campaign manager for Hayes was a winning proposition as Ballard looked weak from the outside before yesterday. Sure, a lot of lawyers supported incumbent Ballard, but that is typical that lawyers who may appear against a DA won't go against the incumbent.

I especially agree with your point that Fayette Co voters don't have near the blood lust that is sort of assumed here. The last guy who really campaigned hard on punishment to the maximum was Judge Edwards, and that's been several years ago. He won handily and has definitely handed down serious sentences on all levels, but he may be more of an exception now than he was when first elected. I find that kind of odd because there is a PERCEPTION that the entire county is crime-ridden right now and on the verge of anarchy.

Henrietta Bui's picture
Submitted by Henrietta Bui on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 10:17pm.

not his father.

He was the last Democrat to hold a county level elected office in Fayette.

Most of the Ballards became Republicans in the 1960s. Bud, despite being a conservative, refused to abandon his party.

Studdard beat Ballard 55-45. Considering that Studdard had a R by her name, Ballard did quite well.

Submitted by Spyglass on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 5:43am.

in my humble opinion.

As to the "internet predators", I've been against them being lured to Peachtree City in the first place. I live here, why would I want them to know what we have here? I would rather my Police Department spend the money/resources patrolling the City, not in internet chat rooms acting like you are 13 years old.

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