Robert Horgan

I just wanted to write and ask readers to vote for more men like Robert Horgan. Robert was one of the only elected officials to attend the recent National Day of Prayer event which packed out the Villages Amphitheater in Fayetteville. Prayer is a place of humility, a place of communicating with our Creator and saying we need Your help, Your power, and Your wisdom. Robert has a tract record of being committed to this community, committed to his wife and family, and committed to the Lord. I want to elect someone who cares about how their actions as a public official affect the average citizen in Fayette County and goes out of his way to hear the concerns of moms and dads, school bus drivers, fire fighters, and boys scouts as he considers his decisions. He has common sense and seeks wisdom to guide our county in a more positive direction not only from experts but the One who is Wisdom. Since we are “One nation under God” I hope we will all get back to electing officials who believe “In God we trust.”

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Submitted by BOLO on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 9:50pm.

In Robert Horgan we're doomed. He may be a praying man and that's not a bad thing at all. But he is absolutely unqualified to have a say over an $80 million dollar budget raised on the backs of hard working taxpayers like me. He has failed to do anything for his district. He has no vision for his district; he has no plans for his district. He has failed to reach out to ALL of his district. That is NOT the way to be a representative. You don't get to pick who you want to represent.

So, when he votes, he is doing the bidding of someone but it sure isn't the majority of his district. Don't believe it? The biggest proof is that he helped to short change the north end with a barely-half-finished park. What has he contributed in ideas? Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. And that's because he brings nothing to the table and doesn't respect his district enough to ask what they want.

God, I pray that we can send him back to the business he is good at because he just doesn't have "the goods" to be a public servant.

Submitted by boo boo on Thu, 07/10/2008 - 2:48am.

When Politicians start wearing their religion on their sleeves it is time they get shown the door.

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