Junked car:

carbonunit52's picture

Has anyone seen that junked car in the parking lot of Drake Park by the Peachtree City library? I am really allergic to junk, and had a bad reaction.

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Submitted by PTC_factchecker on Sat, 07/05/2008 - 9:45am.

Yes, I've seen the car. I think about a few hundred saw it too, especially yesterday, when the Fire Department did its "Jaws of Life" demonstration on it.

Do you ever find out what's going on in the community? Perhaps instead of limiting yourself to reading things in the Citizen, you might want to visit other websites that actually let you know when things are going on...

I hope you didn't call 911 to report explosions about 9:45 last night, too!

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Sat, 07/05/2008 - 9:49am.

Ugly is ugly, and I ought to know. I apologize to any fireman who took offense to my comments, but it still looks bad sitting there. I was considering calling 911 on some neighbors who were trying to set my roof on fire.

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