New sheriff in town is from here

Tue, 06/17/2008 - 3:45pm
By: Letters to the ...

After the War between the States, history tells us about the carpetbaggers from up North who took advantage of a largely illiterate South. Most of the people in rural Georgia were farmers and putting food on the table for the family was number one, and an education was secondary.

However, today we live in a well-educated, well-informed South. Occasionally we have a carpetbagger, or a medicine show, come to town from up North and try to sell their wares to what they still believe is an illiterate South.

The latest show in town is a medicine man who wants to be sheriff. He came from an area that we read about daily, or see on the news daily with its own crime problem. I think he is a former police officer, who got rich on his law enforcement salary, and moved to Whitewater Estates with all the other rich, retired people from law enforcement.

For years, Fayetteville was a great, safe place to raise children, then came the influx of people from up North who moved here to the “Mecca of the South.” With the parents came their little gang-bangers, and thus the influx of crime in Fayetteville, and now in the county at general.

We had some teenagers who got into trouble, but never gangs; no one ever got robbed on the golf cart trails; it was safe to go to Wal-Mart or to the Dairy Queen.

We need a new sheriff in town, folks. He won’t ride into town on a white horse or wear a white hat, but, never fear, good people, there is going to be a new sheriff in town.

With him come years in law enforcement, a wife who is also in law enforcement. For years he has gone to schools talking to kids about the horror of drugs and crime in general. This man is a resident of Georgia, a Southerner, who knows the people of this county, and he also know what is going on in our growing county.

Hannah has it covered, folks. He knows about the bad guys, he knows about the crime here in Fayette County, and everything will be under control when he is elected.

After the election, let’s just hope and pray that just like the carpetbaggers and medicine men from the North, they will pack their bags and head back to the old mecca that was “the enlightened North.”

LeGay Saul

Fayetteville, Ga.

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Submitted by McGerkin88 on Thu, 06/19/2008 - 6:22pm.

spoken by a true Southern illiterate and bigot. Thank God the carpetbaggers from the North will be voting. Simmons is the next Sheriff.

Tells you what kind of supporters Hannah has. No thank-you.

Submitted by grits on Thu, 06/19/2008 - 4:52pm.

Does your superhero wear tights and a cape?

You're right, the new Sheriff in town IS from is his family AND he didn't leave and come back....he's always been here. He really does know about crime suppression....since he hasn't been running radar, directing traffic and working wrecks for nearly 20 years.

So, don't you fear....BABB has got you covered....

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