Drug seizure money controversy: Who's right?

Wed, 01/18/2006 - 5:22pm
By: The Citizen
Sheriff Randall Johnson and Sheriff's Department
57% (151 votes)
Chairman Greg Dunn and Fayette Commission
21% (55 votes)
Both sides have good points
8% (20 votes)
Both sides need to cool down, back off
14% (38 votes)
Total votes: 264
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Submitted by Fayetteresident on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 8:58pm.

From everything I've read about the drug seizure money, and it has been A LOT, the Commissioners don't have any right to the funds. Weren't the Commissioners told by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that the funds were to be allocated to the Sheriff's Dept.? End of story! (The Commissioners probably filed a law suit against the government over this just like they do everything else they don't agree with) Don't you think it's funny that the Sheriff has been in office for almost 30 years with no issues until this group of Commissioners came in?? It's amazing how money can bring out the greed in power hungry officials.

Submitted by fayetteobservers on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 9:10pm.

Why is it that the Fayette Commissioners are so law suit happy ? They sued Tyrone several times over the Hwy 74 stuff and they lost every time. Those huge attorneys fees were chump change for the Commission but real money for Tyrone. It's not about money or accountability but power. I saw one of Col. Dunn's Marshall Police Department riding around smoking a cigarette. If you are going to use my tax dollars to put a code enforcer into a fully loaded, leather Crown Vic at least smoke outside of my vehicle. It ain't about responsible government; it's about Dunn's power grab. We may have a bunch of bleeding heart liberals in the courts handling the criminals here but at least Randall has always, always been tough on criminals.

Submitted by Fayetteresident on Fri, 01/20/2006 - 1:14pm.

In response to Commissioners filing so many law suits...I'm surprised there isn't more OUTRAGE from the Fayette County Tax Payers! How can we find out exactly how much money they have wasted pursuing these actions? I'm sure the Fayette County residents woud like to know just how much of their tax dollars are being spent foolishly! Is there anyone who can research this and publish it for the rest of us to examine?

Submitted by Investq on Fri, 01/20/2006 - 5:19am.

I agree that the Commissioners are wrong. Randall has served us well. It's hard to keep a good reputation and he has. I hope Randall runs again. But when he does get his well-earned retirement, who will fill those big shoes ? It is a shame that Randall does not have a good backup to follow behind him. The Commissioners, though, are troublemakers. They spend more in legal fees in one year then the Town of Brooks spends on everything for a decade. Every building project they have done is wasteful. Taxes go up every year. People usually let their politicians blow money like crazy (due to apathy). But people don't like a popular figure being attacked like the Commission has done to Randall. Greg and Linda may need to retire because this time they stepped in it.

Submitted by Sam on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 2:39pm.

There is no controversy! Dunn needs to tell all the facts not what he wants the public to believe. People need to reliegh on their better judgement and hearts and rest assured that the Sheriff is and has always done what is legal, moral, and ethically right.

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