Democratic Health Care and gasoline?

Fri, 06/06/2008 - 3:00pm
By: thecueman

Just had an interesting conversation with a guy at the next gas pump. After somewhat on target conversation he left me with this final thought.
Just wait til the Democrats take over, Gas will be $9 per gallon just like in England to pay for health care.
I estimated his gas consumption at less that 30 gal per month based on his admitted driving habits.
Would I pay $270 (9x30 for those in the slow lane) for a month of health insurance and 30 gallons of gas to boot?
Yes, I would, I would.
Can't wait for the Obamanation.

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Submitted by thecueman on Fri, 06/06/2008 - 5:41pm.

OK by your resoning if the Republicans were in charge and there was no health bill then....
Gas would be cheap and we could all afford to eat!
Because clearly Bam Bam and the Democrats have caused the current situation. And everything is ok, except it isn't really and facts just confuse things. It isn't ok right now. The nation is near crises on so many issues and I think hopefully we will not just read a bunch of talking points and instead look at the plight of so many people harmed by this current administration and get them the heck out of office with or without healthcare bills.

Submitted by Jamie-Mac on Fri, 06/06/2008 - 4:44pm.

Oh yeah, BAM BAM as my father calls him will make big changes the first day.

Wow, aren't you looking for the first day he's in office?

Which means some won't be able to drive to their present place where they work. It will cost too much, health care added on plus all of our living expenses.

How can people be so Puzzled to buy into this. I am sure our local democrats will tell us so much once they read this. If they do, details please? It would be nice to be able to eat when this happens.

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Fri, 06/06/2008 - 7:14pm.

and just what do you think the next president will be able to accomplish on his first day in office...just as a point of discussion? Keep the faith

Even a dead fish can go with the flow.

Locke's picture
Submitted by Locke on Fri, 06/06/2008 - 6:09pm.

I am looking forward to his first day in office specifically so that your guy will not be able to continue to destroy what's left of America.

It is one thing to show a man that he is in an error, and another to put him in possession of the truth. John Locke

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