Regarding Bad Rap for Tyrone Tornadoes

I am a first time writer, however I feel the need to state my opinion regarding these Blogs concerning the "Tyrone Tornadoes coach" (that is not being named) but is being given a bad rap due to ignorance.
I am a child of a long term "paid" Coach that of course had to deal with comments from concerned parents and community. Been there done that. My father's favorite quote was and still is "Winning is not everything it is the only thing".
If you are not winning you have to find someone to blame and of course there is no way that you can blame it on except the Coach. Not your "child's learning curve" going from U8 to U10. It is much easier to blame it on the coach that before that coach moved up to there first season in U10 had come in 2nd in the regular season county and won the end of season tournament.
Please people get a grip and a life this is recreation ball this is not the Yankees and neither your child and for sure not the coach is getting paid for there contribution to the community. If you have felt for this long that this coach was incapable then why are you sitting at your computer writing blogs when instead if you (or in the south Yall) feel you can do a better job then get off the benchers and step up and commit to the vounteer unpaid hours that is commited from this coach and all coaches with Tyrone, Fayette County and associates around the US.
Talk is cheap if you feel that you are more capable of coaching then step up and do the job not protest on the court house steps regarding a vounteer non-paying postion that is a community christian outreach.
We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and you (yall) should step back and stop judging others who step up and do what you (yall) are not willing yourselves to committ to your community.
This is America the land of the free speech. You had your right to your opinion, however so do I.

Thank you, GETALIFE

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Submitted by sickandtired on Fri, 05/30/2008 - 11:35am.

I'm not real sure if you understand the way coaching a recreational league works (in Tyrone anyway)...but I will explain to you. Whatever age group a volunteer is coaching whether it be 6U, 8U, 10U, etc., the first coach that volunteers has seniority of that particular age group. The Tyrone Tornadoes coach has seniority over 10U because the prior coach moved up to the 12U age group. As long as she wants to coach 10U...she can. There are plenty of other parents that would love to coach and would do just as well without all of the radical behavior. As parents we would like to keep our children from witnessing such behavior especially at a ball game. You are is just a game, but our 9 & 10 year old girls deserve to play ball and not watch a coach lose her temper and behave the way that she does on the field. It's like putting your chihuahua in the pen with a pit bull. The only way to dismiss this coach is for parents to speak up. This is not a matter of gossiping about a coach. This is a matter of what's best for our girls. So GetaLife....What do you suggest we do? I'm open to all advice and opinions!

TonyF's picture
Submitted by TonyF on Fri, 05/30/2008 - 5:46am.

p.s. I have no "dog in this hunt", I'm just grumpy.

O wad some Power the giftie gie us,To see oursels as ithers see us!
(R. Burns)
If we could see ourselves as others see us, we would vanish on the spot.
(E. M. Cioran)

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Fri, 05/30/2008 - 5:50am.

grumpy. Smiling
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

TonyF's picture
Submitted by TonyF on Fri, 05/30/2008 - 6:06am.

How goes it?

O wad some Power the giftie gie us,To see oursels as ithers see us!
(R. Burns)
If we could see ourselves as others see us, we would vanish on the spot.
(E. M. Cioran)

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Fri, 05/30/2008 - 6:12am.

Friday!! I finished my assigned office duties so I can work out of the house again. That will save me a few dollars in gas!!!!!
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Fri, 05/30/2008 - 7:15am.

and give you chance to blog to your heart's content. LOL. Keep the faith.

Even a dead fish can go with the flow.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Fri, 05/30/2008 - 7:21am.

kick this addiction.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Fri, 05/30/2008 - 7:30am.

any promising treatments for blogging addiction? I am concerned for you, because I can quit anytime I want.

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