Scary Movies

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Does anyone recall the most scariest movie you ever saw as kid? Mine was Invaders From Mars. The Supreme Martian in the glass jar scared the you know what out of me.

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Submitted by CMLove777 on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 1:41pm.

I saw this movie when I was a kid. The first two vignettes were just okay. But the last one...the Zuni Fetish doll...that still scares me today

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:18pm.

one of my all-time favorites.

We joined Netflix just so we could show our kids some of the classic sci-fi and horror movies from the 50's-60's.... like 'The Tingler'... 'The Crawling Eye'...'Bride of Frankenstein'

oh and 'Mill of the Stone Women'

'Robinson Crusoe on Mars' is a good flick (not scary but great sci-fi)

and some newer ones like 'The Changeling' with George C. Scott.

'The Exorcist' was still the scariest movie I have ever seen and I still can't watch it without closing my eyes in some parts, like when Regan spins her head around or crawls down the stairs while doing a creepy backbend.... gross...

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:38pm. when Regan spins her head....

Should that read "Megan"?

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Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 10:51pm.

Of course it's Regan, you silly goose:


I almost posted a link to a YouTube video, showing Regan spinning her head and doing the creepy crawl down the stairs, but it was too scary to watch.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 5:41am.

That means OMG that sniffles and I were wrong!!!!! Smiling
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River's picture
Submitted by River on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:54pm.

This was a late-50's Japanese horror sci-fi movie. It was by far the creepiest sci-fi movie I ever saw. At that point in time, the Japanese were extremely anti-nuclear-weapon, for obvious reasons. In the movie, a Japanese fishing boat was near the Bikini atoll during one of the tests, and the radiation turned the crew into blobs of sludge that could flow like amoebas, and anyone they touched got dissolved into a new blob of sludge. (somewhat like the later movie "The Thing" with Kirk Russell.) In one nightmarish scene, a detective goes into a darkened room with a flashlight and his gun drawn, and he sees the blobs on the walls and ceiling, but not in time. One blob drops down on him from the ceiling and slowly dissolves him, with his bloodcurdling screams echoing through the darkened building. I had nightmares about that movie for years. I haven't seen that movie since I was a teenager, but it would still scare the hell out of me.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 8:02pm.

You got me on the The H Man. I don't believe I've seen that one. I do remember the original "The Thing"; now that was a good flick. The "Blob" was a Steve McQueen flick which was filmed in the '50s.
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Submitted by thenatural on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 8:57am.

The original version of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers from the early '50's. Saw that when I was young, and will not watch it now under any circumstances.

River's picture
Submitted by River on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 8:11pm.

The difference with "H-Man" was that each individual was a separate blob, and once you were dissolved, you became a new blob. Somehow, that was creepier than just getting eaten by the blob.

What was the movie with the seed pods that became copies of people? That was pretty creepy as well, but I can't remember the name of it.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 9:03pm.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Filmed in good ole Los Angeles.

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sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:50pm.

Nope, Cyclist, the person possessed by the Devil was named Regan, presaging the more well known Reagan (the demon-possessed American president) by a good 7 years....a case of life imitating art!

BTW, the first horror movie I remember seeing was "It came from beneath the sea", a radioactive octopus destroying San Francisco. Scary as hell when I was 5 or so, much less scary when I saw it on TCM last fall!

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:53pm.

I was wondering when you were coming out of hiding. You must have been gone for the holiday weekend.
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Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:22pm.

Now that says it all!!! Smiling

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Submitted by susieq on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 6:28pm.

I don't remember a scary movie back when I was a kid.

I do remember in the mid-1960s, "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte." I didn't see the murder, but I saw the blood splatter. I think someone was beheaded. Bette Davis played in it.

Then around 1980, "The Shining," when Jack Nicholson chased the little boy through the snow in the English garden.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 6:48pm.

Here's Johnny

I thought he said "honey I'm home". Oh well, it has been a while since I seen the movie.
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Submitted by susieq on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 10:17pm.

Now I won't sleep tonight after clicking on your link. Needless to say, I didn't watch it. I got out of there pretty quick.

Nickolson did say, "Honey, I'm home," but that was a different scene.

Submitted by Okie on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 6:22pm.

Actually this is my most favorite movie now, The Wizard of Oz. When I was really little, I remember watching it at my Grandma's house and the part where they went to see the Wizard with all the flames shooting up and the scary wizard face scared me. The Exorcist with Linda Blair's spinning head was pretty scary. Salem's Lot when the vampire is upside down scratching on the window, with those white eye balls....eeewww!

Michael Boylan's picture
Submitted by Michael Boylan on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 2:10pm.

A vampire movie without any blood?!

Both times they made a movie out of this it was Made for TV - it is an injustice to Stephen King's fine novel.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 3:11pm.

more sickening, but scary. Kevin Spacey said everyone of the the men portrayed was interviewed and that it was very factual. Really scary to think Bush's guys did so much to stop the election vote being counted accurately. I was for Gore. We came so close. The better man did not win. How different things would be today if he had.

The part about the 20,000 people, mostly blacks, who had names similar to convicted felons, being denied the right to vote was awful. That was something I had never heard till the movie.

WakeUp's picture
Submitted by WakeUp on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 3:22pm.

That's right, base everything you believe on Hollywood. That makes about as much sense as the Right basing everything they believe on Fox and Hannity.

Funny how the courts upheld it though. If you think the movie is a fact based documentary with no bias, then go ahead. You have that right.

By the way, just how much differently would things be? What would the response to 9/11 have been and how would it have be carried out? How would he have responded to the rising oil prices? How would he have avoided the real estate collapse? How would he have avoided the blame for Katrina?

No matter what you may think of the president, he is not all powerful and can magically make everything perfect. If Gore had been in the White House, don't you think he would have been blamed for these issues too?

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 3:38pm.

or maybe, we wouldn't have had 9/11 with him in charge? I doubt we would be in Iraq or wherever still looking for Osama. He's probably in Boston having a cool one in a pub about now.

Katrina was a natural disaster, but Bush's appointed buddy,'Brownie' was a fool. I think Gore would have had better people. Everyone questioned Bush's IQ to handle the job and it was pointed out that he would surround himself with the top experts so it was fail proof. It wasn't fail proof, or fool/Bush proof!

Submitted by USArmybrat on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 6:45pm.

She scared me so bad that when she later was on the coffee commercial as Cora, I would have to turn away from the T.V. I don't like to look at her even now when I watch it with my kids. I really hated when she rode by on the bike and then changed to being on the broom, when Dorothy was in the flying house!

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:50pm.

about how much I hated the Wizard of Oz. Then one evening it came on and she wanted to watch it. When the Wicked Witch came on for the first time, she sat up and asked if I was alright. My heart was racing and I was sweating. My parents took me to see that movie when I was real young, and to this day, I cannot watch it without that reaction (I am actually getting it typing this). What you call your basic traumatic experience, I guess. Keep the faith

Even a dead fish can go with the flow.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 6:33pm.

It was those freaky flying monkeys that I didn't like.
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carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 6:55pm.

I still don't like those monkeys.

River's picture
Submitted by River on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 6:54pm.

If you ever saw "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet", the episode of Twilight Zone with the Gremlin on the wing of an airliner, I think the gremlin was modeled somewhat after the flying monkeys, just without a tail.

Judy Garland was quite beautiful at that point in her life. It's a shame how sad her life turned out later on.

The tornado in that movie was very well done, considering the technical limitations of the time. It still looks pretty realistic. Also, it was one of the first color movies. The abrupt shift from black and white to color must have been quite startling at the time. Hey Sage, what was that like? (just kidding!!)

Submitted by sageadvice on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:47pm.

I knew actually that Italian lover (Valentino) of the silent movies. When he talked in public, he sounded like Barney Fife.
I never thought color movies were real for years! I had never seen such colors before in real life!

River's picture
Submitted by River on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 8:07pm.

He was in the British army in WW-1, and had some great stories, like the one about how the Germans introduced the Zeppelins as a terror weapon. At first, none of the British airplanes could climb high enough to attack the Zeppelins, so they could roam at will over Britain, dropping random bombs here and there, terrorizing the population. Then, when the planes could get high enough, their bullets made little difference, since the Zeppelins were so huge. Finally, they developed incendiary rounds that would set the Zeppelins on fire. Soon, the Zeppelins were all gone. There were other stories too, but I won't bore you.

Got any grandkids? Tell them about Valentino!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:20pm.

Can you imagine life under the rule of such a witch? Thank goodness Obama has pretty much boxed her out.

And what would have become of Dorthy and her friends if not for that bucket of water. I remember several times as a kid playing outside with my friends. The time of the year would be about now and the 8:00 movie (Central Standard Time) would be getting ready to start. Mom would yell out the front door "The Wizard Of Oz Is About To Come On". Each of us kids would immediately halt our play time and make a mad dash to our respective homes to catch the beginning of the Wizard Of Oz. Thanks for the memories guys....

Those monkeys.... Yikes! And the Gremlin episode you speak of River. Was that creepy or what. The one that sticks in my mind was one from I think the very early 70's when the very attractive Linda Black was being attacked in her apartment by that 8" head huntin' voodo doll or whatever the heck that creepy little dude was. I love those oldies.

The girls have hit the showers after a busy Memorial Day and we're gettng ready to wind the day down by watching the Million Dollar Duck with Dean Jones and Sandy Duncan which was released in 1971.

Thanks to all who served in the past and in the present. Especially those who paid the ultimate price. My heart and thoughts are with you today BuZZard.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:24pm.

you are too much!!!!
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Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:03pm.

how that creature was able to stay attached to that old Convair as it was traveling about 280 knots.

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Submitted by sageadvice on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:53pm.

Well, you see Cyclist, the creature didn't exist, really, except in the messed up guy's mind!
I know some people think everything they think they see and all they hear is gospel, but it ain't so!
Some people have even said Reagan was conservative with money! They finally explained to him what a "Veto" was, but it was 8 years too late.
And, Gorbby himself didn't tear down the wall---others did! They had to--they wanted us to feed the East Germans! Which we have.

River's picture
Submitted by River on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 8:20pm.

If you have Netflix, you can rent that episode of Twilight Zone. It is in "The Twilight Zone: Vol. 2" (1963) which also contains "Time Enough at Last", the episode with Burgess Meredith as a bookworm who is the last man alive on earth, with all the time in the world to read his books, only to have his glasses break. (kind of ironic)

Anyway, if you watch "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet", the ending makes it clear that the creature was not just in his mind. The very last shot is of damage to the engine cowling where the creature was tugging at it.

Submitted by sageadvice on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 3:23am.

I simply don't believe in such creatures tearing off cowlings while in mid-air! You must, or you would think the sane as I do: he imagined seeing it and the torn cowling!
I've had some bad dreams but that is just what they were!
Why would you want to say the creature really existed? The writer meant for you to believe it did, that's all.

River's picture
Submitted by River on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 6:20am.

I didn't really believe in flying monkeys either, but it's fun to suspend disbelief while you're watching a movie. Have a nice day!

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:56pm.

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