FreeSpeech for 5-21-08

Tue, 05/20/2008 - 4:10pm
By: The Citizen

I work at a busy restaurant on the corner of Ga. highways 54 and 74. The city sent our manager a letter saying residents had complained that the lights in our parking lot were too bright, especially by the dumpsters in the back and by the back door. NO DUH! They are called “security lights” for a reason. These are the two most vulnerable parts of our parking lot. The lights were dimmed on a Monday afternoon, per city orders. That Thursday night, a server that I work with had her passenger-side window in her car shattered and her purse was stolen. She is a single mother of three very young children, and her insurance did not cover the expense of having the window fixed. The police officer who found her purse in another parking lot said that four other vehicles had been broken into within the past hour. So my question is why are citizens complaining about our lights, which are nowhere even near a residential area but were bright to ensure the safety of not only our customers, but employees as well? Now I have to leave after midnight with a pocket full of cash into a now dimly lit area, because of petty gripes from people who obviously have more spare time than good sense. I think the city should reimburse this young mother for not only her purse contents and window, but come back out and turn the lights back up. I know that some residents live in a bubble in PTC, but the reality of 2008 is that crime is everywhere, and we need to be as proactive as we can.

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Do I understand this correctly? Our state and local government says, “Filling of installed pools is permitted,” but hand-washing a car is not permitted. It takes approximately 25,000 gallons to fill a backyard pool. That’s okay. It takes about 25 gallons to wash a car. That’s not okay. A car would have to be washed 1,000 times to use the same amount of water required to fill a swimming pool. In order to wash a car 1,000 times in a year, you’d have to wash that car three times a day, but you’re not allowed to wash it once a year. This is a ridiculously discriminatory policy. Now get this. We are allowed to water plants for 25 minutes. The policy says, “The hose must be hand-held during watering and equipped with a standard spray nozzle that automatically turns off when not hand-held.” Let me see if I’ve got this right: As of July 1 I can carry a loaded gun into a public place, but I can’t carry a water hose in my own yard, unless it is equipped with an automatic shut-off device. I apparently own a non-standard spray nozzle. It is not automatic. It is the twist-to-close type. I bought it, legally, over the counter right here in Fayetteville. It takes about two seconds of twisting to stop the flow. Now my spray nozzle is illegal. I’m a criminal if I use it. Talk about stupid people making stupid policies. What’s next? Is the watering Gestapo going to require us to register our spray nozzles? People, we are electing absolute morons to run all levels of our government. Shame on you, shame on me.

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Pet owners need to take more responsibility for the safety of their pets. After all, there is a leash law for dogs and cats and had the owners taken better care of their animals, they might be alive today.

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Dogs and cats lying in the road, swimming pools and being shot by someone. Who is at fault here? Surely not the irresponsible pet owners who let their animals roam freely through the neighborhood tearing up plants and leaving their souvenirs in their neighbor’s yard.

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Regarding the cat that was shot with an arrow (letters to the editor 5/14/08 edition): Don’t forget most serial killers start out in adolescence torturing or killing animals before they grow up and move on to humans. Assuming this is a young kid, the cops should get involved, but more importantly, psychiatric treatment is in order. Anyone older than 15, lock them up.

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I would like to thank the city of Peachtree City for giving my children an opportunity to see science at work. I have had occasion to drive my kids south on Hwy. 74 for the past three weeks, and each and every day we pass a dead deer on the side of the road just north of the Baseball and Soccer Complex. I made the mistake of pointing it out on the first day, so now they are enthralled each time we pass to see how much more decay has taken place. It’s like a “body farm.” OK, I’ll admit it, my daughter is a little freaked out, but pish-posh, just think of the education she’s getting. I know, I know, I should have called the city to remove it, but honestly, I was curious to see how long a dead animal (especially a big ol’ deer) would sit on the side of the most heavily traveled road in town before the city would take it upon themselves to clean it up. Apparently it’s three weeks ... and counting.

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It takes 21 pages of paperwork, two to three weeks, and approval from Environmental Health, Planning and Zoning, and the Building Department in order to get a permit to build an addition in Fayette County. And beginning July 1, the builder must have a state license to acquire the permit. For those who didn’t bother to get “grandfathered in” for a license, (the paperwork and experience requirements were overwhelming for many), the process to get a license will be lengthy. Now, given all the above, do you really think my competition will bother getting permits? Buyer beware!

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George Wingo’s antics are just the tip of the iceberg. Never give the person who handles the money too much unsupervised power. Their greed and political maneuvering have already landed us in the mortgage crisis.

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The cost of day to day living is rising as a result of out of control fuel prices. As we choose carefully on what we spend our hard-earned dollars, the operating expenses of government is being directly affected. We can expect in the near future that those governments will be attempting to make up their lost revenues by reaching into our pockets. I have taken a look at the discretionary spending of our local governments so that the public will be aware of the spending for “general government” per year per person. These figures do not include the basic premise of government, which is to provide for basic services such as water, public works, public safety or judicial services. These dollars are for the “all other” and based upon their approved 2008 budget (if published, most recent if not published), Fayette County with a population of approximately 100,000 spends $9,844,422 on general government ($92.28 per year per person), Fayetteville with a population of approximately 15,000 spends $1,800,754 on general government ($120 per person per year) and Peachtree City with a population of approximately 34,500 spends $2,666,123 on general government ($77 per person per year). Perhaps government should look at operating more efficiently.

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I am writing in response to the writer who has obviously never been to a lacrosse game to write such an ignorant blanket statement. I am so glad we have moved away from PTC and stupid people like you. By the way, my son plays both football and lacrosse. I suggest you go to a boys lacrosse game and rethink your comment.

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You must not know what your yapping about. [I’m a] mom of a daughter who played three years on the outstanding McIntosh lacrosse team, who have been at the top of their game since the program first started. For the player this physical sport calls for great strength, endurance, and skill and like football you can’t compare the two. Go watch McIntosh boys play a game and tell me they’re frail, or maybe try your hand at the sport and see for yourself. The ball IS smaller but it as hard as a rock, and the guys or girls running at you have a BIG stick. Enjoy.

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I played football, baseball and basketball in school (lacrosse or soccer was not available), but I would have probably have played them too. One of the greatest lacrosse players of all time and is in the Lacrosse Hall of Fame is the great football player Jim Brown. He said lacrosse was his favorite sport. To say this is a sport for girls or boys too frail to play football is someone who has never played the sport. My son played soccer, and anyone who has played that sport would tell you that the conditioning, beating and contact they take is as hard as football, and they have no pads. You should not judge a sport until you have done it yourself, and I think it an insult to the kids that play it to say these kind of things.

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I would much rather deal with the “stupid lights” than the stupid drivers. The lights that are set up correctly will change if you will stop at the “stop bar” — the bold, solid white line — instead of pulling up to the crosswalk. There really is a reason why the stop line is away from the crosswalk: So people can walk.

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To the cyclist-swiping name-caller who makes great leaps to connect bicycling to Kroger parking violations, I must ask you if the extra 30 seconds you save by running bikers off the road will be worth it? It is real smart to try to prove a point with an automobile. Just share the road, judge your passing distance instead of running up on the cyclist while another car is coming towards you, and try leaving on time. Main issue, just relax. Ride your 12-speed hybrid to rid yourself of some of this anger.

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With the high price of gas these days we need the commissioners to approve and see that sidewalks, bike paths, and bike lanes become a normal part of Fayetteville development. We need bike lanes to encourage people to ride more in our community. Why are schools built in residential areas with no sidewalks for children to walk to school? It works in Peachtree City. Fayetteville, Tyrone, Brooks and the state, for that matter, need to wake up; gas is nearly $4 a gallon. Everyone is screaming conserve energy. Help us out here: Give us bike lanes on our roads, sidewalks and bike paths in our communities. In the meantime, I guess we will all have to start riding scooters as they do in other countries around the world. Scooters get generally about 60-70 miles per gallon and are street-legal and fun to drive. At $4 a gallon, sounds good to me.

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To person calling others “moron” and giving their interpretation of the law about double yellow lines. The law states that you are prohibited from passing others’ vehicles on a double line. If you must avoid an object or person, then you may cross it temporarily. Are you telling me if a mailman or garbage truck on Ga. Highway 92 is delivering mail or picking up trash, you are not going to go around them? Give me a break.

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About two years ago a group of Tyrone citizens attempted to recall the former mayor for not living up to her campaign promises. The leaders of this group have now been elected to office but have not lived up to a single campaign promise they made. Strange as it may sound, there does not appear to be any talk of recalling this group for not living up to their campaign promises. Is this simply an oversight, a double standard, or has this group just been lying to the voters of Tyrone for over two years?

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Councilwoman Grace Caldwell apparently wants Tyrone to be the resting place for discards from Fayette County. First she masterminded the ouster of the previous town manager to be replaced with the discarded former County Manager Chris Venice at a much higher salary. Next Grace masterminded replacing the town attorney with another county discard, Bill McNally, again at two to three times the costs. Now she is proposing that the town acquire the existing county fire station. That’s the one that has septic problems, which, with no method to dispose of its sewerage, will render the property unusable. It is amazing how when the county practices fiscal responsibility and makes changes to insure that the taxpayers receive a fair return on their tax dollars, Grace Caldwell is always waiting in the wings to pick up what the county discards to burden the taxpayers of Tyrone with exorbitant costs. But then isn’t Grace also a county discard?

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No, no, no to increased business taxes. Our mayor of Peachtree City advocated and got through an increase in business taxes. What short-term thinking! All it will do is further the exodus of small business out of our city. Apparently it’s not enough to have less than 50 percent occupancy in some of our village market areas. Granted, it may not be a large increase, but precedent has been set. It says to any new business considering PTC to beware of the future. Instead of tax increase, it should be tax reductions. What would that tell future businesses about PTC? Think long-term, city council, long term.

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For School Superintendent Kathy Cox, the only honorable course of action would be to resign her commission. She had several years to implement the necessary radical change but she has proven herself to be just another inconsequential, get-along, go-along politician. She has had five full years and our state still has the worst schools in the country. While Georgia schools continue to decline and students with them, developing countries around the world are graduating highly motivated students with keen intellects. For a very frightening exposition of horrors that await the current attendees of Georgia public schools, read the book, “The World is Flat.” There is nothing but bipartisan shame on this issue. On one of the very most central roles of government, Governor Perdue and Mrs. Cox have failed miserably.

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To the 73-year-old who saved and invested your money and lives just fine under Mr. Bush, kudos to you, buddy. Way to go. But did you ever stop to think that maybe the 74-year-old who had to go back to work to survive under Mr. Bush didn’t have the same opportunities in life that you had? Did you wonder if that person had a great life like you and lost it due to layoffs or other personal tragedies, and is now having to work to survive? That would probably be a no to each question. You don’t sound as smart as you evidently think you are. Lots of people are suffering financially now because of the economy. Has your man Mr. Bush done anything about it? Oh, yeah, he did borrow billions from China (with interest), and then spend untold fortunes on sending out letters to let you know you’re getting the rebate, and then sending out an other letter saying when it would be delivered to you. What a waste of taxpayers’ dollars just on postage alone. Maybe Mr. Bush should have asked you for financial advice.

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I repeat myself. There is always some character that has more money than brains and they think everyone else is incompetent. When the truth is known, this type almost never earned their money but got it by various other means. Hard-earned money invested in 401K, IRA and government bonds is not bad investments. That money either disappeared or become worthless under this administration, so who is to blame?

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For my Democratic friends here in Fayette County, not everyone who thinks that Obama should not be our next president is a Georgia Republican conservative. In my 20 years of adulthood, I have never voted for a Republican candidate for any office. I have cast my votes exclusively for either Dems or Indi’s (which is to say I have backed a LOT of losers). But, if our party shows themselves as a majority to be the self-flagellating and self-righteous twits that I am seeing this year, then this year will be the year that I move over to the “dark side.” Enough is enough. Ms. Clinton has every right to feel that this nomination has been pulled out like a rug from under her feet. As the year started she was the most viable candidate that the Dems had to offer, and nothing has changed in that respect. In every swing state she wins, most recently in West Virginia by 40 points (and now let’s hear the left wing intelligentsia crow about all of those uneducated, racist rubes in that state). Obama sweeps Southern states: go figure; who cares? Georgia will go Republican, as will Virginia and South Carolina, etc. He won big in some rural Midwestern states; again, who cares? They will likewise go McCain’s way. Mrs. Clinton has the experience. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that she was not neck deep in almost all of the goings-on in the Clinton White House. If you believe that, you are either a man who has never been married (or are divorced because your ex-wife gave more advice than you wished to hear) or you are a woman who lives under the rule of a tyrant husband or are having an affair with the pool boy. Obama has never held a position of executive authority and barely has his feet wet in national politics. Can the Dems ever figure out again how to win the White House? He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing; all you have to do is watch the eyes of his proper wife to see the reality. The Clinton politics have always leaned towards the center. Obama’s politics are further left than we have seen in 30 years, and yet he talks like he is the pro-business man of the people. Be real with yourself: what the fine lady from San Francisco said was true and remains true, Obama would not be where he is now if he were white. Can you imagine a young white man with no military experience, no executive experience, less than two years of national experience, charisma, a message of “Hope” AND a 20-year relationship with a publicly white separatist church having a snowball’s chance with the Dems? It is true; deal with it. This is a big sarcastic, “Great job!” to all of those young and inexperienced voters, all of those self-loathing and over-educated leftovers from the ‘60s, and the 90 percent of the black Dem voters for ensuring that we will see at least four more years of a Republican White House, and at least four more years in Iraq. Don’t you feel good about yourselves?

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I am disgusted by the poster last week who wrote, “We’re not looking for equality, we’re looking for revenge.” It’s people like you who give all races a bad name. I’d think twice about voting for Obama just because he’s a black man. His interests may not lie in advancing YOUR people like you think he will. If it weren’t for people like you trying to play the race card all the time, this country could have healed many decades ago. It’s people like you that makes me not want to have anything to do with YOUR people. And believe me, there’s one like you in every race. You should be glad that you live in America where you can say things like that and face a firing squad or be beheaded. But if you don’t like it here in America, and just in case you haven’t figured it out, Delta’s ready when you are. I’ll even chip in a few dollars for your one-way ticket.

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Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 6:02am.

Beach time is coming soon. I think ole boss-man "Git" owes you a paid trip to were the sand and the water meet.

Well, I'm off to save the company from itself.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 8:23am.

Yup, I certainly could use some beach time, wonder if there are any "conferences" I could attend!

So what have I missed since I've not checked in since I left on Thursday.

Have fun at work today.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:45am.

Good to see you!!! I hope everything went well at Emory.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 2:39pm.

Good to see you too!! Smiling
Several more tests and then a decision to make.

Thanks for asking. Smiling

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 5:01pm.

You're in good hands at Emory. I hope and pray that all will be well.

Is there any way in which I might help out--shuttle service to Emory, perhaps? Smiling I'm set up for direct contact through this site if so.



Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 7:04pm.

You know how to make a gal cry, don't you? I don't know what to say. After everything you've been through you offer to drive me to Emory. What a wonderful person you are. Thank you so much, and God Bless your heart. My children adjusted their schedules and are available to take me.

You know Muddle, there is a better place out there for you to work. Someone who will appreciate you more. As for your other employer, it's their loss. As for the scum who did this to you..what goes around comes around. I'm still shocked that someone would do this to you.

I hope your wife is doing much better, please keep us updated. Let us know how things are going with you too.

The best to you always,
Tug Smiling

Submitted by susieq on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 3:13pm.

I didn't realize you were under the weather. I must have missed that post. Heck, I've missed hundreds of them lately.

At our age, anything can happen. Hope all goes well for you.

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 6:49pm.

Thanks, I appreciate that. Smiling Hope you've been doing ok. I haven't seen you on here much. I miss a lot of the comments too.
Take care

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 6:52pm.

you have been gone way too long!
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 3:00pm.

Let us know if we can help.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 6:53pm.

Your humor helps me more than you will ever know. You are one of the good guys. Smiling


Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:25pm.

Remember the election in 2006?

Thought you might like to read the following:

A little over one year ago:

1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) The unemployment rate was 4.5%.

Since voting in a Democratically controlled Congress in 2006 we have seen:

1) Consumer confidence plummet;
2) The cost of regular gasoline soar to $4.00 a gallon;
3) Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase);
4) American households have seen $2.3 trillion in equity value evaporate (stock and mutual fund losses);
5) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $1.2 trillion dollars;
6) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.

America voted for 'change' in 2006, and we got it!


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 9:29pm.

is, "Are you better off than you were 8 years ago?" Just think about that. Keep the faith.

Even a dead fish can go with the flow.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 9:43pm.

And thanks for asking. I'm much better off than I was 8 years ago when I was caught in the middle of Clinton's dot com bubble burst that I fought my way out of. I've done very well for myself. I've saved money, expanded my biz, hired more people, gave out two raises today, I'm pretty much out of debt, my home is not in foreclosure because I live within my means and I pay my credit cards off every month before I ever receive the bill. Let's see.... My stocks and retirement funds are all in a cash position, my wife still likes me and so far my kids do to. My dog is crazy about me.

I suppose I could complain about gas prices and pretend like Dick Cheney is making it all happen for his friends.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by sageadvice on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:33pm.

They did all that in one year. Goodness! Powerful bunch!

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:13pm.

A device "por" people use to get gasoline out of tanks. That's your gas tank and my gas tank. I think someone got us for about 10 gallons while the "beast" was parked at the school parking lot were Mrs Cy works.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:27pm.

I've got get locking gas caps for all my company vehicles. Derned Okies.....


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by sageadvice on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:36pm.

I recall during WW2, that a standard item for the trunk of a car was a hose and a jug or a can!
Not because gas was expensive but because there wasn't much to buy and it took gas stamps to get three gallon maximum per week for the average Joe.
Suckin on those hoses to start the vacuum into one's jug caused many people to get pretty sick from swallerin gas!

Of course I wuz too young to do that!
At $4-6 gas we will now start to see cars stolen for the gas in the tank!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:43pm.

At $4-6 gas we will now start to see cars stolen for the gas in the tank!

Someone recently stole several 6 gallon cans out of my barn recently. Guess it's time to git out my Rambo Bow and start treating some gas thieves like someone did that stray kitty. Evil


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:34pm.

the cost of doing business. Most unfortunate. I think we have all heard the stories of some dimwitted thief sticking his "card" into a RV and got something that did not resemble or smelled like gasoline. Shocked
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:00pm.

Is everything still in focus?
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:11pm.

Nope. Not yet. It really stinks so far. Tomorrow is my last day on the drugs so I'm hoping that's the cause of some of my chlorine pool eye vision and things will start improving.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by thenatural on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:41pm.

I have been back two weeks and we have yet to exchange greetings.

Sorry to hear that you are out of commission.

Submitted by thenatural on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:52pm.

Scott Ballard has got to go.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 9:07pm.

But then, so do many others. Just look at what we're stuck with. From our local townships all the way to the top. We used to castigate questionable characters in years past. I never thought I'd live to see the day when all the good that this country emulated suddenly became unacceptable.

I hope Rudyard Hayes has got some fight to him. He's certainly going to need it. There is a truly blind and ill-informed electorate surrounding us. Oh well......


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:46pm.

I enjoyed the 1:00 Braves game on Tuesday watching our team spank the Muts.... I mean the Mets. Weird thing was seeing three balls coming off the bats and sailing into the outfield.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by thenatural on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:50pm.

Braves swept the Mets tonight..first time since '03.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:52pm.

They beat the Mets like a rented mule the last 4 games!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:59pm.

To see Glavine get the win. Although I fear this might be his last year. I haven't been able to keep up much this year. Dog gone projects at work. Some of us just ain't willing to lie down for those foreign owned companies. Smiling


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by oldbeachbear on Wed, 05/21/2008 - 10:45am.

"About two years ago a group of Tyrone citizens attempted to recall the former mayor for not living up to her campaign promises. The leaders of this group have now been elected to office but have not lived up to a single campaign promise they made. Strange as it may sound, there does not appear to be any talk of recalling this group for not living up to their campaign promises. Is this simply an oversight, a double standard, or has this group just been lying to the voters of Tyrone for over two years?"

That 'group' consisted of two woman..I'm real sure on who they were. Neither, has run for office. If you are again trying to implicate Grace,she didn't sign the petition, again, I'm in a position to know that for sure as well.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Wed, 05/21/2008 - 12:20pm.

those two women were shortly there after given tickets by the same Tyrone police office. One had hers bound over to Fayette county. Smart.

The other was pulled over at night, arrested, her car impounded and her licence taken.

Reason? her right blinker light was out. She was pulled over, asked for licence, not told her offense, then found herself in the back of a police car headed for jail. She found out her arrest was over tickets that had always been paid and a crossover in the mail between clayton county court and the DMV. She went straight to the DMV, who gave her another licence the next day and told her that she was the 1st they had ever seen be arrested for something like this. That any officer could see just like they could, her tickets were paid and this as an error.

The woman then had to pay to get her car out of impound, hire a lawyer, go to Clayton county and get a copy of the long ago paid tickets and a copy of the docket where she appeared. Tyrone had to drop the charges, but after all they did to her, she still had to pay for the ticket for the blinker light being out.

I'm not saying there aren't any nice Tyrone police, just some that you get the feeling may want to may brownie points.

Submitted by NeedtoKnow on Wed, 05/21/2008 - 7:07am.

I would like to thank the city of Peachtree City for giving my children an opportunity to see science at work. I have had occasion to drive my kids south on Hwy. 74 for the past three weeks, and each and every day we pass a dead deer on the side of the road

If it was a city road, you could blame PTC for not removing the deer carcasses. But Hwy 74 is a state road, and it is the state's responsibility.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Wed, 05/21/2008 - 5:06am.

Jane, I soon will be in my truck driving in to save the company from itself. BTW, did the absentee boss man "Git" come through with that raise yet?

Tug, I hope everything is well after you visit to Emory. Please check-in when you get a chance.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Wed, 05/21/2008 - 6:05am.

Good to hear from you. You ready for the long weekend? I'm looking forward to it. Let's see, when I "telecommute" on Friday . . .gee, I'll get a 4-day weekend, woooohoooo!

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 9:54pm.

We know that is all you want, and everything given to you for free.

That is why for the first time in 20+yrs I will be forced to vote Republican.

Submitted by surferdude on Wed, 05/21/2008 - 6:21am.

im having 2nd thoughts about voting for barak obama after his speech in oregon a few days ago. When he said that we can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say ok, it freeked me out a little bit because it sounds like he wants other countries to tell us what we can and cant do.

Submitted by Margot on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 9:34pm.

It’s so common place that no one in government ever considers it to be unethical. Our system of government has gone to hell. There are NO responsible leaders anymore. We need a military form of government to make people appreciate our representative form. I will never bother to vote again or support any candidate. It’s a disgusting waste of time. “I make my own laws now and ignore the Tyrone government". You would be surprised at how many good citizens are now taking this defensive approach. “If they don’t like it, let them take me to court. Then I’ll be ready to have my say.” Since Tyrone officials don’t bother to follow their own laws, why should the citizens?

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