Janet Smola seeks 3rd term on school board

Tue, 05/20/2008 - 3:59pm
By: Letters to the ...

It is my pleasure to seek re-election to Post 1 of the Fayette County Board of Education. I have served this county over the past eight interesting and challenging years.

During my tenure we have experienced record numbers of student growth followed by an unexpected national economic downturn. We have responded with careful and critical decisions that have resulted in system wide stability and continued excellence in student performance.

Members of our community have banded together to weather these changes and as a result our students have continued to excel, leading the state and nation in test scores.

In spite of more than $20 million in state funding cuts to Fayette County schools, I’m proud to serve with a team of school system professionals, who have maintained our level of excellence and retained all of the extra programs that our community’s children deserve.

Many school systems in Georgia have had to cut vital programs to respond to economic challenges. We have tightened our belts at every turn with all levels of school system staff and departments making significant sacrifices to enable us to place 87 percent of our budget in direct support to the classroom.

This is significantly greater than the 65 percent mandated by the state. We’ve accomplished all this while decreasing the millage rate.

2008 will prove to present the greatest financial challenges to date, with record foreclosures resulting in substantial delays in tax receipts affecting the revenue stream to our county’s schools.

Annual school board retreats established when I took office have focused on strategic planning in 5- and 10-year increments. Each year these plans are re-examined and adjusted to allocate the resources necessary to meet the system goals and objectives.

To attract and maintain the best staff, we established a compensation package that rivals any school system, providing vital benefits to our valued employees. It is my commitment to continue to support these measures.

With the predicament in our neighboring Clayton County, I’m proud to say that the Fayette County School Board achieved the highest level of standards in the state when designated a “School Board of Distinction” in October of 2007.

I shall continue to honor my personal promise not to impose my individual desires upon any school, department or operation within our system.

In response to concerns of out-of-county students attempting to attend our schools, we have investigated 2,430 suspected violators, removing 363 from our schools over a 4-year period.

We have established a Welcome Center where all students must register in order to better scrutinize potential violators. Private investigators are used continually to investigate.

Our policy remains clear: we will not allow students who do not live in Fayette County to attend Fayette County schools. Today, our diligence is even greater, given Clayton County’s recent troubles.

When I took my oath to serve you eight years ago, our citizens’ greatest concerns were overcrowded schools and facilities equity. There were trailers at nearly every school in this county.

Since then, we have built and opened three new elementary schools, one new middle school and one new high school, all of them on time and under budget.

We are in the process of completing the final two elementary schools the voters elected to support with the passage of the $65 million bond referendum in 2004.

We achieved equity for our high schools when we completed and opened the McIntosh High School gym and auditorium and the Sandy Creek auditorium, both projects funded through savings acquired by diligent project management.

Though qualified to run in individual posts, school board members take an oath to represent ALL members of Fayette County. I have represented each and every neighborhood and school as if they housed my own children.

I will continue to maintain a dialog with all of you as I have for the past years, answering every phone call or email I receive. Your concerns and desires are, and continue to be, the reason I serve.

I pledge to continue our work together in keeping Fayette County schools at the top of the state and nation by continuing to focus on academic excellence, student achievement and sound fiscal management. I ask for your support and vote on July 15th.

Janet Smola

Fayette County School Board Post 1

Tyrone, Ga.

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Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:53am.

1. We need to get someone in there that will throw out the out of county kids.

2. We need to see where we then have room, and send all these kids to the closest school we can while keeping the same ratio of teacher to child at all schools.

Case closed.

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 10:28am.

when Sam Sweat told the parent committee working on the boundaries that we (FCBOE) did build the elem school Inman Road in the wrong place. He compared the situation to being already pregnant!?

Now it i is up to Kelly Carey and the committee to make the best of the situation at hand for drawing up the new lines...

you think the fcboe would have learned something from the fiasco the year before with Bennetts Mill Middle School.
The FCBOE knew that the kids down at Burch Elem. were overcrowded and needed releif. It seems to me they should have built this school first not the one in the middle of now where with no kids there!???

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 10:55am.

that was it...I don't know if it is Smola or not. That was what others decided...here are some of the post

Speaks with a forked tongue
Submitted by justhafax on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 12:59am.
Marion Key is a snake in the grass. She acts like she opposed the recommendation in support of North Peachtree Parkway. She has ALWAYS said that all of Crabapple should attend Flat Rock & Sandy Creek. If she had her way, many more people would be leaving PTC for school and it wouldn't be just to Bennett's Mill. ALL THOSE RUMORS YOU HEARD BEFORE THE RECOMMENDATIONS WERE EVEN MADE CAME FROM HER! Also, she wanted to send the Robinson Road group to Rising Starr/Starr's Mill to clean up the feeder patterns even though Booth is in their backyard. She wanted to move Brooks to Rising Starr to make room for Highgrove, New Haven, and Whitewater to Whitewater and Whitewater. She wanted to move Lakemont and Lakeside to Fayette Middle and Fayette High. Where do you think the Bennett's Mill kids would have come from if not from Peachtree City? The North Peachtree Parkway parents are gullible if they think she is on their side. You can't trust her as far as you could throw her. Don't turn your back on Marion unless you want a knife in it. If a Janet Smola attacked her, it was because she is sick of Marion's lies.

RT Tugger
Ms. Key is a snake and a liar?! I never heard her spewing any venom like you did in that post. Once again, if you'd have shown us the "fax" you used, then maybe we'd understand your wisdom in all of this. Shame on you.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 2:35pm.

Life Outside PTC Response
Submitted by Concerned Mom on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 2:03pm.
"Yes. Up until 2 years ago I lived in Fayetteville. I heard what was going on at my sending school and did not like it. If the rest of Fayetteville schools are so equal why does Terri Smith live in Whitewate district but choose to sent her child to McIntosh. Why does Mr Sweats child send to East Fayette Elem and but go to private school. Why do 100+ children of the Fayette County School employees choose PTC over their sending school. They are even coming from out of the county."

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 11:17am.

she seems to be turning on the schools in our area.
"Marion Key is a snake in the grass. She acts like she opposed the recommendation in support of North Peachtree Parkway. She has ALWAYS said that all of Crabapple should attend Flat Rock & Sandy Creek. If she had her way, many more people would be leaving PTC for school and it wouldn't be just to Bennett's Mill. ALL THOSE RUMORS YOU HEARD BEFORE THE RECOMMENDATIONS WERE EVEN MADE CAME FROM HER! "

why does she think our schools are so awful? Maybe we are just suppose to sit here and suck up the Clayton/Fulton kids that want to drop in?

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 11:39am.

I think something taxpayers in this county ought to consider, is that the school system said nothing to parents and taxpayers about SB458. It was a group of citizens that keep watch on school related issues that got the word out. Why do they employ Melinda Berry-d.? She did'nt get the word out to the citizens. Isn't she the mouthpiece for the school system? Why did Dr. Decodethis write on behalf of the school board to legislators but never inform the taxpayers?
all the deals are done behind closed doors...hey bubba is that you?

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 11:11am.

I saw nothing where they proved or disproved it was her. I read several post where they thought it was, but I think they were assuming.

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 11:09am.

Actually, an aquaintance outed her in the blogs and then "juthefax" disappeared rather quickly. JTF was never heard from again. I can't say anyone has missed that display of nastiness.

oh but nastiness lives on and has found new identities on these here blogs...it is sad but true... Cal can you save us?

Submitted by g8trgrl on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 12:34pm.

No one should be on a board for 3 terms! It is time for change. People should do their share and move on. It is not healthy for a county to have the same people in place for so many years. People get too comfortable. Hopefully many people feel the same & will show it on voting day!

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 12:53pm.

I don't think you will have to worry about that.

While she has been in office, the problem of out of county kids has not been solved, only gotten worse.

While she's been in office, School locations look like they were done with a ouija board

We have had schools built in the boonies when land across from McIntosh high school was apparently available as it was bought by Weiland and developed. Kids have, and will be displaced. Now redistricting is going to have to happen and with the cost of gas, those schools away from the more densely populated areas will be the death knoll.

Also, she has never...really ...ran against an opponent before. The people till now had no choice, this time they do. It is going to be embarrassing for her.

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 5:51am.

Where do i even start...SMOLA has to go!!!Vote July 15 in the primary! Everything is decided before the November elections. You can vote by absentee ballot beforehand or at the public library in Fayettevile or PTC during the week leading up to the election.

Smola has not been fiscally responsible. She has not done anything about the trailers at Burch. Why keep kids in trailers at Burch for several years when there is more than enough room to house those kids in surrounding schools. There are 6 schools around Burch that have empty classrooms that the county pays to heat and aircondition. Why aren't those kids important? Why are we not being more prudent with our tax payer money?
SMOLA has GOT to GO!!!!!!

Submitted by ptcmomwhocares on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 7:39am.

You talk about responsibility...I just found out that Marion Key isn't going to be at the Budget Workshop (in a crisis year!) because she's going to go to Science Olympiad in Washington! Hmmmm...she wasn't at the Annual Board Retreat either, conveniently on the same day as the state Science Olympiad. The two most important strategic planning meetings of the year and Marion's not participating. I guess she thinks the most important part of her job is travelling. I'd love to know how many other meetings she's missed! You know what Marion, we don't want you there! Stay home and do your job!

Submitted by Brooks Parent on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:57pm.

It is a 3 to 2 majority and she and Dr. Todd are the minority vote against the 3 rubber stamps!!! Budget Workshop??? What a joke? Why don't you spend your efforts lashing out at other board members who have their personal interests before the students' interests. Marion is all about the kids. Of course, you neglected to say that Marion has attended these functions every year and these dates are known well in advance. Maybe the board neglected to plan around these functions?

Submitted by dorthea on Sat, 05/24/2008 - 9:49am.

She's been on the board for 12 years! Maybe she's tired of doing the real work that has to be done, or maybe she's afraid to attend this workshop. After all, it was the three rubber stamps who insisted on having a budget workshop to begin with.

Why don't you call the superintendent's office and ask why the April board retreat conflicted with Marion's plans to attend that Science Olympiad. The retreat was supposed to be in January as it has always been (and which all the other board members were available for), but she refused 9 proposed dates for reasons she claimed were personal. So the one date she said she could make, she didn't!

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 8:43am.

When was the last time or maybe i should say the only time Smola visited a school? or wnet to a graduation during a non election year?

Submitted by ptcmomwhocares on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:07am.

But unlike Marion Key, she makes appointments before she shows up; in compliance with SACS rules and regulations.

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 10:38am.

and I am glad that Marion cares enough to be there.

Marion is capable of reading what the reccomendations are from the budget meeting. She will make suggesstions to the superintendent and be present for the next meeting.

SMOLA is on her way out!!!! you know it too!!!!
Na na na na...nan na na na hey hey goodbye!!!!!

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:13am.

I think it is a great idea that a BOE member just shows up. She keeps them on their toes, and the ones that are doing a good job, welcome it I'm sure. Most employees like to see the boss come in because they have pride in what they do.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:19am.

The school board is responsible for the vision and policies, not managing the day-to-day operations of the schools themselves. That's DeCotis' job, and I think he's much better at that function than any school board member is/would be. School board needs to stay out of the way and not fall into the Clayton co trap or what numerous councils/commissions have done to city/county staffs.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 8:03am.

most people are. You can never get a word in. The deck is probably stacked against Keys anyway.

Submitted by ptcmomwhocares on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 8:17am.

Marion Key (not Keys) never says a word...and not because she can't get a word in edgewise, it appears she's not prepared or often doesn't understand what's going on. Clearly you've never attended a school board meeting!

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 8:58am.

I just watched the one titled "Janet Smola talks down to fellow board member in public meeting....Tyrone Georgia Peachtree City"

pretty sad. Key is trying to talk and Smola grinds her out, seems to be a family trait.

Yeah, she is prepaired alright, she is prepaired to talk, and talk, and talk, and never shut up and let anyone else have a say.

Submitted by ptcmomwhocares on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:04am.

Watch it....I was there! Marion Key wanted to redistrict many more kids that Smola did. I was grateful she took a stand. I don't think any parent wants more kids moved than necessary.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:09am.

and I remember the boundary lines quite well. They need to be changed. It is obvious they have been made to accomodate certain groups.

The schools out in the boonies have to be addressed. She can't possible say she had nothing to do with it. Gas is high and most of the kids can't walk out there. The only logical thing to do is have kids go to school closest to their homes. Of course, more logicaly would have build the schools close to the kids homes in the first place.

Submitted by heatjam on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:29am.

In Jan/Feb when everyone (mostly Spring Hill parents) were saying that all of East Fayette should go to Inman, there was a SMALL minority of us saying that the children should go to the closest school although that might mean more were redistricted. We were looking at the fiscal side of it (fuel prices...) and trying to keep emotions out of it. I was accused of all sorts of things...most not so nice. But you know what? It looks like we had the correct thinking and now its biting the BofE in the butt with fuel costs! Karma baby!!!

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:38am.

Kids go to the schools closest to them. The boundary lines are insane! Where the new schools are, is insane! If a kid is close enough to walk, don't put it on a bus to the other side of town, which in some instances, is what they are doing. McIntosh is much closer for a lot of kids than Starrs Mill, but the kids at, what is it Planteria? are passing McIntosh going to SM. That is nuts.

Submitted by heatjam on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:57am.

Since when does anything that the Board does regarding redistricting make sense?? I was told by one of the Board members "sorry that you were not in the majority" It's nice to know that we go by majority rule instead of what is best for the ENTIRE county. Nuts!!

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 8:38am.

because of the lack of professionalism that Smola exhibits. Have you ever watched Smola on YOUTUBE? She is a nasty woman that loves power. as a matter of fact in these blogs, a couple of years ago her cover was blown as "justhefax" when she called a fine upstanding woman an alpha-b*%#@. She is a mean nasty person that is power hungry and she needs to go. No, she is not the glorious person you make her out to be...I think you must be one of her cronies! Are you her campaign manger?

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 8:41am.

3 or 4 years ago? Didn't it have something to do with someone defending the Key woman?

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:53am.

the redistricting when Key told the entire BOE and all the concerned taxpayers they needed to scrap the maps and redraw the lines for school zoning. One of the PTO presidents was there and spoke about how the BOE did not use the policies(the guidelines they created to aid the process) in place when drawing up the new lines.

It is interesting that FCBOE is quietly redoing all the policies. If the FCBOE does it right, they will have no accountability to anyone for anything.
It is sneaky, dirty and it stinks. Unite Fayette County!!! Your kids deserve better than this.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 9:57am.

and couldn't get it. I know what you are talking about though. I remember someone saying in the blogs that was her. I'm not sure how they decided that.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 8:33am.

an I've also heard both the Smolas many more times than I ever wanted to. Her husband was just voted out by a land slide. A big part of that was the perceived condesending manor, another and more important matter was he voted for everything they we saw as more density and bad for our schools. The last thing that I recall that really had people here going was a vote on downtown Tyrone that would have been 8 houses to an acre. I believe at that time, it was for TCGI holdings, that Smith's husband was a partner in. It didn't pass, but he voted for it. I think TCGI holdings is now out of bussiness and someone else owns the property.

Submitted by sweetpolly on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 7:27am.

Completely alleviates overcrowding issues at Burch. There are no empty schools near Burch. As a matter of fact, there's even only 1 other school in reasonable proximity and it's Tyrone Elementary and there is no room there. But maybe Marion Key is the one you should be mad at.....she doesn't think Burch needs the relief that Rivers will provide.

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 8:28am.

There is room at SpringHill, Cleveland, Crabapple,as a matter of fact, there is room for 10,000 students at the elem. level and right now, we have less than 9300 students in the system and projections indicate that the number of elem students are declining. Isnt that what Kelly Carey the consultant indicated?

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 7:58am.

There is room at SpringHill, Cleveland, Crabapple,as a matter of fact, there is room for 10,000 students at the elem. level and right now, we have less than 9300 students in the system and projections indicate that the number of elem students are declining. Isnt that what Kelly Carey the consultant indicated?

Submitted by ptcmomwhocares on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 8:33am.

I sat on that committee and the numbers you have are off. Carey was also in favor of busing, most of us are not. He was also in favor of excercising eminent domain and we were told the school board does not favor the taking of a persons property. Also, the committee never recommended moving kids all the way across town only to move them back when development on the books occurs.

Submitted by buckstopshere on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 10:04am.

of numbers? One that the county uses and one that the state uses to figure out capacity. Did you also know that the county has been revising capacity at the schools to justify spending more and building schools that we don't need. If you look back at capacity numbers over the last few years you will see this trend.

I think eminant domain can be used in certain situations...I think that you give people the fair market value for their property. You don't abuse it and have the property condemned, like big developers on the otherside of town have done.

As far as the rest of your comment...what are you talking about moving kids from one side of town to the other...clarification please

Submitted by dorthea on Sat, 05/24/2008 - 9:35am.

Fayette County has always insisted on less kids in a classroom than the State does. That's one reason our test scores are always higher. Monthly reports are available on this just for the asking.

Submitted by Brooks Parent on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 10:30pm.

The county hasn't run a "seats available" report in years. That is the report the state uses. I hear a board member asked it to run this year for the first time in a loooonnnnngggg time!

Submitted by dorthea on Sat, 05/24/2008 - 9:33am.

You're being given bad information. Why don't you call the Superintendent and talk to him. He'll tell you the truth.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 8:02am.

knows more that sweet polly! ho ho

Voice of Fayette Future's picture
Submitted by Voice of Fayett... on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 12:42pm.

Do nothing on the school board for two terms and we are going to re-elect Smola? Gee, I wonder why Georgia schools are in the dumper.

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