Setting the record straight.

As an employee of the tax commissioner's office, I would like to set the record straight. Tax Commissioner George Wingo did not "force" anybody to retire at age 70. The county had no written policy covering the issue and when the Tax Commissioner finally got a definitive answer from the county attorney's office, he advised the employee that they could work beyond age 70. The employee chose to retire anyway.' END OF STORY

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Submitted by thenatural on Mon, 05/19/2008 - 10:57am.

Thanks for the comment George. If the county does not have a policy then so be it.

My question would be, is there a difference between "forcing" someone to retire at 70, or telling them they can work past 70, and then making the environment so hostile they decide to "retire anyway"?

ptctaxpayer's picture
Submitted by ptctaxpayer on Mon, 05/19/2008 - 11:19am.

You might get Linda and NAG jumping out of the woodwork with that allegation.

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