Construction near Braelinn shopping center

What is the huge building nearing completion on PTC Parkway South near K-Mart?

I do hope it is not another subsidized rent project. I would much rather furnish them a separate single home in a nice neighborhood, rather than bunch them in a shopping center--the very worst of locations. The them I am talking about is low-income people, not any particular race. They have failed in about 10-15 years every where they have been built.
No ownership, no care.

Maybe my suspicions are incorrect?

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mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 7:02pm.

Alex Thompson, the real estate pro who brought us the Section 8 crap at Peachtree Station or whatever it is called now was not involved in this project - Thank God.

Instead, the construction at Peachtree Parkway and Crosstown is a seniors project for 140 independent living citizens.

I think it is called Peachtree Town Club.

Do these pants make my thighs look fat?

River's picture
Submitted by River on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 8:20pm.

It's all those Little Debbie snacks you ate in college!

When I first came on this website, I thought that was actually your picture. Later, I figured out it was Hillary Clinton as a young woman.

So no, it's not those pants, since you've never worn them.

By the way, you know what's even worse than Little Debbie snacks?

It's Krispie Kreme doughnuts, hot off the line. That's a scientific fact--you actually gain two pounds for every pound of KK doughnuts you eat. It's the only known instance where the law of conservation of matter does not hold true. Last time I ate a box of KK doughnuts, I actually gained THREE pounds, and I don't usually gain weight. I love them dearly, but unfortunately they seem to love my belly even more.

Getting back to your original subject, they are also building a new subdivision off Senoia Road, just north of where Senoia branches off from 74, and that subdivision was also supposed to be for "independent seniors". It looks like a bunch of duplex homes. They are too big to be low-rent apartments, more like large townhouses. I guess all us baby-boomers are getting older, so that's where the money is. My complaint is that they chopped down an entire forest of large, old-growth hardwood trees, and then trucked in enough dirt to create an artificial 20-ft high mesa to build the houses on, so they tower over all the neighboring homes. Where I used to have woods behind my house, I now have car headlights shining directly into my second-story bedroom windows at night. If that's progress, I'm Donald Duck. Quack!!

snappynappy's picture
Submitted by snappynappy on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 6:26pm.

About 330+- old folks apartments. Lots more drivers like you. Yuck Yuck Yuck

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 8:18pm.

That Kroger on Wednesday is going to be a must avoid.

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