Thank God for the Super Delegates, Fight Hillary Fight!

Richard Hobbs's picture

I never understood the wisdom of the Super Delegates. I read that it had something to do with having another repeat of the election in 68 or 72. You know having a nominee that is unelectable.

Actually, I think the reason is indicative of how liberals and socialists view the wisdom of the masses. They don't believe they have any, and therefore, like their government programs, must look over the ignorant voters and veto their stupid decision to elect another loser, like McGovern or Humphrey.

Well, thank God that they have it because now is the time. Barack just lost in West Virginia by 41%, YES 41%.

The American People learned about Jeremiah, about Ayers, about the Marixist Frank and the ashamed Michelle, and they said, hold the presses, can we change this.

Yes You Can, Yes You Can. Change is good. Change from Barack to Hillary.
Because in West Virginia, the Democrats proved that white Democrats will not vote for a black candidate, or at least this black candidate.

Coincidentally, this news story proves my point in even more depth.

From today's ABCNEW.GO.COM website:
In West Virginia's Primary:
The Race Factor
Racially motivated voting appeared to be running higher than usual: Two in 10 whites said the race of the candidate was a factor in their vote, second only to Mississippi. And only a third of those voters said they'd support Obama as the nominee against John McCain, fewer than in other primaries where the question has been asked.


This means, that of 7%* of the WHITE DEMOCRATS who voted, won't vote for Obama because he is black.

We all know the Primaries typically draws most from the more extreme and/or passionate electors of their party. Therefore, the 7% of White Racist Democrats reside in the "Hard Core" portion of their very own party. What that translates to in the general election is uncertain, but I'd dare say at a minimum it would be no less than 7%.

So I can comfortably say, that these polling results represents a racial trend, that again proves that the Democrat Party is really more of a racist party by far, than those who consider themselves conservative.

Yep, Facts are stubborn things.

But the facts still prove that Obama will lose a significant amount of the White Democrat Vote if elected. And Hillary will lose a significant amount of the black vote, in retaliation for stealing the election from a black man.

This year is really exciting, and thanks to Barack, America is beginning to heal the racial divide, Hallalejuah!

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Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 8:09am.

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