What is Diversity Training?

Do minorities and women also attend? What do they learn to do and not to do?

Do minorities and women learn that the majority also have a heritage to live up to? That the color of their skin also puts them in a place of immense pressure because much is expected of them?

I'm just trying to find out what the starting point is for these diversity sessions. Is it assumed that the only problem is that minorities and women are mistreated when it comes to work.

Can a majority employee sue the company for being mistreated by the minority?

If we are talking here about PAST mistreatment, putting minorities in an unfair starting place, now that is a totally different subject, isn't it?

Now, how would be the best way to solve that problem? One: make the majority appreciate the minority or female heritage and position more and give them more chances to succeed; or, train the minorities at "diversity" training schools first so that they enter the work force ready to go?
Doesn't favoritism, for any reason, simply downgrade excellence?

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Submitted by Davids mom on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 8:35am.

Excellent questions. See Diversity Training - Part 2 on or about Wednesday.

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