Animal Abuse in Peachtree City

My neighbor just recently found her kitten in the yard with an arrow through its body. She had been looking for him for two days and it appeared he had been trying to get back home.
He didn't make it!
Some heartless and reckless individual thought it would be fun to kill this poor defensless animal.
Sadder still is the fact that in the last few weeks several animals in the neighborhood have been hunted, tortured and killed.
What in God's name is happening in our community? Children live what they learn and I shudder to think someone has been taught that an animals life is worthless.
Hard to imagine this type of mentality is alive and moving around Peachtree City. It is worse than scary!
Think about it for a moment... you, your child, your mother or father are walking along the paths of the city and suddenly you're struck by an arrow.
I can only hope this savage is caught before another animal suffers or dies, or worse... one of us becomes the victim.
If this has happened in your area, speak out. More people in our community need to get involved if we are ever going to stop these random acts of violence.

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travisstrickland1's picture
Submitted by travisstrickland1 on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 11:20am.

The abuse of defenseless animals is wrong in so many ways and I hope the person(s) responsible are caught. However, it's strange to see people get so indignant about the abuse of dogs and cats (and sometimes horses) and then go out and eat cows, chickens, pigs, and other animals whose treatment is just as bad or worse than what happened to these abused animals in PTC. How many people can say they know the meat they eat was raised in an ethical manner? Not many, and most don't care to find out. I can pretty safely assume all the people who made comments eat meat, only 1% of the population doesn't. Some of the comments called the people who abused the dogs and cats in PTC a "mentally challenged moron", a "retard", and "twisted". Those are strong words for people who most likely consume many (the average is around 90) whole animals every year.

What about deer? We have bow season in Georgia every year where deer are shot with bows and arrows? Are hunters any of the things you called the kitty killer? I would say yes, but people who take the argument of compassion to animals to it's logical end are called some of the same things the kitty killer gets called. Tradition is the only difference between abuse and recreation in the two cases (cats and deer).

One, the people who made these comments should think about how they feel about cats and dogs and ask themselves why the same logic doesn't apply to other animals.

Two, since you are going to keep eating meat anyway, you should make an effort to find out what's happening to your meat before it gets to you. Go see what modern animal production looks like and what the trends in the industry are. Mom and Pop farms are no longer the norm especially in chicken and pig production, and the slaughter of all these animals (literally billions a year in the US alone) is anything but humane, not to mention the way they are raised.

THINK about it...and go to my blog for some more info on the topic and other stuff, too. (No offense to anyone. I have a family full of people who hate animal abuse, but love to eat meat, but I don't think they are sinister people for it. And before anyone says it, I am not a member of PETA)

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 4:27pm.

I have a family full of people who hate animal abuse, but love to eat meat....

So I guess you were not successful in getting anyone in your family to change their ways. Smiling

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

travisstrickland1's picture
Submitted by travisstrickland1 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 4:58pm.

I never tried. The only bearing that fact has on anything I've said is that I have people in my life that I love and respect that think the same way as the people I initally addressed.

Was that supposed to be some kind of zinger? I also like that you assume I try to convert everyone in my family...way to think it through.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 5:38pm.

Way to think it through indeed. The comment from cycle appeared to be an observation to me. It is logical to assume that those close to you have heard your views on eating animals.
What comes out of your mouth is much more important that what goes in it.

travisstrickland1's picture
Submitted by travisstrickland1 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 6:20pm.

Come on...he had nothing else to say but that and he even added the little smiley face. It's logical to assume he was being less than genuine in that observation. Besides, people, moreoften than not, assume folks who don't eat meat try to convert everyone around them without thinking people can't be generalized. Generalizing equals not thinking something through which I think this guy pretty obviously did.

I think both what goes in and comes out of your mouth are pretty important.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 10:21pm.

You like my little smiley eh?

A zinger; now why would I do that? As “carbon” pointed out it was merely an observation. I did go to your blog and I see you’re a “veggie”. That’s your choice and honestly, I don’t care.

It seems like you have a real hang-up about farming techniques in the US. Tell you what, why don’t try to get other countries to bring their standards up to ours. Our processing system, which might seem in-humane to simple people, is light years ahead of other countries in both quality and quantity.

BTW, if you weren't trying to "convert" people then what's the purpose of your post and the link to your blog?
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 8:20pm.

If our Cy had zinged you, you would know it. You are the one generalizing here not Cy.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 2:53pm.

I'll have mine medium rare too.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


travisstrickland1's picture
Submitted by travisstrickland1 on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 10:29pm.

These guys make my point for me. People who eat meat generally give it little to no thought. If you question it, they call you a nut case, end of story.

Eating meat needs no defense at all? Why is eating dogs and cats so repugnant? Why do laws that make it illegal to abuse dogs and cats make exceptions to equally sentient and intelligent animals?

Have your steak medium rare, it doesn't bother me. I'll have something else.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 6:19am.

Uhh... Travis??? If you come on here discussing your twisted desires to make the rest of feel guilty for eating meat then indeed you should perceive the response you get a predictable.

As for eating dogs and cats, I'll pass. They may actually taste good but for me it's a cultural thang. My family raises the food that sustains the life of goofballs like you. I suppose if there were a bigger market dog and cat meat they would consider getting into to help supply the world's food demands.

Clarify please. This could get real fun.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


travisstrickland1's picture
Submitted by travisstrickland1 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 11:38am.

"Predictable" referred to the fact that the people who left the medium rare comments aren't willing to discuss the issue, not that they eat meat, or think eating meat is okay. My point isn't to make anyone feel guilty. This started from people getting really upset about animal abuse, and I drew a parallel between that animal abuse and the mistreatment that often occurs during the production of livestock. I just made a point about being consistent in how those people, and others like them, view animals. I never said all people who eat meat are horrible, crazy people.

Dogs and cats are protected by law, so, if they were introduced into the food market they would have to be treated much better than a lot of livestock is now. Which was my point, why laws for them, but not for animals equal in all relevant qualities?

I'm not sure what you want me to clarify. My points are pretty clear. You should address the points I make before you start calling me names, or calling how I view things twisted...and proof read your comments.

You're right, this could get fun.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 1:44pm.

People for Eating Tasty Animals

Dogs and cats aren't protected universally, but the reason why they aren't getting eaten by a lot of the world is that they aren't TASTY as compared to other animals.

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 12:47pm.

While obvious that we hail from divergent backgrounds, I would like to know specifically what difference is made as to the demise of beef, pork, or poultry. It is fact that the manner in which either is processed does make a difference in whether the food is safe to consume. Further, your point of dogs and cats being protected by law applies only in about half of the civilized world.

Further, while I commend your sincereity and conviction to avoiding meat, that is your choice. Mine is otherwise, and I do not hear anyone bashing or ranting about their abhorence of vegetarianism. Your argument for the ethical treatment of all domestic and game animals would tend to make me believe that we should halt all meat production until we have a "humane" method prior to resuming meat production much like the manner in which we have discussed the death penalty for capital offenses.

I'm sorry, but using your logic would starve 99% of the world's population.

Just my two cents worth.

travisstrickland1's picture
Submitted by travisstrickland1 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 3:07pm.

First, thanks for not calling me any names...

The amount of offense I take at the way an animal is produced is usually proportional to the degree of mechanization of the production of that particular animal. The production can have a lot to do with how safe an animal is to consume, but my concern is mainly the ethical, non-abusive treatment of animals in the production process. The more of an animal that's produced, the more machinated the production of that animal. Chickens are by far the worst off of any of the animals we eat. Billions are produced in the US alone and are raised in very inhumane ways. Pigs are probably second of the main three. Cows don't get off easy though. Much of the beef consumed is raised here in the US in concentrated feeding outfits where the conditions are pretty bad. However, small farmers can actually still make money off cows, especially with the rise in demand for "organic" meat. Cows, and animals in general, raised on small farms have as good a life as an animal raised for food could ask for, save a possibly brutal and very painful slaughter.

No one has literally said, "I hate vegetarians." I have been called named, accused of wanting to make everyone feel guilty, had my views called twisted, and my original points left undiscussed. I can't say for sure this is because those who choose to converse this way have an inherent dislike for vegetarians, but I can say for sure they don't respect the argument and extrapolate from there.

The laws about dogs and cats apply to OUR world, and that's why I cited them. I was making an argument to people that can be charged with abuse to animals if they are caught, this is the law of the land. I think most people in the US would say that abusing cats and dogs is wrong and should be illegal.

On the contrary to your last remark, if the land currently used for livestock production in the US, and around the world for that matter, were used to raised plant protein instead of animal protein, we could feed MORE people. In the case of EVERY livestock animal, we put more protein into the animal then we get out. Depending on the animal, as much as 16 pounds of grain protein is used to yield one pound of flesh protein. All this, and I still haven't mention ed that the majority of corn and soy grown in the US, and around the world, is fed to livestock.

Besides, there are plenty of ways to raise animals humanely. It just requires that we raise them on a smaller scale and actually care whether or not the animals we eat are treated reasonably well before their demise.

Lastly, my original argument had to do with people who get upset about animal abuse, but don’t think twice about the animal(s) they consume three or more times a day. It was very simple and very specific. But, I wanted to address the other things you said anyway.

Are we having fun yet?

Submitted by sageadvice on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 3:37pm.

You could just say in one sentence: I don't eat animals, and not use two pages to try and be better than those who do!
I also sometimes find it hard to eat meat when I read how they are killed and how poisoned they are, often.
We raised and killed our own meat on he farm not sixty years ago and it was done well and safe. The evolution of removing the small farmer from the scene has caused our problem. It was not done correctly!

travisstrickland1's picture
Submitted by travisstrickland1 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 3:52pm.

Just trying to be thorough. Especially when so much is assumed about what I've said and the subject in general. Is this better?

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 4:06pm.

In your original post the way I read it you compared the people who abused the pets to the people who eat meat and yet take offense when they respond in kind. We have to assume you mean what you write, also the difference between bow hunters and scum who shoot kittens is that the bow hunters are hunting meat and one is hunting some deviant pleasure and the two can't be compared. BTW I don't hunt, but I will gladly chow down on Bambi every chance I get.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

travisstrickland1's picture
Submitted by travisstrickland1 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 4:20pm.

I didn't compare those who kill kitties to those who eat meat. I compared the horror at the abuse of cats and dogs to the lack of thought given to the animals they eat (I've clarified my point about ten times). Maybe you should read some of the other posts where I've restated it several times. I do mean what I write, so, read it carefully.

What's similar about modern bow hunting and killing cats for fun is that both are done for recreation and neither are done for necessity. Another similarity is that the deer shot with a bow feels the same type of pain a cat shot with a bow feels. No one you or I know who bow hunts has to, and in that, the two are very, very similar. Wanting to kill a cat or deer, without needing to, seems pretty deviant either way.

By your logic, if someone was hunting the cat for recreation it's wrong...unless they eat the cat. That's a unique way to look at things.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 5:02pm.

I have read what you wrote, it comes out the same way. Here's what you said in your first post: "I can pretty safely assume all the people who made comments eat meat, only 1% of the population doesn't. Some of the comments called the people who abused the dogs and cats in PTC a "mentally challenged moron", a "retard", and "twisted". Those are strong words for people who most likely consume many (the average is around 90) whole animals every year." That to me is comparing the two. Maybe you should have gone up to the park in the N.Ga mountains where the deer were so plentiful that no vegetation remained below shoulder height to a tall man due to the deer eating it, leaving nothing for the smaller animals like the rabbits and such. what's crueler starving the animals or shooting them? Just because you don't hunt doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it, and most of the people who hunt do it for the meat and a lot of the hunters donate it to people who otherwise would have no meat at all. By anyone's logic, shooting the cat was wrong, do you disagree, there's nothing unique about it. There's a big difference between hunting deer and hunting someone's pet and mores the pity you can't see it.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

travisstrickland1's picture
Submitted by travisstrickland1 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 6:13pm.

There are obviously deer over population problems in SOME places. most of the places people hunt don't have that problem. In the places there are problems, the problem could solved by: 1) not killing all the other animals that kill deer, 2) by means less cruel than bow and arrow. I know LOTS of people who hunt and NONE of them do it to feed people who would otherwise go hungry. It's a recreation sport, not charity. Even if they were they could at least use a gun...not much better, but relatively so. there are differences between hunting deer and killing kitties, there are also similarities. The two are no mutually exclusive. the similarities I stated are just that, similarities. I still didn't compare everyone who eats meat to people who kill kittens. I simply pointed out a logical inconsistancy. People, like those outraged by the killing of the kitten, should be concerned about how the meat they eat is treated. That's not the same as saying those who eat meat are the same as those who kill kittens. I compared the two, but didn't equate the two. We're totally having fun now.

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 6:54pm.

The primary reason that deer are not overpoulated in areas is a direct result of managed hunting, and you are correct in stating that hunting is a sport. I would ask that you relook the numbers of wounded animals due to bow hunting for thousands more deer are wounded by guns than bows.

Killing dogs and cats are beyond the pale in most instances, but not without exception. A good many "outdoorsmen" will kill a snake on sight without the consideration of the balance in nature that they provide.

A final word of caution though is to beware of how food is prepared in many Chinese restaurants. Both canine and feline delicacies still abound.

Just my two cents worth.

Submitted by sageadvice on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 7:17am.

You are really looking for some fun today with such statements.
Of course more deer are wounded instead of killed by guns than by arrows!
There are a thousand times more gun hunters than bow and arrow hunters!
The point is: a very high percentage of deer shot with an arrow do not die soon or at all. Not so with a gun.

That reminds me of the racists who say that many more minorities draw welfare than majorities! That is entirely inaccurate. Ther are many more of our majority on welfare than our minorities. Why? there are many more of them! Sure the percentage is higher but that is never the way it is used, is it?
Don't get me wrong, Mike, This same strategy is also used by business people, Generals, Presidents, and all politicians. The plain truth is deadly.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 12:10pm.

What is really appreciated around here is a worthy advesary.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 2:57pm.

a tofu and soy protein burger please, and drag it through the organic garden.

Submitted by Spyglass on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 12:32pm.

That's how I like my steaks.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 11:42am.

Many people who consume meat now would have a totally different view if they watched it's production. I grew up on a farm and while the highest order of animals that we killed was chickens, us kids would go to the neighboring farm to watch the hog and steer butchering. This went a long way in my decision to quit eating pig and beef, health benefits notwithstanding.
I also have an issue with hunting deer with bow and arrows. Many animals are wounded and not found by those who are not that good with the weapons.
The issue with shooting a kitten is with pure animal cruelity, purposely inflicted for that reason only. This is a character flaw, and if left unaddressed can escalate into much worse actions. The kitten could not have gotten far in that condition, so whoever did this is not far away, and of course is a male.

Submitted by frack on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 8:18pm.

To everyone who commented on my blog regarding the kitten killed by an arrow. First let me say I'm glad it inspired each of you to respond.
However, the killing of animals for consumption has gone on since the dawn of man. I don't condone in any manner the mistreatment of animals bred for slaughter, but quite frankly this serves a purpose be it right or wrong. In addition, we could go on and on about this subject so I'll just leave it at..I understand your point and I agree. I also never said a child was the guilty party for the senseless act. The issue at hand here is simply the fact this act of cruelty served no purpose, and if you read the entire blog my fear is next time it will be one of us! Yes we do have a leash law, should I put my child on a leash too? This arrow could have missed it's mark and struck my child, or perhaps yours. Anyone shooting anything within city limits is against the law and leash or no leash
this person needs to be stopped before it is one of us.
There are, thank God, more good people than these type idiots in Peachtree City but we need only one of these psycho's to ruin an entire community's way of life.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Fri, 05/09/2008 - 8:59pm.

What neighborhood are you refering to?

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 05/09/2008 - 10:29pm.

Which is exactly what their "parents"(???) have raised them to be. Even riverdale doesn't have parents this out of touch.

Which neighborhood did this happen in?

Didn't we recently read a story about a dog shot by a .22 and a cat that had it's eye put out by a BB gun?

The beat goes on in PTC. Hang on to your hats people because when school gets out these rabid animals will be loose all of the time.

ftp's picture
Submitted by ftp on Sat, 05/10/2008 - 11:05pm.

What kind of twisted (trying to think a word to use here that is not foul, but none are coming to me) *** scumbag shoots kittens with an arrow??? Karma usually catches up with people like this, usually in the form of a speeding bus or cancer.

Submitted by ATLtoPTC on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 1:41pm.

Bad things happen to very good people, and oftentimes the scum of the earth have unbelievable good luck. But, I do like to think and hope that someday some people will get their "just desserts". Maybe it won't be until after our life in this world, but I do like to think they'll get what's coming to them.

And, for what it's worth, on this lovely mother's day - it makes me sad to see so many sweeping generalizations about the "awful kids in PTC". I am the proud mother of 3 kids here in PTC, and I may be biased, but they are awesome kids (as are many of their friends). Not all kids are being raised without manners, rules, and discipline. Yes, I see the kids who are running around wild, but I also see many families who are raising responsible, compassionate kids. Please don't paint us all with the same paintbrush.

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