Barack is an inkblot-You see what you want to see!

Richard Hobbs's picture

We know John McCain and Hillary. We generally know what they believe and stand for.

Barack is a blank slate, an inkblot, where for the past year, people have seen "hope" and "change" in the way the ink has spread across his very empty resume.

Barack is attempting to define himself merely by speaking with his charismatic charm and with little substance. When he does venture into substantive issues, he stumbles and falters. e.g. negotiating with Iran/Syria/North Korea. Which is why he won't tackle big issues without real trepidation for how it will play with the voters.

Today on Meet the Press, he stupidly admitted that he didn't take the advice of political consultants, and pulled the band-aid off fast on the Wright problem. Back pedaling as much as possible, now we learn that on this one very important issue, he has changed his position 3 and even 4 times. (Yes, Barack admits its a real issue that Americans rightly questioned.)

Last year, he dis-invited Wright to give the invocation to his formal announcement to be president. Why? Because, according to Meet The Press, Wright's sermons were too controversial. Not that they were wrong, just controversial.

Then came his Philadelphia speech where Wright was an Uncle and Mentor that he could never disown anymore than he could his typically racist white grandmother, or his own black community.

But today, on Meet the Press, he completely disavowed the man, and said if he remained a pastor at this church, he would leave it.

So in the course of just a few weeks, Barack has again demonstrated something we didn't know about him. We learned that unlike his speeches, in which he claims to be a new voice that is much different than the normal Washington politicians, he is instead just an empty slate whose never been vetted.

He's been given an affirmative action pass, by the media for the last year, so that he could appear "new", "different", and "inspirational". He was given this pass, because he was black, and considered a long shot. They gambled that he would become another Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, so they kept their hands off out of fear of reprisals from the black voters retaliating and staying home in November. (The black talk show hosts call it the Black Rain on McCain election, should Barack not get the nomination.)

Only after the primaries started coming did the affirmative action votes start being counted, and oh boy, did that shock the Democrats. Now its too late to do anything about it. Buyer's remorse is way too late, but Hillary's ambition is too big for her to give in. She has to fight in hope against hope that some other news might come out that puts her into the nomination. (Or help springboard her to 2012, should Barack lose in November, which exactly what her pollsters are telling her.)

You libs attack Denise and others for attempting to figure out this very empty black board, (I'm so racially insensitive), since he has no legislative history whatsoever by which to judge him adequately. Therefore, we must look at those persons he has chosen to associate with as one means to figure out what makes him tick; what are his core principles; how did he develop his ideas and ideals about what direction America should be governed?

And those associates are not that attractive, which is why he is now running as fast as he can away from them. He associated with a Marxist called Frank, a racist called Wright, an avowed terrorist called Ayers, a political ally and criminal called Rezko, and a wife too damn stupid to have any pride in America, until her husband is running for President.

I've said it before, and I'll say it till I'm blue in the face. I can tell more about a man by the company he chooses to keep than by any other single thing. Barack has kept the company of avowed Marxists, racists, and loathsome people. They have, and will continue to influence him, should he become our President.

Your attempts to smear the messenger instead of defending the facts and logic of this analysis speaks volumes to your biases and fears. You would obviously argue the facts, should they support your position, but you instead attack the messenger, Denise, because you can't defend these logical assumptions about how Americans can and must figure out who the hell Obama really is.

Barack is an inkblot. For the past year, people only saw those qualities that they wanted to see in that inkblot, i.e. hope and change, which played very well for Barack.

But now, the image is getting more clear, and we see that the inkblot is more of a picture, painted by the hands of many different artists, all of whom helped shape the final picture, and this rightfully disturbs us. To know that Marxists, and racists, and terrorists, have helped paint the inkblot that we now call Barack Obama, causes us to wonder what it all means.

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BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 9:32pm.

Prove your comments about President George W. Bush. Now your talking about "The Man".

Listen to this: I respect President George W. Bush

Because the life he has lived before my eyes, prays for our nation, faithful to his wife, beat alcoholism with God's help, is a Christian. If you question this give him a call. If you can't get in touch with him, talk to God about it. Being a Christian is the smartest thing anyone could ever do.

Click Thy Word

We Will Stand

Submitted by Davids mom on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 11:57am.

Bless your heart!

Submitted by Davids mom on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 8:04pm.

No - I would not agree. A racist is one who judges a person on the color of his/her skin. . .or his words regarding those whom he/she considers different/deficient. I'm appalled at the attempt of the media to paint all white blue-collar workers without a college degree as 'racist'. For those under 40, this is a great misnomer.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 6:43pm.

McCain did denounce the swiftboat ads and has now denounced the ads in North Carolina being put on by some Republicans there in a real stretch to link Obama’s pastor to two Democrats who probably never heard of him before this campaign. This tactic didn’t work last week in Louisiana and probably won’t work in North Carolina but the local party is breaking with McCain anyway, furious with him, as you are, that he is not willing to be as sleazy as you and the NC state party elite. What does he know anyway, right? Why should the party’s Presidential candidate get to set the tone of the debate when you and your fellow travelers know so much more about how a campaign should be run?

The ironic thing is that even if you win you still lose. Pour all your money and effort into defeating Obama with the swiftboat tactics and your prize is going to be John McCain! You are doomed to have a President who dislikes your tactics and extremism because he will be an honorable person.

And to answer your question, yes, either Obama or McCain are perfectly acceptable to me. I like the both.

It must be a terrible position for you to be in.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 7:07pm.

There is no conceivable way that a partisan, such as you, could say such a thing and mean it.

McCain's positions on abortion, Iraq, taxes, Supreme Court nominees, etc., should surely prevent you from supporting him. To be honest, those are exactly why I find Barack so horrific. He would appoint more Suters, Ginsbergs, and Whites, on the bench. He would push for lower taxes if any, to the more than half of all Americans, leaving the burden upon the producers, and then cut and run from Iraq, while they are just starting to make some changes there.

These two are no where close to being the same, other than they "seem" nice and "honorable".

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 12:42pm.

we both know that your dad had more experience as an executive than the three current candidates combined, he did run the state of Georgia. However, when one takes, say, one issue: the economy, it has to boil down to who the President selects as his advisors and top staff members. It would seem to me that an educated voter would look and try to determine who it will be that is to "shape" policy for the next four or eight years. Many presidents, including your father, have been scared by poor choices.

The swift boat threat to which you allude comes not from one side, but both, for it goes by another name (remember the Dan Rather newsflash that was disproven?).

My point being that both parties have put gaining office and with it the associated power above that of the welfare of the state. The resulting fact is we now have three candidates who each lack the experience to run a Pizza Delivery Service(opinionated overstatement), but each in their own specific constituences are willing to "buy" their way into office with money that the average American wage earner has to earn for the first three to four months of his/her workyear.

Just my two cents worth.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 5:50pm.

You have got obama exactly correct. My question is your still going to vote for him?

Yeah, I want a President I can't trust. Who has in the past gave money to terror groups, keeps company with Ayers, and goes to a Black Liberation Theology church, which I have put up for you. If you don't get it, there is something wrong.

Obama held his organized campaign at Ayers house, I don't think he's 9 years old now. BTW Obama is black and white- but I choose to call it "The Human Race" to all that talk race.

Silly of you and your name calling, how old are you?Laughing out loud

We Will Stand

Submitted by sageadvice on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 6:04pm.

The answer to your first question to lion: No, my still is not going to vote at all!I want a pres too which i cant trust. ain't no other kind!

Which I have "put up" for you! Where, bpr?

Why do I need to know obama is black and white if it doesn't matter? Or do I misunderstand, and it is alright to be black and alright to be white, but not black and white?

hate to bother you so much but i want to onderstood.

What kind of test do the pre-schoolers haf to pass to git to eat?

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 6:57pm.

Sage is having trouble with understanding how many times I have posted about Obama and "Black Liberation Theology".

I thought all the gang was keeping count. They will be disappointed in you.

Oh, never mind there's some of the gang on here to help you count, I know you are so glad.

They can't comprehend what hate speech is. They don't want to comprehend it.Smiling

We Will Stand

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 6:17pm.

I have the right to change my mind. I am going to vote. Obama has made me want to do it.Smiling

Race matters to you, you talk about it. I don't, but you do.

Do you have a job, your on here alot.

I think you like the attention you get, well how come all the gang has not been ganging up on you? It's nice for them to give you a rest.

Have a good evening.

We Will Stand

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 5:12pm.

that is very nicely put. Thank you. Keep the faith.

Even a dead fish can go with the flow.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 5:56pm.

You don't support abortion you say, why are you voting for Obama. Oh, I get it that does not count does it. Just all the promises he can't keep. Plus have the D in front of his name. Killing babies does not matter to you just so what is it going to give me if I vote for Obama.

Where did they get that handsome quote about Obama, Elders would beat Obama 100 percent in looks. Sorry, Obama one gal does not think your handsome. Actually he makes me sick with all his promises he can't keep. At least Elders tells the truth. Hey, maybe Elders should run for President. I'd vote for him.

We Will Stand

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