Rainy season is over!
We normally get little rain in this coming season.
The lake we use is less than half full. Don't think if Fayette lakes have water we will get to hoard it!
Unless a 100 year rain occurs between now and next fall due to Sonny's prayers, the lake and everything below it will be dry.
All this was known last year. Yet, our state government chose to allow pretty near normal use of water to avoid hurting some industries who depend upon the same water flow as ever.
Even the planting of grass and shrubs was allowed; car washes, and many other unnecessary use was allowed.
The lobbying was fierce from those industries! The Governor gave in.
Even now one can use a hose to water such stuff---knowing the consequences.
I suspect when most normal sales of pools, shrubs, etc., have been sold, then the Governor will shut it off.
Now you tell me--is this managing our resources for us, or salvaging votes and support for the party?
There is no hope unless a miracle does happen since I know of no other plan or action!
It seems that the thought is: everybody goes down at the same time---then we can't be blamed!
Kind of like ignoring the crooked banks for the last several years.
I have my 2 tons of rice, beans, flour, milk and eggs stored.
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