What do you think about the death penalty?

Mon, 04/21/2008 - 8:20am
By: The Citizen
It should remain as an option for a way to deal with violent criminals
84% (220 votes)
It should be abolished
16% (43 votes)
Total votes: 263
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Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 11:22pm.

Criminals that have committed a capital crime are a cancer inflicted on society needlessly. Give them one appeal, then we need to stop wasting money. We waste way to much money on thugs that will never amount to anything.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 8:00pm.

Until the day comes when terms like "life sentence" and "life without possibility of parole" actually MEAN that, sometimes the only way to be assured that murderers aren't released is to kill them. That is the only way to stop bleeding-heart Governors from later reducing a "life without possibility of parole" sentence.

As far as the punishment issue, I don't know if execution is any more "cruel and unusual" than the idea of putting someone in a cage for 30-40-50-etc. years with no windows and 1 hour of time outside the cell. If for some bizarre reason I was ever faced with true life imprisonment or execution, I'd take death.

There are other issues like executing the innocent(OOOPS!!!), the economic costs + danger of housing murdering scum, etc., but I'm definitely for having the option of a death penalty. I wish they would actually expand to include pedophiles like a Craig Bowen also. Considering the gigantic recidivism rate of pedophiles(I'm not talking about statutory rape like an 18 and 15 year boyfriend/girlfriend here) and what they have done to their victims, the death penalty is a solution.

CarDealer's picture
Submitted by CarDealer on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 5:36pm.

When it is a clear cut case of murder. Death sentences should be carried out swiftly. Currently, a murderer can stay on death row for up to twenty years tying it up in appeals. Appealing the sentence, not the crime. Meanwhile the victims families sit in anguish.
I'm just saying...
Jim Shores~17 year PTC resident
Peachtree Auto Sales

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 10:51pm.

I always wanted to sell cars; only cool ones; no economy or SUVs. 300 HP and up. Of course, I'd not want to let any of them go!

Oh yea, we're talking death penalty here.

1) Brian Nichols (Nickols? Nickles?) should have been dead a year and a half ago!

Keep 'em cookin. When you have a clear cut, objective evidence case, a confession substantiated with physical evidence.... Bury 'em. None of these multi million dollar drawn out appeals. I never ever want to see innocent people killed, but come on! Brian Nichols? Court film? Dozens of witnesses??? This is a classic case of unnecessary red tape.

Now back to cars... think I'll start a car blog Smiling

Kevin "Hack" King
(anyone want two dogs???)

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Mon, 04/28/2008 - 7:27pm.

Assuming they are really guilty.

Take some time to prove it - don't allow "character" witneses and don't allow any bleeding heart liberals on any jury for any reason. This is about the law - not our "feelings"

And do it quickly - 10 -12 days tops.

Shoot them and make the family pay for the bullet.

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