Race shouldn’t be issue; character is

Tue, 01/10/2006 - 4:56pm
By: Letters to the ...

My wife and I were appalled at the bold headlines we saw the Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2006, edition of The Citizen entitled, “Black Republican to run for county comm.”

Mr. Emory Wilkerson, a Republican who happens to an African-American, confirmed this week that he was entering the race to fill the vacant county commissioner post.

Tell me, what was the significance of mentioning his race? It should be irrelevant as to his race; his character is the important matter.
After all, remember it was the Republican Party presidency that wrote the Emancipation Proclamation and one would think that that event would have established a tie between the Republican Party and African-Americans.

What I am saying is, African-Americans were Republicans first and then gravitated to other political parties.

Cecil and Olivia Brown
Peachtree City, Ga.

[The editor replies: Since Fayette’s black state legislators (Democrat) have been pushing for more than a year to change to district voting on the grounds that no black can get elected to countywide office without district voting, the racial angle obviously is newsworthy. (Of course, the real problem may be that black Democrats can’t get elected in a majority Republican county, whereas a black Republican stands a good chance of winning countywide.) We don’t make the race-based news; we just report the facts about the race-based politics that has been front-page news several times in the past 18 months. That said, I should have edited into the story a more detailed explanation and history of the ongoing controversy so that newcomers to the county would be able to put the story (and headline) in the appropriate news context.]

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Submitted by DWP33 on Thu, 01/12/2006 - 2:21pm.

What does it matter if he mentioned the canidates race or not. if it bothers you so much then maybe you should move from jeferson wood drive and move to another county. but face it this type of stuff will go on aslong as the world turns. get over it.

Submitted by CNP2000 on Thu, 01/12/2006 - 2:02pm.

The people of Fayette County have every right to know EVERYTHING about who is running for any position in the county whether it be race, gender, or age. If you are upset about the headline in the paper then maybe you should reconsider the county you live in.

Submitted by bowser on Wed, 01/11/2006 - 8:18am.

Editor should give up his lame defenses of the headline and admit he blew it on this one. Nothing in the story justified the use of the word black in the headline. The only thing that would is if the candidate proclaimed, "I'm black and I'm running for commission...or I'm a black guy running for commission to represent black people." To my knowledge he didn't. His position or thoughts on district voting may be noteworthy but not in the headline. The main thing people want to know about any candidate is his/her qualifications and positions on issues on which they will have an influence. I might note also that the easiest way to solve this dilemma is to get a picture of the guy and run it, without comment.

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