Looney democrats & selfish republicans
The facts are that republicans think that
everyone who isn't making it in this country is caused by them being lazy.
The fact that most republicans make money without doing any hard work (the sweaty kind) is not important.
Anyway, most of the "lazy" people aren't affiliated with any political party and actually do perform sweaty work. There is just no money in sweaty work.
Now the "loons," or anyone not a republican, are those ungrateful people who won't play "uncle Tom" to the non-loons--the republicans.
Many of these "loons," actually are on welfare of one sort or another and that gripes the hell out of those non-loons, the republicans. These "loons" can actually survive on the $8-10,000 per year they scrounge off of the government (the non-loons).
It matters not that the non-loons are fortunate enough by their "hard-work." to have an income between $60,000 and $150,000 as a median. They also want their share of the welfare the loons get, which when calculated by the percentage getting it, could amount to maybe another thousand or so into their paycheck--before taxes!
The republican theory is that if we don't supply a minimum amount (any amount for that matter) to anyone, then they will begin to be smarter and work harder and eventually eliminate any poor sorry loons. However, what these loons then earn has to come from somewhere, so I suppose the non-loons will have to share their additional thousand, from no welfare, with the old "loons."
All this crap simply indicates that generalizations of any group, like saying that all non-loons, are selfish people, hedge fund crooks, bank schemers, and hypocrites, is just simple selfishness.
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