About Black Theology Liberation - A Must Read

BPR's picture

I did not know what Black Liberation Theology was and was wondering why I am having trouble with Obama's belief system.

I found this on Black Liberation Theology:

click Crazy Grandpa

Also this:

click Right and Wrong

Founder of Black Liberation James Comes interview:

click interview with James Comes

I am now understanding why I have problems with Obama's beliefs.

True we live in the land of the free and if this is you choice of belief this is you freedom-

I do have a problem with this belief because God made us all equal- God teaches us to forgive us that do us wrong-

Black Theology I believe needs to forgive those that have done them wrong.

Black Liberation Theology should look to your value system from the bible- they should look at what God says about all of us, nowhere do I read that God only intended this for one race-

Black Liberation Theology should not get their value system from Malcolm X who left the church and converted to Islam.

Again if this is your belief system, we live in the land of the free and you are free to worship this way.

I am thankful for the land of the free or I would not be able to worship the way I want to.

I do know God loves and values us all- He does not see color- He sees us and loves us as people He created.

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Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:16pm.

"I have many black friends only one or two have been raised in and continue to attend "black churches". They do not understand blacks who attend normal churches that preach love like the rest of us.""

This is classic. Please share with your pastor. Then refresh my memory about the 'human race' that you love and respect. Also, what is a 'normal church'?

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:40pm.

Are you and your many black friends condemning all black churches? Should we condemn all of Falwells followers or 'white' churches because Falwell espoused the eradication of all 'gays'? Are gays human according to your belief? Are you sure that all of the followers of Jesus were heterosexual? "Love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus didn't say love your neighbor as yourself if he looks like you and agrees with you. Striving to be a good Christian is difficult - when love in conditional. I have attended black churches for the majority of my life - and I never heard any minister in a Christian church pray for the destruction of the 'white' race. I have heard them pray for the condemnation of those whites that lynch; shoot; conduct neighborhood drive-bys; rape and murder black women. (and what was most difficult for me to understand in my young years - pray for their souls) These were the actions that were the basis of fear in my day. Thank God – those days are long gone.

I spent this afternoon in Cincinnati, Ohio. Most of this day was spent in the Underground Railroad Museum. When one visits this marvelous facility - you leave with no doubt that blacks and whites working together are the foundation for the success of the United States. Let’s not let fear and misunderstanding between those who are different in this country cause a continued weakness in the implementation of the words of our Constitution.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 6:05am.

Like the pre-born, their DNA identifies them as human. One's actions, although described as beastly, do not change the essence of one's being. Our actions that do not reflect our being created in the image of God do not diminish our humanness; rather they reveal our need for a Savior.

Please back up your claim, "Falwell espoused the eradication of all 'gays.'"

Pastor Falwell did oppose the "gay" political agenda and redefining sin:

“Compulsory Homosexuality”

“Falwell Hosts Summit with Gay Minister”

JF: "Any sex outside of the marriage bond between a man and a woman is violating God's law."

JF: "I do not believe we can blame genetics for adultery, homosexuality, dishonesty and other character flaws."

JF: "We will see a breakdown of the family and family values if we decide to approve same-sex marriage, and if we decide to establish homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle with all the benefits that go with equating it with the heterosexual lifestyle."

*I did not read these quotes in context, which is important to understand a person's beliefs, nor did I confirm that these are not misquotes at BrainyQuote.com.

JF: "I do believe, as a theologian, based upon many Scriptures and particularly Proverbs 14:23, which says 'living by God's principles promotes a nation to greatness, violating those principles brings a nation to shame.'"

“America is in imminent peril. We are rotting from within. Our families are falling apart at a 50% divorce rate. Teen pregnancy has reached epidemic proportions at one million per year. Abortion, homosexuality, drugs and violence are ‘the American way’. [sic] Bill Bennett's book, ‘The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators’, [sic] tells us just how badly our culture has declined in the past 30 years.” (Sermon by Falwell)

(Sermon Outline by Falwell)


Here are some "black" pastors (this is a moral issue, not racial) who can help you with the Biblical position on this issue:

"Black Southern Baptists Decry Homosexual Claims"

"What they want to do is convert us to their way of life, an abnormal way of life," McCall said, citing Scriptures such as Romans 1. "It's wrong. It's ridiculous. I hope Americans won't buy it. It's biblically wrong and theologically unsound."

"Leviticus 18:22 says homosexuality is an abomination. God has drawn the line; the wrath of God has been revealed," Anderson preached. "For people to be thinking homosexuality is OK, we have done them an injustice. God says the wages of sin is death."

"Black Southern Baptist Pastors Move Past Slavery"

"Many of the convention's black members are Republicans who are frustrated with the Democratic Party's support of abortion and homosexuality."

"All those are liberal tendencies that go against the grain of what the Bible stands for."

“The Massacre of the Pulpit”

“Why Do Gays Hate Religious Freedom?”

Mom: "Are you sure that all of the followers of Jesus were heterosexual?"

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?

Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (I Cor. 6:9-11, 18) (See also Eph. 5:3-7, 11.)

If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. (I John 1)

“How Should We Respond to Homosexuality?” (Part 1)

“How Should We Respond to Homosexuality?” (Part 2)

How to Respond in a Christ-like Way to Homosexuality


8-week fetus ("young one") -- Only 30-32 more weeks to go!

“Women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy.” (Feminists for Life)

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 8:56am.

Look up the lawsuit he lost for $5,000 plus some interest about comments that were recorded where he said something like a gay church would be annihilated and there will be a celebration in heaven. He claimed he never said it and if anyone could prove he did, he'd pay them 5 grand. After audio tapes of the broadcast surfaced where he in fact said that, he didn't pay right away so he was sued and lost.

I guess one could try and say that Falwell would be happy if gays were killed, he just didn't "advocate" it himself.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 6:29am.

Do you eat shrimp or lobster?

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 04/11/2008 - 8:09pm.

Just let me know the DAY & TIME, although I do prefer a filet to wet or dry arthropods. Laughing out loud

In case you didn't know...

Prior to the 20th century, lobster was not popular as food. In fact, New Englanders considered lobsters to be garbage and their main use was as fertilizer for fields. Lobsters were thought of as scavengers and, therefore, unclean. Preferring beef and pork, seasonal workers, hiring on at the docks, insisted on a contractual agreement that they would only be fed a minimum amount of lobster meat. Eating lobster was considered a mark of poverty, and to serve anyone lobster was considered a lack of respect. It was demeaning, an insult! Eye-wink

And remember, before you boil them, that it’s very important that you purge your crawfish, or “mud-bugs,” Laughing out loud (with a concentrated salt solution to make them regurgitate and empty their digestive systems) and thoroughly wash them to rid them of impurities (unwanted waste) and to minimize off-odors, off-flavors, and a “fishy” taste.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 8:21pm.

No, my black friends are Christians and go to a mixed race church and black church that does not preach "Black Liberation Theology". My white and black friends are not condemning black churches. We don't agree with "Black Liberation Theology".

First Obama went and goes to Mr. Wright's church, I don't live in Virginia so I can't go to Rev. Falwell's church, plus he's in heaven now. I gave you what the word of God said in the bible about gays- God's Word not mine. Plus I choose to approach gays in a different way to reach out to them- I love them. My gay friends do not go to church. I pray for them- I love them.

Believe me there is a big difference in what Rev. Falwell said about gays than what "Black Liberation Theology says. No, not all white church practice Rev. Falwell's method. Rev. Falwell answers to God for that.

You have prayed for condemnation of the of whites that lynch, shoot etc. When the bible says pray for your enemies and your prayed for condemnation did you pray that they may come to know Christ. That is what I am doing with "Black Liberation Theology".

Yes, gays are humans, remembers I have some friends that are gay. That is why I love my neighbor as myself. Did I say to hate people involved in "Black Liberation Theology"? Please post where I put that. Just because I put up what they stand for does not mean I hate them, they should never teach "Black Liberation Theology" in church.

As before both my husband and myself have been to black church, no they did not preach "Black Liberation Theology. You heard "Black Liberation Theology" at Mr. Wright's church and at the Catholic Church I put up.

You have prayed for condemnation of the of whites that lynch, shoot etc. When the bible says pray for your enemies and your prayed for condemnation did you pray that they may come to know Christ. That is what I am doing with "Black Liberation Theology" they have hate for white people. You heard the links.

Do you think churches should teach "Black Liberation Theology"? If so how can you justify that?

What about forgiveness if blacks and whites want to get along? Isn't that what the bible says:

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14).

To love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and your neighbour as yourself, means to experience forgiveness and to forgive others as well as yourself. (See the Lord's Prayer, in Matthew 6:12.)

When forgiven, the other person is released from the bondage of the condemnation you have heaped on him or her (Acts 7:60). What you bind is bound. What you loose is loosed (John 20:22,23). When you let go of your bitterness and resentment, God will be free to work with the person toward whom you held these feelings. And you will know release and joy.

After knowing God has forgiven you, and after forgiving others who have wronged you, there should be no barrier to hinder you from forgiving yourself. By faith, accept God's Word in Isaiah 43:18,19. Begin to minister honour and respect to God who is doing a new thing in you, by offering sacrifices of praise to Him (Hebrews 13:15).

Forgiveness is the key: not "Black Liberation Theology".

Plus, we are "The Human Race" got made us all equal.

We Will Stand

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 8:30pm.

Please accept my apology for confusing Sky's post with yours. I was surprised that you would have answered as he did. God bless.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 8:34pm.

I just want you to know reading on the posts that Sky is a nice, kind person. I think Sky is upset with "Black Liberation Theology" both of us had never heard of it.

Have a good evening.

We Will Stand

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:49pm.

the question again.

No one has a problem with black churches. Everyone I know except for a few friends who were raised on "black liberation theology" has questions about it. We had a very spirited debate at work today. The most informative discussion was lead by one person who was taught "black liberation theology" and one who was not: both are black. Those of us who really don't know much about it sat back and listened. Even the black people who have not been raised on the "theology" question it.

Stop trying to make excuses for some of the wild statments coming out of "black liberation theology"

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 8:20pm.

Most 'blacks' have not 'studied' or been exposed to what is now being called 'black liberation theocracy'. We attended a church that addressed the needs and issues of 'black' people. We were taught survival skills. Our pastors guided us in dealing with a 'racist' society - north and south. A question that no one answers here. . . Why would 'white' folks attend a church that preached their destruction? Are 'white' folks crazy? I think not!!!! Sky - go to a 'black' church, Heritage with Hack, and make up your own mind, based on your experience! Don't let fear keep you from doing this. Be part of the solution - not part of the problem. The big difference will be the music. (We like to sing and openly respond to our pastors during the service) Otherwise, the message of Christian love is pretty much the same. Don't take my word for it - go see for yourself!!

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 8:33pm.

I think we both agree that some of the statments are crazy.

I have never heard of this "theology either, and many of my friends both black and white are saying the same. We have never heard of this before. I think very few people are taken in by the "fringe" beliefs and messages. Almost no one believes in the KKK or in the "theology". Most of us are great friends. I have gone to Heritage church it is not a "black church". I have many friends who do attend "black churches" and they have never in their lives heard some of the wild teachings presented in the links here.

I think we are all the same good decent people and we need some of the wild crazy political, and religious leaders to leave us all alone so we can live in peace.

Have a good night. I wish for all of us PEACE

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 8:43pm.

Smiling Peace!

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:32pm.

First of all BPR didn't make that statment, I did.

Why do you deny interviews with the founder of "black liberation theology"?? Those sound bites were not opinions. They were presented as one of the beliefs of "black liberation theology" Why do you refuse to acknowlege what these people believe in?

The people who follow this wild crazy teaching are fortunatly small in number. Just like the whack job nutballs who follow the KKK are in very small numbers. Thank God.

Why do you keep trying to explain away their wild ideas?

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:59pm.

I think we've all learned not to allow 'sound bites' taken out of context to be the basis of our understanding of the 'opinion' of another. These people? Did you see who was listed as preachers of the 'black liberation theocracy'? David Duke and John F. Kennedy both espoused 'democracy'. Would you say that a 'sound bite' of David Duke described the democracy that you believe in? Read an explanation/definition of this theocracy - and make up your own mind. Then accept that individuals interpret a theocracy differently. I wouldn't say that Cone and King espoused the same interpretation of this theocracy. Segregation (legal and otherwise) was the seed that spawned this theocracy. I am not in denial - but base my opinion on my experience. I've experienced both the 'white' and the 'black' church. The 'black' church formed my reality of the necessity to 'turn the other cheek' in the face of injustice; to persevere in achieving excellence; and to love my neighbor as myself - and to expect the good from all. My study of the scriptures helped me to understand that everyone can change. (Note Saul and David)

Maybe you should ask your pastor about your remark. Sorry BPR for the misidentification.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 8:48am.

Hitler said the same inflamatory things against Jewish people. He used the bible to justify his hate.

If we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it.

I have many black friends only one or two have been raised in and continue to attend "black churches". They do not understand blacks who attend normal churches that preach love like the rest of us.

I have someone I considered to be a good friend until I found out that her church preaches and prays for the destruction of white people. We had a long discussion about this last week. She can't understand why white people have a problem with "black liberation theology". I asked her what if a church I went to called on "God" to destroy black people......you would say I was racist. Her reply was absolutely.

How or why in 2008 is any message of hate towards any race of people tolerated, and in fact seemingly encouraged in this country?

We have achieved nothing if subtle and not so subtle messages of hate are tolerated.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 2:05pm.

"I have many black friends only one or two have been raised in and continue to attend "black churches". They do not understand blacks who attend normal churches that preach love like the rest of us."

I, being a black person raised in a black Methodist Church in North Carolina, feel uniquely qualified to address this.

1) I'm not sure what you consider a "normal" church.
2) The message I receive now at Heritage Christian Church is very similar to the message I received at Mount Olive AME Church: Believe His word, Recieve His grace. Serve Him daily. That's the message I , as a black person in a black church then, and as a black person in a mostly white church now, receive.
3) Any time one starts envoking "Hitler" they are arguing from a weak position.

4) Anyone who has not been to a church, hasn't listened to the testimony of white visitors, and who shows limited understanding of "the black experience" may not be the best JUDGE of the church in my very humble opinion.

I hope you are able to find your happy happy joy joy cheerful self again soon. You're scaring me.


Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 11:01pm.

2 of my friends at work repeated verbatim what was said on those links. I'm floored that anyone would think it is ok "to hate or want to kill a god who does not want to destroy white people"

Those links explain "black liberation theology". I know you go to a normal church. Have you ever heard any of those crazy ideas before now?

I have not. Anyway you can explain what was really ment by some of those very inflamatory statments.

Anyway....it's 2008 and we are still talking about beating down one race to build up another. It doesn't make sense. If obama wins will you hide me your house for 4yrs.? I don't think my dogs would like a concentration camp.

On another front: whoever is training warthogs in your absence is making our job less than pleasant. Heal soon so you can re-train your crew on basic standard formation, how to split a formation, only the lead needs to have their transponder on, how to speak clearly so the controller can hear your request, and basic fuel management, like when you start down early to 13 thousand 250miles out you will burn more gas that is sort of pricey right now. Stuff like that.

Give a call when you get back, hopefully the weather will be nice.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 11:42pm.

Sorry I missed you this week. Oddly enough, Oklahoma is 70 degrees today, and 50 degrees now at 2330.

Clearly the links have some pretty "out there" comments and ideas. My ENTIRE point is we judge people by their own words, and we should judge Trinity with respect to the atmosphere in Trinity. Everything I have read from people, white and black, who have actually been to the church, backs up what Barack has said about the atmosphere he experienced and the messages he heard. Again, why would white people be members and guests at a church that hated white people?

I wish I could Michael J. Fox with you, take you back to my 100% black church, and let you experience it with me. I still remember PAstor Gregory and his warmth. I was a kid who, like you, had spent time abroad and all over the country. I didn't know I was black (accept for the N word being thrown at me in Mississippi in 1970). Because my dad wore his rank on his shoulders, most of his friends and peers were white. When he retired and we moved to North Carolina in 1978, we were driven away from the house we wanted to buy in Handly Acres because they didn't want a black family in that neighborhood. Never mind that dad was a 20 year AF officer and Vietnam Vet. Never mind that my mom was a teacher with a master's in education. We weren't mad at whites. We were mad at the Handly Acres neighborhood.
If we weren't welcomed to the neighborhood, did you think we would attend the Baptist Church in that neighborhood? No Way Jose! We found a black church where we knew we would be safe and welcome. From 1978 until I left for the Academy in 1984, I attended that black church; no hate; no separatist message; just The Word. Chicago, I imagine, was similar in the 60s and 70s. Churches are like families and I would not expect blacks to suddenly leave theirs to integrate for integration's sake or vice versa.
At any rate, I can only speak of my church experiences. I can't speak for your co workers.


That belies all of his words, his supporters, and his very heritage. I'm voting issues.

Now, to the A-10 bros from Valdosta who are dragging our image across a cheese grater, what are we going to do with young kids today? Blabbing about aircraft capabilities on the internet; breaking the 1oo feet and 1 mile rule; cluttering your scopes. Sigh. I just don't know about these generation X ers Sky

Cheers, and good night,

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 3:20pm.



You can't guarantee that. After all, he belongs to a hate-filled, whitey-hating, separatist, racist church.

Until he quits that church and denounces it outright, he will continue to be known for the company he has kept for the past 20 years.

Barack Obama is the personification of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The Perverse Worship of a man

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:14pm.

Consider this a "one size fits all" answer.

"Until he quits that church and denounces it outright, he will continue to be known for the company he has kept for the past 20 years."

Beaver, we see how much damage you and your desperate Barack-haters' attacks have wrought on the $40 million (in only two weeks) man. You aren't preaching to the choir. Honestly, you are urinating into the wind. You appear delirious as you post your hundredth "Barack hates us white folks" post. You are not hurting him. You can say the same thing over and over, and it will come down to wasted time googling. Suits me, but I'm done with this beaten till dead horse of yours. Good luck with your next attack.

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:58pm.

And since Calypso Louie is one of his biggest supporters, I'm sure that alot of that 40 mil is coming from "the nation of islam", Hamas, and other anti-semetic outfits.

And yet, you still don't have an answer as to why he remains a member of the racist, hate-filled, Black Liberation Theology sect.

Barack Obama is the personification of a wolf in sheep's clothing and is bent on destroying the USA.

The Perverse Worship of a man

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 7:08am.

I am smart enough to know that not every "black church" believes these sound bites. It all took me by surprise because I had never heard anything like it before.

I am shocked.

Have a good flight back. Bring the warm weather back with you. Chat later

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 3:09pm.

Iknow you are friends with Main and Sniffles, are you okay- I will get back to you I have to go buy my Larry Elders book and then I will address both you Sniffles and who ever else.

You don't have to insult me you know and try to make it sound like your being nice.Smiling It's okay- people read between the lines.

Chat later!

P.S. You being friends with someone that does not know what they are talking about scares me! Oh, was that your sweetness to me like you do to Denise? Thought I didn't know huh?Puzzled You are acting a little mainish.Laughing out loud

We Will Stand

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 3:48pm.

"You don't have to insult me you know and try to make it sound like your being nice. It's okay- people read between the lines."

BPR: Where have I insulted you? True, you've whipped Skyspy into a frenzy, but i don't recall insulting you. But this post on Trinity is what number for you? How many links condemning this faith have you posted? Can you count them on one hand? What should happen to this church, in your opinion? What should we do with its members?

Still friends, honest...

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 11:08pm.

I'm not in a frenzy, I just don't like what I'm hearing.

Chat later, you are still my favorite warthog, and neighbor.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 7:46pm.

First, Sky makes Sky's opinion- I don't tell Sky what to think or do.
If Sky agrees with me, how can I help that?

Insulting me- you do the same thing to Denise like you do to me but in a different language - do you think I appreciate being told you scare me. If you think that is funny I take that as being offensive, especially since your closeness with Sniffles5 and Main who I know just adores Denise and of course me.

Every time we get on here one of them come, except you can't tell which one it is.

You being good buddies with them does not help your character- they bash me to threads and finding out that your my brother in Christ says nothing- well Hack you read what they say to both Denise, myself, and also to Sky and others. As a Christian I believe in standing up for what is right- but I can't defend them with you- your their buddy.

Sky was the first to bring up questions about Obama- true- I researched it and posted it- now I know what is wrong with what they call church there- it's black liberation theology- I did not bring this up James Comes is the one that founded it- I find flaws in what he says left and right- honestly Hack Malcolm X- to say he gives them their identity- sorry it's God - what can Malcom X do for them now? Could you listen one more time and try and have an open mind- why if it was reversed and I believed in white liberation theology. BTW- I can't there's only the "Human Race".Smiling

I adore my Mom who is in heaven now- she was the first one to tell me about Jesus- how important I was because He made me, loved me, valued me, that I am somebody.

I do admire Steve- have for about 26 years or so- I don't think he would agree with black liberation theology- if he did that would be a shock.

I don't care about denominations - I am SBC because I believe their theology- I care about God sending Jesus to pay the price for the big mess ups that I make all the time- (God knew I could not be perfect) nothing matters to me except that I have asked forgiveness- asked Him to be the Lord of my life- and I have a relationship with Him- that is what matters to me.

Sky is a very nice person to me. I do appreciate Sky's kindness when I need it. Denise is nice to me- I appreciate it also.
The other day- alot showed compassion- it was the 3rd year my Mom has been gone- my sister died 4 months earlier- I printed all of the things they said to me- they are treasures to me. All of them help me make it through the day- I really do appreciate that more than they could ever ever know.

I am saying this to you because I want you to get to know me just a little- I wish everyone could be civil on here- we could if we cared about people- you can disagree and go on.

As for you- the ones I know and have talked to speak highly of you.

Maybe I am taking your scaring me as a insult and it's a joke- is that the same with Denise? I am just trying to figure it out honestly.

I don't dislike you- you don't know me too well- I have to say Mom did pass something down to me that sometimes hurts but I think it is worth it- try your best to be kind, compassion, caring- I do. Some will bash me and that's okay I know what I try and do.

Friends- Yes- I am your friend.

We Will Stand

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 11:54pm.

BPR, if you think that you honestly scare me, in a literal sense, you have no hope of ever understanding my sense of humor. But, BPR, here is the funny part:

"..especially since your closeness with Sniffles5 and Main who I know just adores Denise and of course me."


"You being good buddies with them does not help your character- they bash me to threads and finding out that your my brother in Christ says nothing- well Hack you read what they say to both Denise, myself, and also to Sky and others."

BPR: Please read these words very literally. No one speaks for me but me. I represent no one but Hack on these boards. Please don't for one nano second think that what somone else says reflects upon my character, because it does not. You are in the smear Hack with Rev Wright's comments mode. You don't like Sniffles and Main. I get along with them. I must be bad? Nuh uhh. Not gonna work. I am me. They are them. Period. BPR, you took it upon yourself to tell us you have gay friends. Does their being gay reflect upon your "character" by association? Now, would you like to rethink that whole concept?

Kevin "Hack" King

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 7:41am.

First, I am the one that told Main and or Sniffles5 - I don't dislike them -I even told Main last night- I told Sniffles5 he has value. Now, tell me who does not like who when they constantly say things that are ridiculous.

I am bashing black liberation theology. Which Mr. Wright church is. This is not Christian, you know the bible- I know Heritage Christian Church - I love the church.

I am a member of another church- hey we celebrate- Well, the songs I sent to David's Mom are some of the ones we sing- our worship style- life application-meaning taking God's word and applying it to our lives- we sing hymns also. I may visit Heritage sometime- I love our pastor- I know yours is good also.

I'm not upset over my gay friends, I love and care about them- God's word is His word- Sniffles brought up the gay part, one time someone told me I need to defend what I say, so I did. I have been their friend for a long time - I did not know they were gay until later and they told us- they are my husband's friends also.

Yes, we are known by the company we keep- we don't live the lifestyle they do- and they know how we feel - yes I did reread it. If we participate with them that is when it is wrong- they know where we both stand- still friends.

Here is another outlook:

The Bible tells how the prophet Jonah had great disdain for the people of Nineveh - he resisted God's command to preach a message of judgment to the Ninevites, and he became angry when God compassionately held back His wrath after the people of Nineveh.
The Bible tells how the prophet Jonah had great disdain for the people of Nineveh - he resisted God's command to preach a message of judgment to the Ninevites, and he became angry when God compassionately held back His wrath after the people of Nineveh repented. Author and counselor Joe Dallas says many Christians are afflicted with the "Jonah Syndrome," meaning they hold homosexuals in contempt and resist demonstrating to them the love of Christ. Dallas -a former homosexual- calls on the church to repent of its sin and to reach out to the gay community with a message of grace that is compassionate, consistent and clear.
"I believe as we address the issue of homosexuality that God would call us to repent of whatever hostility exists within the church.. and recommit ourselves to bold love." - Joe Dallas

Most Christians have heard the phrase, "hate the sin but love the sinner." Unfortunately, many homosexuals feel like evangelicals hate them as people because of their behavior. How has the church gone wrong in responding to the gay community? Author and counselor Joe Dallas cites examples as he admonishes believers to repent of their hostility towards homosexuals. Dallas also describes how Christians can achieve a proper, balanced approach of showing Christ's love to gays and lesbians while still declaring the biblical truth that homosexuality is a sin.
"The gay and lesbian community is looking to the church for some verifiable evidence that we love them as we say that we do ... [that we] value them as people, not just as objects to be converted." -Joe Dallas

No, Hack you are not a bad person, honestly I am a sinner saved by grace. I am not any better than anyone else.

I do think taking the lives of unborn children that can't speak for them self that God created is wrong-

For me I need forgiveness constantly-I do mess up alot.

You answer to God just as I do.

I am talking about the links of some things that are on here and you seemed like you did agree with Main and Sniffles5.

My goal if life is that others will see Jesus in me. Yeah,I mess up Big Time- I am sure I will hear about it- Thank God for Jesus.

I am not a person who thinks I am better than anyone else- maybe I should bring my husband to a coffee blog- he know me the best- he would tell you how much I cry out to God for my mistakes- I am hard on myself- Thank God I have a husband that is grounded in his faith that he reminds me of what God's word says about me and I remember my Moms words about what God's word says about me.

There is not one person on here that I do not like- disagree yes - that's a different story. We can disagree and be civil- I did it with Davids Mom and she did it with me.

Friends Honestly- BPR

We Will Stand

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:45pm.

Did you not see this post. I was wondering when you would get back to me.

See ya

We Will Stand

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:49pm.

This post:

First, I am the one that told Main and or Sniffles5 - I don't dislike them -I even told Main last night- I told Sniffles5 he has value. Now, tell me who does not like who when they constantly say things that are ridiculous.

I am bashing black liberation theology. Which Mr. Wright church is. This is not Christian, you know the bible- I know Heritage Christian Church - I love the church.

I am a member of another church- hey we celebrate- Well, the songs I sent to David's Mom are some of the ones we sing- our worship style- life application-meaning taking God's word and applying it to our lives- we sing hymns also. I may visit Heritage sometime- I love our pastor- I know yours is good also.

I'm not upset over my gay friends, I love and care about them- God's word is His word- Sniffles brought up the gay part, one time someone told me I need to defend what I say, so I did. I have been their friend for a long time - I did not know they were gay until later and they told us- they are my husband's friends also.

Yes, we are known by the company we keep- we don't live the lifestyle they do- and they know how we feel - yes I did reread it. If we participate with them that is when it is wrong- they know where we both stand- still friends.

Here is another outlook:

The Bible tells how the prophet Jonah had great disdain for the people of Nineveh - he resisted God's command to preach a message of judgment to the Ninevites, and he became angry when God compassionately held back His wrath after the people of Nineveh.
The Bible tells how the prophet Jonah had great disdain for the people of Nineveh - he resisted God's command to preach a message of judgment to the Ninevites, and he became angry when God compassionately held back His wrath after the people of Nineveh repented. Author and counselor Joe Dallas says many Christians are afflicted with the "Jonah Syndrome," meaning they hold homosexuals in contempt and resist demonstrating to them the love of Christ. Dallas -a former homosexual- calls on the church to repent of its sin and to reach out to the gay community with a message of grace that is compassionate, consistent and clear.
"I believe as we address the issue of homosexuality that God would call us to repent of whatever hostility exists within the church.. and recommit ourselves to bold love." - Joe Dallas

Most Christians have heard the phrase, "hate the sin but love the sinner." Unfortunately, many homosexuals feel like evangelicals hate them as people because of their behavior. How has the church gone wrong in responding to the gay community? Author and counselor Joe Dallas cites examples as he admonishes believers to repent of their hostility towards homosexuals. Dallas also describes how Christians can achieve a proper, balanced approach of showing Christ's love to gays and lesbians while still declaring the biblical truth that homosexuality is a sin.
"The gay and lesbian community is looking to the church for some verifiable evidence that we love them as we say that we do ... [that we] value them as people, not just as objects to be converted." -Joe Dallas

No, Hack you are not a bad person, honestly I am a sinner saved by grace. I am not any better than anyone else.

I do think taking the lives of unborn children that can't speak for them self that God created is wrong-

For me I need forgiveness constantly-I do mess up alot.

You answer to God just as I do.

I am talking about the links of some things that are on here and you seemed like you did agree with Main and Sniffles5.

My goal if life is that others will see Jesus in me. Yeah,I mess up Big Time- I am sure I will hear about it- Thank God for Jesus.

I am not a person who thinks I am better than anyone else- maybe I should bring my husband to a coffee blog- he know me the best- he would tell you how much I cry out to God for my mistakes- I am hard on myself- Thank God I have a husband that is grounded in his faith that he reminds me of what God's word says about me and I remember my Moms words about what God's word says about me.

There is not one person on here that I do not like- disagree yes - that's a different story. We can disagree and be civil- I did it with Davids Mom and she did it with me.

Friends Honestly- BPR

We Will Stand

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 4:06am.

It's not just being friendly to someone that's offensive; it's agreeing with and encouraging offensive behavior, such as calling it "clever" but never "vile and condescending" or "nasty," or just not saying a word when it's your friends who are misbehaving. (Unlike Hutch who calls it as he sees it.) Of course, the only "liars" seem to be those "first class rectum" conservatives. Does that help you out?

Your friend,

Denise ("the self appointed cherub of fetus protection")

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 9:48am.

Don't you have a "peanut farmer" to go pick on?

Kevin "Hack" King

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 10:28am.

that it is always "those two" females that are constantly whining about being SO mistreated on the blog?

"You said this....no you said that...wwaaaaahhhhh...you hurt my feelings....you like him/her better than me....you're tupid...wwwaaaahhhhh....too much pollen, I can't sleeeeeeppppp...don't steal my hansum huzbund....fetuses are babies tooooooooooo.........wwwaaaahhhh....you agree with him/her so you are baaaaaaaaaad man hack!....

Good gosh! For being such so-called, 'strong women', they sure act like a bunch of wimps.

I want to hear the men start crying and whining on here! That might be interesting and fun for a change!

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 11:43am.

OK, no I don't.

I don't mind the persecution complex because I find that amusing that anyone would care all that much about how Citizen bloggers talk some trash. Is that surprising at all? Enough to even create a second identity and have conversations with yourself? The more time spent here, the better the chance you'll get "mistreated" somehow.

What gets me is the 100 paragraph(BPR) essays on a message board where quite frankly no one is going to change their mind on any serious issue, or the Link-A-Thon(Denise)copy and pastes. I just don't have the time or energy to get THAT involved on here. I enjoy life instead.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 5:19pm.

About those "100 paragraph(BPR) essays", today's BPR sermonette broke new ground in the annals of Cut And Paste:

BPR simply took random descriptions of several podcasts available for download on the Focus on The Fascist Famiy website and strung them together to make her "essay".

Take A Look

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 4:01am.

Is that the best you can come up with for your response? All you did was take Denise comment and paste- wow you went to alot of work for your defense.

I think it is funny you quote Denise, she is very good at this.Smiling

Can't you come up with something better than that- I proved my case in both of my posts.

We Will Stand

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 4:28pm.

Laughing out loud "persecution complex" Puzzled Laughing out loud

I'll continue to point out inconsistencies and irrational, illogical comments by all those who preach TOLERANCE but practice none. Sad

Some of the most JUDGMENTAL ones are the ones who preach, "Don't judge!" Puzzled

Hugs? Not from me. Go ask Mainly $creamin' or $niffle$.

From the "Link-A-Thon" Non-Enjoying-Life Antagonist:

A muscle that counteracts the action of another muscle, the agonist.

"Muscles usually occur as antagonistic pairs. Each antagonist opposes or reverses the action of its partner. For example, the triceps extends or stretches the arm, and the biceps flexes or bends it. An antagonist may also help to regulate the action of its partner by partially contracting. This resists a movement and reduces the risk of damage from an overload. It may slow or stop an action.

"It is important when training to use both members of an antagonistic pair of muscles (e.g. both the quads and hamstrings in the leg) because imbalances increase the risk of injury."

Listening to only one side of a debate (even if you don't like Dr. Falwell or Dr. Dobson's perspective, for example) increases the risk of injury to our freedoms. I'm only trying to exercise your brain muscle and remember, clicking on links, is optional! Eye-wink Enjoy!


8-week fetus ("young one") -- Only 30-32 more weeks to go!

“Women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy.” (Feminists for Life)

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 9:58pm.

I can't remember the last time I voted for a "liberal" or even a Democrat. I'm a pro-life libertarian(there are others for that matter) so I USED to have more in common with "conservative Repubs" but that was back when maybe that species existed. Maybe a Barry Goldwater and William Buckley. Or a Newt Gingrich for a time. It sure wasn't Ronald Reagan who I thought was a good president for about 5 years or so, but wasn't what I would call very "conservative" either.

I've heard the other side of any argument for decades and I can't say that I've found it very compelling on either the Dem or Repub side on a consistent basis.

When it comes to social freedoms, I'm definitely along the lines of a lot of Dems who come from the "live and let live" philosophy of the government having zero business in anyone's bedroom or no authority deciding what you can or cannot put into your own body. I didn't add "legislating morality" because some Dems are definitely in favor of that on certain issues like restricting "hate speech."

Submitted by Sick of Fascists on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 10:05pm.

Hmmm, does that mean you are in favor of life, but recognize that the government should not legislate morality, nor should it intrude into a woman's right to make reproductive choices? Just curious.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:46am.

I don't believe the government should ever be in the morals business because by the very nature of government in a democracy it is ill-equipped to make moral decisions on a consistent basis and it also takes away the opportunity for people themselves to make moral choices and "be moral." If the only reason people decide to do/not do something is by whether it's "legal" or "illegal," they aren't making moral choices. Sadly, a good chunk of Americans lack anything resembling morality and base their sheep-like existence on whether it's legal or not legal. That is also why some want everything put into law so they don't have to think for themselves about what can be difficult moral decisions.

I don't agree with the legal reasoning behind Roe vs. Wade and it being one of the major examples of legislation from the bench. However, while I may be against abortion in some circumstances enough to say that I can see where it can rightfully be called "killing," I think it is best solved by turning the clock backwards for once and letting the states handle it. They were on their way to dealing with the issue themselves prior to Roe vs. Wade, an example being when Gov. Ronald Reagan in California decriminalized abortion in the state in the late 1960's and was the first to do so.

Paul Perkins's picture
Submitted by Paul Perkins on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 9:44pm.

but it may not be what you really were saying.

We agree on several things such as a reversal of Roe would let things simply fall back to the states rather than drastically change any existing laws.

I would say this, however, on your statement about the government not being in the "morals business."

It's a self-defeating statement because

Every law legislates somebody's idea of morality.

That's what laws do. They say what is wrong and what , if you break that law, wrong thing (punishment) will be done to you.

That said, it seems the only question is whose idea of morality gets legislated.

Our current base of Judeo-Christian thought seems to have served our county well. Even with some very real problems in America, we offer more freedom for all groups of people than any country in history.

Conversely, in Islamic based cultures freedom is non existent for vast groups.

Having tossed that politically incorrect statement out, I will now await the excoriation to come from the other side.

I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born. ~Ronald Reagan, quoted in New York Times, 22 September 1980

This is the way to blog!

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:57pm.

I am glad you enjoy your life. I enjoy my life also everyday!

Have a good afternoon.

We Will Stand

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 3:30pm.

Do you go to Heritage Christian Church in Fayetteville? Wow, if you do I know Steve Geyer- I will have to ask him about you. What a small world.

I must say he might be a little surprised? Your views seem to differ from his- what's with that?

Steve use to be a Christian comedian. I'll ask him about you.

I am not kidding - I know him.

We Will Stand

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 3:44pm.

Skyspy knows I am a friend. When you talk to Mr. Starbucks, you will know I'm not dangerous. He is a close friend to my wife and I. He knows that neither of us grew up hating whites. I am just trying to figure out why you keep fanning flames here, BPR. You've got Skyspy all riled up again after I'd calmed 'em down a bit.

"P.S. You being friends with someone that does not know what they are talking about scares me! Oh, was that your sweetness to me like you do to Denise? Thought I didn't know huh? You are acting a little mainish."

I don't quite understand what you're saying above. I WILL GUARANTEE you that I am more familiar with growing up black in a black church than you and skyspy. The things I hear you, Sky, Richard, Beav, and a host of others say are indicative of a lack of personal experience inside of traditional black churches. I can only offer you testimony of white members and visitors of Trinity that speak to the love they felt and the positive message they received. You will believe what you'd like, but realize the sources you seek for information may be biased. If you are trying to convince me that white people go to a church that hates whites, I'm having problems with that logic. But, agian, BPR, this isn't personal. If I didn't care about those who blog here, I'd have never made an effort to meet any of you, and I wouldn't give a hoot what you thought of the black church or black people. When people make it a mission to convince others blacks are being fed a diet of "hate whites" in church, I feel it important to challenge that argument. Come see us at Heritage sometime. My family goes to the 0930 service. Blog when you can come and I'll look out for you and your family, and you can see what I think of y'all white folks.

Laughing out loud

Kevin "Hack" King

ps BPR:
"I must say he might be a little surprised? Your views seem to differ from his- what's with that?"

BPR, where I come from, one is not issued one's opinion like a military ruck sack. We are able to form them independently through our own experiences. I hope you aren't in a church of cookie cutter opinions. New ideas are life blood!

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 10:54pm.

Can you believe I am up- it's that allergy thing again- pollen- everything outside-

Did you just get off?

We Will Stand

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 10:56pm.

I just got Larry Elders book- it looks good- of course I haven't started it- I read bits and pieces- I think I will like it- have you got far in it and do you like it?

We Will Stand

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 11:06pm.

I hate it that you are still up. Larry's book is good but, I check all of his references so I'm not even half way.

What do you think so far?

Have a good night, good job on those links. The more I understand the more I don't like it.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 11:26pm.

I will have to try and go to bed soon, my preschool is out- I have my other job to do- I am way behind, I will be busy.

I did like what I read of Larry Elders- as I said before my husband is a huge fan of his- I heard of him and said to my husband do you know this guy and he said- he's great, I listen to him all the time.

I think I will like it.

Oh, I have more links, I don't feel like explaining them- this allergy stuff has a toll on me. Hey maybe tomorrow. Smiling I could not sleep last night was choking from pollen etc. drinking tons of water- so I was disturbed by what I was hearing Glenn Beck said on his show last night so I thought okay I will look into it.

Really, I am not trying to start trouble- I just want the best for our nation- black liberation theology I had never heard of it until last night- so I like to learn new things plus I am disturbed by comments of Mr. Wright and trying to be fair and make sense of them.

I need to go to bed- maybe sleep. It did rain a little to wash some pollen away-

I need to ask more questions about how to plant my trees, sorry I am not good at it- I need your help.Smiling

Have a good night.Smiling

We Will Stand

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 7:34am.

Did you get my e-mail on planting your dogwoods? Try to find a spot in your yard where they will have partial shade in the afternoon.

Have a good day. I hope you were able to get some rest. I have to work. Chat later

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 8:21am.

You and your wife have been on my mind. I've been praying. How is she doing?

We Will Stand

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 8:50am.

Thanks. It's back to Emory this morning for an outpatient procedure.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 9:12am.

I am so sorry you and your wife are going through this. I will keep praying- just know you are not alone. I know when my Mom's trip were back and forth- it takes a toll on you.

It can take a toll, physically, mentally and spiritually- I know it's easier for me to say because it's not me- but "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" - sometimes when it's so hard it's when the enemy wants to blind us the most. That was my case.

My mom battled COPD 28 years- the last 10 were the hardest- back and forth to the hospital and on a ventilator alot- with me living here- I went as often as I could- if she was critical I went no matter what.

I want you to know I do care- I know when someone you love so much has to go through this and you have to deal with doctors- and trust God- just know I do care and have compassion for you both. Please keep us updated- if I can help somehow let me know.

I will daily pray.

We Will Stand

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 7:53am.

Thanks I did get the message about planting the dogwoods- I have something else to ask about them.

I did sleep better- had to go to the doctor again- I think the medication is helping slowly- but it is working- I slept better.Smiling

I love to do things outside- I am just so allergic(to everything outside) that skin test showed- it makes me sick if I spend too much time outside.

The pollen the other day I was outside with the kids and honestly I have never seen this: the pollen blew like a dust storm did right over our heads- that is probably why I am so sick- showers of pollen.

Do you have to work early or late? Sorry, you have to work-

Chat later- have a good day.Smiling

We Will Stand

Submitted by thebeaver on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 8:17pm.

How Hack continues to defend the cult of hate that is called Trinity.

We don't need to see any more than the sound bites. It's enough to see the entire congregation whipped into a frenzy of racist hate by Jeremiah's "sermons".


Barack Obama is the personification of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The Perverse Worship of a man

Submitted by Davids mom on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 9:55pm.

Very interesting. The more some try to make this Trinity Church a church of hate - and the more people look into what is true and what is fiction - the higher Obama's rating. Keep it up good people. The younger generation is not going for 'swiftboating' this year.

Submitted by USArmybrat on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 10:53pm.

To see this church for what it is. It is full of hate...it only takes afew minutes of the videos to see how the people agree with the despicable Crap that is coming out of Wright's mouth. Open your eyes and your heart, and you will know this to be true. As for Obama's rating, it isn't the first time that people have swooned for a horrible man........

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:06am.

1) Why are white people members of a racist church, and why do racists make white visitors feel "warmly welcomed" in the words of Dr. Martin Marty?

2) If Barack is not qualified to be POTUS, what ARE the requirements?

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 6:19am.

1. Hack, I told you before. They were at the "white" service, where peace, love, and understanding are preached. They save the good stuff for when there are no whites in the audience.

If a murderer isn't murdering 95% of the time, does that make them any less a murderer?

2. The first qualification should be that they don't align themselves with a racist, hate-filled organization such as Trinity.

The second requirement, is that they should have actually accomplished something in their lives.

Barack Obama is the personification of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The Perverse Worship of a man

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 6:18am.

Hack, I told you before. They were at the "white" service, where peace, love, and understanding are preached. They save the good stuff for when there are no whites in the audience.

Here is an example of a 'talking mouth' making statements based on 'facts' not in evidence. There are no 'white' services in a 'black' church. Do 'white' churches only preach the 'good' stuff when there are no 'blacks' in the audience? You are doing a great disservice to the Christian faith. I don't know what 'white' church you have attended in Fayetteville. Is it true that only the good stuff is preached when I am there?

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 11:14pm.

Friends of mine at work say they have been taught the same message their whole lives. They didn't realize that this wasn't common knowledge until now.

I had never heard of "black liberation theology" until now. I really don't like what I'm hearing. If they would have just stuck to building up black people and making them proud of their heritage, that would be great. But they shouldn't have to wish for the destruction of another race to make them feel good.

I don't get it.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 5:22am.

But they shouldn't have to wish for the destruction of another race to make them feel good.

Black Liberation Theology was preached not only by Rev. Wright, but also by MLK. This theology was used in the '60's to inspire the black diasporas around the world to resist all types of apartheid. I don't understand what you don't get. Nowhere in the writings of this theology does it condone the 'destruction' of another race. MLK preached brotherhood and acceptance of all mankind - based on the theology that 'blacks' should be respected, not segregated. In listening to sermons preached from the black Christian pulpit (so ordained because of earlier segregation in the American Christian church) whites in the congregation are not made to feel unwelcome or unwanted. It amazes me that some here refuse to take the comments of whites who have attended or are members of a 'black' Christian congregation seriously. Don't confuse the Christian doctrine that is preached from a ‘black' pulpit with the doctrine of the Black Muslims. (Farrakhan)

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 7:28am.

Did you watch the links that BPR posted?

Some presented statments from James Cone the author of "black liberation theology" : The most startling statment was the call for the death of any "God" who will not participate in the destruction of white people.

How do you justify wild statments like that? Why should any of us green, black, red or white, why should any of us accept "theology" based on hate?

I know that not every "black church" teaches "black liberation theology" my concern is that in 2008 we have any church at all that teaches hate based on race.

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 10:04pm.

What is your response?

Is "black liberation theology" really the answer?

Again the most troubling goal of this "theology" is: "We call for the death of any "God" who will not participate in the destruction of white people"

I'm surprised that you over-looked this and do not want to respond. I thought for sure you would have an excuse for this "theology"??

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 6:06am.

I never said black liberation theology was the answer. I shared what black liberation theology espoused as a strategy for improving the status of ‘black’ people. I'll look again, because I have never seen a statement calling for the death of 'any' God who will not participate in the destruction of white people as part of 'black liberation theology'. Christians believe in 'one God'. I'll look again - or did you just throw that in for controversy? MLK and the ‘black’l ministers of the Christian faith that I have heard or read have NEVER stated that!

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 6:18am.

Click on the links BPR provided. I didn't have to make up that outrageous statment. It is presented as being one of the principles of the founder Jim Cones.

They also talk about the history of "black liberation theology" as having been started as a marxist movement.

How wide spread is this?

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 6:36am.

Instead of reading the OPINIONS of others - like Sibby? Why don't you visit some of the 'black' churches in Fayetteville and make up your own mind about what is being preached to the 'blacks' in your community? I had read for years that 'white' Christians in the south were members of the KKK with a hate towards all 'black' folk. By visiting at least four 'white' churches in Fayetteville, I learned, from my own experience, that that statement was FALSE. Don't be afraid to experience a church service with 'black' people. Experience is the best teacher!

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 6:42am.

I know that not every "black church" teaches "black liberation theology".

One of the links BPR listed actually was an interview of one of the founders of "black liberation theology". It was not an "opinion" piece.

Have a good day.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:07am.

The interviewer asked the 'opinion' of the interviewee - right?

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 11:42am.

Of Barack Obama.


Fun Read JeffC. Your dad making it clear up front, that he and all of his children, I suppose that includes you, are Barack supporters.

Your dad should have held out longer though. Waited until the votes were getting close, then he could have used it as a tool to maybe give one of his son's some sort of ambassadorship to the Bahamas, maybe?

Look at that wonderful Hillary support, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. She rebuffed Obama to openly support Hillary. And we all know why, because Bill made her husband the Ambassador to the Bahamas back in the 90's.

Gees, if only your dad had kept his mouth shut, you could be blogging from Nassau and inviting us all down there to watch you enjoy all of the trappings of high political society. Instead, your dad just dumped you back over on Spear Road again.

Gees, will you ever get a break?

Say? Could this be torture?

Submitted by Davids mom on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 9:35pm.

I know in your world 'we' all look alike. The Congresswomen who is married to an Ambassador of the Bahamas is Maxine Waters - not Sheila Jackson Lee. As usual, you spout a lot based on misinformation.

Submitted by USArmybrat on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 10:33pm.

Mr. Hobbs might have gotten it wrong because you liberals pretty much SOUND and ACT alike! Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee...hmmm, not much different in rhetoric or actions.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 10:28pm.

You're right on two counts.

1.) It was Maxine Waters; and
2.) All black racist liberal congresswomen who are corrupt, tend to look the same to me.

Just read the accolades they've gotten on Wiki. "Most Corrupt Congresswoman for Maxine, and Meanest and most unliked for Ms. Lee.

Oh, and thanks for stereotyping me for getting two liberal black corrupt politicians mixed up from a memory I recalled that happened 10 years ago. Glad to hear you are quick to use the race card.

And since when did you become a "we". I did not know you were a congresswoman too? Certainly you are not stereotyping yourself by the color of your pigmentation that resides in your skin, that allows you to absorb more ultraviolet light than I?

Thanks for the catch.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 7:43pm.

BasNazi's lookin' out for you!

I doubt that you ever realized that you're David Duke's clone (who was a DEMOCRAT for quite a while), or is that Robert Kleagle Byrd? Aren't you glad that $niffle$, along with David's mom, is here to help you?

"And since when did you [David's mom] become a 'we'. I did not know you were a congresswoman too?"

Maybe she thinks that she's Cynthia McKinney? Puzzled

Others, even leading Democrats (although they won't openly admit it), have been frustrated by her seeing everything through racist glasses, nice lady that she seems to be, nonetheless.

asked David's mom, "Are all your posts racially motivated, or just the ones I read?"

to David's mom: "I just told you -- the keyword here is RESPECT. Furthermore, I don't believe you are here to learn. You are here to keep things stirred up."

Maybe reading Larry Elders' newest book might help. Puzzled


I don't have any "faith" in the empty HOPE that Obama offers.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:01am.

I made it very clear when I first started posting here over a year ago - I was here to discuss race. I believe the only way to heal the ugly disease of racism is to discuss it; understand the causes of racism; discuss the fears held by both majority and minority groups in this country due to racist policies and practices. Why are you surprised when I have been consistent regarding my participation? Susie Q become defensive when I mentioned that I had a 'cousin' called Susie Q. Hmmmmm. A very interesting - but predictable reaction from one who feels that to be associated with someone who is 'different' is not good. Git civilly engaged in a discussion with me - and Susie Q chastised him for it. This is another predictable reaction - as observed by those throughout the country who are sharing these exchanges with me. Also - Git expressed surprise that I held some 'conservative' opinions. Are my politics based on my color, culture, etc.?

I have learned a great deal from these exchanges. I respect all who have taken the time to justify why they believe as they do. I suspect those who constantly refer to 'talking points' from the neo-con agenda. The Beavers of the world are found on every discussion board on the net. What is encouraging to me and others (black and white) is the definite change in attitude towards racism since the '70's. America is changing. There are individuals who will never change, and there are organizations that will use their radical views to thwart the healing of racism. Regardless of who one votes for in this election - the very fact that we are discussing the possibility of a woman and/or a black man becoming president of the United States is proof that America is changing. I'm grateful for the change.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 5:21am.

Did you click on the link with “Susie Q”? Hypocrisy is my point.

Also, for someone who wants to discuss race constantly, you surely do get defensive and stereotype “whites” every bit as much as you think that we do you, such as assuming that Richard sees all “blacks” the same and your reference to "the Beavers of the world.” (Beaver really likes Herman Cain, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, & Larry Elders, from what I remember discussing with him.) You don’t seem to listen to their views but dismiss them as being “so absorbed in 'race' hate - its pathetic.” You don't seem as open-minded as you think that you are and such comments don't foster effective communication between individuals, much less positive race relations.

“Are my politics based on my color, culture, etc.?” – Perhaps on your culture (definitely not skin color) since the majority of “blacks” do vote Democrat. Most Dems on here don’t hold to any conservative ideas, from what I’ve noticed. Also, the Dem Party has moved far left (the campaign against Joe Lieberman, for example), and moderates (the DLC and pro-life Dems) have little effect on policies.

“I suspect those who constantly refer to 'talking points' from the neo-con agenda.” – Please explain. Do you have a link? I really don’t know who or what you’re talking about.

I agree that there are those who will "use their radical views to thwart the healing of racism." Mr. Wright is an excellent example. Instead of asking God to forgive America, to bless us in spite of our wrongs, to lead us into "the paths of righteousness for His name's sake," he asks God to "damn" the "U.S. of KKKA." If America is such a hell-hole, why doesn't he move to the motherland, Africa?

“There are individuals who will never change.” – Actually, I’ve seen many of them change, usually as a result of God’s grace. There’s always hope. Smiling


“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” ~ Booker T. Washington

Submitted by thebeaver on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 3:09pm.

What do you mean by "the Beavers of the world?

Who are you to judge me? I have always addressed you in a civil tone.

Your comment "Regardless of who one votes for in this election - the very fact that we are discussing the possibility of a woman and/or a black man becoming president of the United States is proof that America is changing" is both sexist and racist. What does it matter what gender or what color the President is, as long as they are doing what is best for America?

Barack Obama is the personification of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The Perverse Worship of a man

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 7:05pm.

The very fact that we have had only white male presidents says a lot about our racist/sexist society. When women had to protest to get the vote in this country - and blacks have only been allowed to vote in every state in this country since 1964 - some might think that we've had a problem with giving equal opportunity to women and minorities. I know you're not stating that only white men are qualified to lead in the United States. Are you?

Submitted by thebeaver on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 8:04pm.

"I know you're not stating that only white men are qualified to lead in the United States. Are you?"

No. I think that Herman Cain would make a fine President of the United States.

Unfortunately, no one of color has run for office that is any where near qualified, and that includes Barack.

Let's take a look at the other black candidates that have run for office: (that I can recall)

Jessie "Hymie Town" Jackson
Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton

Do you really think that either one of these two racist nut-jobs was any where near being qualified to be POTUS?

Barack Obama is the personification of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The Perverse Worship of a man

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 6:53pm.

Who are you to judge me? I have always addressed you in a civil tone.

Very civil. Thanks.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 11:12am.

"...the very fact that we are discussing the possibility of a woman and/or a black man becoming president of the United States is proof that America is changing."

I totally agree with your statement. We HAVE come along way in this country, however, we still have a long way to go. I believe there are many of us on this blog that appreciate your perspective and input regarding race and equality.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 5:06am.

You are so absorbed in 'race' hate - its pathetic. Just want you to be accurate. You're so welcome!

MajorMike's picture
Submitted by MajorMike on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 11:35am.

BAM!!! There it is folks, the almighty Race Card. At least it let's you know when David's Mom has run out of argument.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 8:56am.

David's mom.

You seem like a pleasant enough person. I don't want to confuse you with many of the others on this blog.

But I must take issue with your accusations of my hatred of race.

This is exactly the kind of "eggshells" that I despise. Since I am a white, fat, ugly, old man, I am not permitted to openly disagree or find fault with any person whose skin reflects light differently than mine. Well, I'm absolutely sick of it.

Its not hate, ma'am, its disgust. I know that the black race in America has a history of oppression. I know that they were abused and treated horrifically as slaves. I know that even when that ended, segregation and discrimination still closed the door on many equal and fair opportunities for your people. I personally am very sorry for this.

Its just that, there has to be a time, where we have to stop living in the past, and start living in the present. There as to be a time, in which we have to stop living as products of our environment, and start becoming responsible for our own actions.

I'm sorry for what has transpired over the last 400 years. I truly am. But, in my very humble opinion, the blame game has got to stop, because blame is what is poisoning your community today. Blaming whitey for every ill that befalls a black man or woman might draw cheers from the crowd of Obama's home church, but it does nothing to help build strong individuals with self esteem and pride in their own accomplishments.

I don't hate blacks ma'am, I hate individuals who happen to be black, who are destroying their own peoples with crime and violence.

I hate individuals who happen to be black, that prey upon the ignorance of their own people.

I hate individuals that are black, that live life with a chip on their shoulders, always having a built in excuse for failure.

I hate individuals who somehow believe that they have every right to spew vicious hatred out in a Church of God against anyone for any reason, and piously think that they are immune from criticism merely because they are black.

No ma'am, I don't hate blacks. I do loathe many individual blacks whose hatred of whites poisons their own souls and own families and own communities. The poison spread such that their communities are not evolving, they are devolving.

* Where athletics are prioritized over academics.
* Where their music openly denigrates women and the police with applause.
* Where indiscriminate sexual relations is not frowned upon, but is accepted as normal.
* Where two parent families are the exception. (Ever heard the joke about the definition of chaos? Father's day in harlem. Is that racist, or is a sad commentary on a fact?)
* Where each family has at least one, if not several members either behind bars, or a victim of serious crime, perpetuated by someone of their own race.

No ma'am, I don't hate your race. My question is why does the black leaders hate your race?

Because when you preach victimization, when you preach blame whitey and America for your problems, when you refuse to denounce your own sins, when you refuse to "get over it", well then "YOU" are the ones that are showing hatred for your own race, because YOU are the ones destroying it with your own hatred.

I listened to Creflo Dollar yesterday morning. His sermon was on "Change". He talked about the poison of blame, the poison of denial, the poison of self-hatred. He never addressed it to race, but he could have easily done so.

I'm just concerned that the poison of hatred and blame of whitey has gone beyond the help of any antidote. And with a Doctor like Obama, filling your IV with more poison of blame, (read his book), I truly, truly, truly believe he will set America back decades if not forever, into the pit of despair and ignorance. He will not Unite us, he will divide us. It takes more than words to unite a nation, it takes real action. And Obama has sat on his hands in that pew for far to long to be considered a real leader.

There is a reason that his wife has only just now learned to be proud of being America. Its because of the poison that she has heard her entire life, from Wright, but also too from her husband.

So when I make my comments, they sound very harsh. They are harsh. I do this not out of hatred, but out of hopes that someone, somewhere, might eventually listen and see that this poison is what is destroying the black community, because it ain't whitey. You're doing such a good job destroying yourselves, that we really don't have to do anything. But, we really don't want this to happen. We really don't. But until your culture adopts strong values of individuality, of responsibility, and of personal self esteem, then we will continue to move further and further away from your communities.

So, as Bob Newhart once said in one of his comedy sit-coms as a psychiatrist, while treating a patient, I will say to you and your race. "Get Over It!"

If that's racist, so be it. I'll tell my kids that they can now call me a racist, because thats the same thing I tell them everytime they blame someone else or thing for why they have failed to accomplish a goal or a task. "Get over it!" Sure they cry and complain. And sure it wasn't fair. But after the crying stops, they have to "Get over it!"

That's what my momma told me too when I was growing up. A sweet woman but a proud one. She impressed that upon me very much. I can't say how much she has influenced me, but I do recall one time when she displayed an bit of anger and resentment, that scared me.

When George Wallace was shot, she was fit to be tied. I asked her why, and she said, because he lived. She then went on to describe all of what he did to blacks in Alabama and she said he deserved what he got. Surprised me a great deal too, in hearing her callously praying for his death. But that was over 3 decades ago, and today she will tell you as she continues to tell me, "Get over it!"

"Whoever told me that life was supposed to be fair, lied!"
Anna Hobbs circa 1970.

Submitted by Sick of Fascists on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 9:48pm.

"I will say to you and your race. 'Get Over It!'"
You see Richard, that is the fundamental problem. You cannot help but take the actions of the few and ascribe them to an entire race. That is, in fact, what makes you a racist. Of course, you only do this to the black race. You certainly don't take credit for the actions of whites who deal drugs, live in trailor parks, or god forbid seek government assistance to enable their children to have decent healthcare. You somehow consider yourself above all of that. That is, in fact, what makes you an elitist. And then of course you have to make obscure references to Muslims when attacking Barack Obama. Would hate to base your voting decisions on policy differences I guess. That is, in fact, what makes you an ignoramous.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 8:48pm.

Read my blogs - and point out to me where I have ever 'blamed' whites for everything. History is history. And we're in this mess presently because neither 'whites' nor 'blacks' have 'gotten over it'. If we could discuss the reality of the present coupled with the desire for what we want in the future, we wouldn't have such distasteful exchanges. The difficult point - is what do we as Americans want for the future? Do we want to continue an American society that is divided between 'whites' and 'others'? Do we want all citizens in this country to be considered American - or do we still want to hyphenate our citizens based on skin color? The present election process gives all hope that some of the characteristics of American society are changing. IMO, your constant pointing out the weakness in black society and ignoring some of the strengths is disingenuous. I do not feel you are trying to heal a sore - but rather enjoy watching it fester. However - I respect your right to do that - and I hope you understand my persistence in pointing out my disagreement with your stated position.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 9:11am.

Get over it?

Weren't you the one who proudly declared “Our clear goal must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races. This goal must include freeing of the American media and government from subservient Jewish interests.” ???

Oh, wait, no....that was David Dukes.

I have such a hard time keeping you extremist white bigots separated, you guys look and sound so much alike!

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 9:46am.

Now I know why you are argue the way you do. You're mentally challenged from the bird crap that landed on your head during batting practice, that you mentioned last weekend.

Let me see if I can analogize and explain the differences.

My clear goal is the advancement of all American People, and not to allow the blacks to wallow in their self pity and blame game.
My clear goal is to free the American media from all biases, especially liberal ones, and not to pretend that the only bias is found on Fox News.

I'd suggest to you that you are making a liberal attack by merely trying to associate one avowed racist with me. I disavow David Duke in all respects. He is not my mentor, my uncle, my pastor, nor my friend. I disavow the very same hatred he has for blacks, that Rev. Wright and the Black Theology parishioners have for whites.

Now, since your analogy and comparison is deemed appropriate, can I not now compare the racist rants of Rev. Wright and the racist rants of his apprentice Barack Obama.

The fact is, I can logically and honestly make my comparison to prove my point, you however, can only sling your feces like a bunch of monkey's in a cage, and then claim that you have made your point.*

Go back to teaching kids about the racist rules regarding the balk rule, or the ground rule double and leave the logic political analysis to the adults.

*And since I know you to be a good liberal guilt ridden old white dude, then political correctness allows me to use the chimpaneze comparison without charges of racism.

{{{{{{{{WARNING about crudities (once known as "vulgar" language) in your comment headlines: I'm going to lower the boom on those who think this posting site is open to such misuse.

Dial it back, guys.

-- Cal the censor

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 2:49pm.

I was referencing a funny story that he himself commented on last week. Your edit sounds like what I wrote was horrific. A bird just embarrassed him, and he made light of it, as all of us that have had that happen to us would do.

Sorry dude, but bird droppings are funny material, albeit, arguably crude.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 3:35pm.

Take responsibility for your actions! You're starting to sound like one of them mealy mouth liberals. Next you'll be wanting food stamps.

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