Illegal students throng Fayette schools

Tue, 01/10/2006 - 4:47pm
By: Letters to the ...

Recently I became aware of a very grave situation which exists in our school system. I no longer have students at our schools so I have been out of the loop for the last few years. Since school started back, I had to pick up my niece from an after-school activity at Fayette County High School at about 5 p.m.
While waiting I noticed a large number of cars picking up students which had Clayton County tags.
I asked my niece about this and she replied that many students live in Clayton, but nobody does anything about it.
Since this answer from my niece piqued my interest, I went back the next day. This time I counted 54 cars with out-of-district tags, 48 just from Clayton County, three from Fulton, and even three from DeKalb.
I was told that they only have to show some utility bill to prove residency when they are freshmen or when they enroll. No checking later or perhaps going to the home to see who actually lives there.
That was done at one time, but the residents complained to the NAACP about harassment so the practice was stopped.
On some of the utility bills, the customer name listed is different from the students. This is explained away by the fact that the mother has remarried with no proof of marriage being documented.
You could use someone you know for this purpose or just steal a water bill from a mailbox like has been done in DeKalb County in order to vote illegally.
My concern is that these students do not have the educational background that students educated in Fayette County for a majority of their schooling do so they are not only stealing services from the taxpayers of this county, but are drastically bringing down the test scores of the schools.
We have always taken the great educational system for granted, but nowadays with No Child Left Behind and the need to meet AYP “Annual Yearly Progress” we cannot let the legitimate students of Fayette County be hurt.
You may think I am overreacting but in speaking with my niece class sizes are too big, behavior is becoming a problem, and the curriculum is being watered down to ensure everyone passes.
In addition, continual decreases in the performance of Fayette County schools could have a negative effect on the funding we receive from state and federal government, not to mention the tax burden on Fayette County residents.

I am not saying everyone does not deserve a chance at a great education, but I am saying that I have never complained about paying my fair share to the school system even though I do not have a child in the schools.

I am complaining about paying for students who do not belong in our schools and are hindering my nieces education.

What is the school system doing to prevent this fraud? What can we as citizens do?

For one thing, we have two school board positions up for election this year. We can start there and see if someone with backbone will run and make this a priority.

Dixie Wilson
Fayetteville, Ga.

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Submitted by leber on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 11:34am.

I have a first hand experiance with this. A friend of my childs was going to school here while the parents live out of the county. I reported it to the school , and furnished the school with address, phone no# etc of the child out of county. After several months I asked why the child had not be removed from the school? The answer was they were still investigating it. Months later I guess they are still investigating because the child is still in school.

Submitted by sumolgal on Tue, 01/17/2006 - 7:28pm.

Schools today, medical care tomorrow. Just wait till word gets out that there's a free clinic in Fayette County!

Submitted by mswench2u on Wed, 02/28/2007 - 7:22pm.

There's a FREE clinic in Fayette County...I want in.
This is news to me.
As far as out of county kids in our schools. I was told if they have a parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, working for the school system they could attend.
I still can't believe that parents who "actually" own a house in fayette county, but because of where their house is located, thier children have to attend Love Joy High School (which is in Clayton). I don't understand that.

Submitted by IMNSHO on Wed, 02/28/2007 - 8:08pm.

I still can't believe that parents who "actually" own a house in fayette county, but because of where their house is located, thier children have to attend Love Joy High School (which is in Clayton). I don't understand that.

It's not true. Some may have a Fayetteville address, but their house is actually in Clayton County, and so the kids would attend a Clayton County school.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 02/28/2007 - 7:53pm.

There is a so-called "free clinic" on 54 West from Fayetteville, near Peachtree City.
My guess is they check for emergency, check your insurance, if any, and then decide where to send you for serious treatment. I'm not sure how much paperwork they will fill out as to your wealth, etc.
Rest assured however that you are not going to get full treatment there for everything, no questions asked. It would be impossible.
Concerning the out of county school kids here because some relative, any relative, it appears, works for the school, maybe, can be explained this way: Many children are told to say that they are living with an employee and to write that name down when asked. It could be some relative or in-law, or it could be a friend who is "watching" the student, a guardian, and in some cases the student doesn't even know who is their parent. It is not necessarily wrong considering the student's circumstances.

Submitted by questionable101 on Fri, 01/13/2006 - 12:24pm.

The schools ought to put a box in the hall for students to anonymously turn in illegal students. All the kids know who they are. Once they are turned in, and checked out to see if the information could be correct, then the child should be sent home until the parents can come in a prove that they live in Peachtree City, at the address originally provided. A property tax bill for homeowners and a copy of a current lease for renters should be used as proof.

Submitted by CNP2000 on Thu, 01/12/2006 - 4:46pm.

I was very disturbed by the this article when I read it last night. I decided to call the BOE today and address my conerns with them about the out of district issue and was very upset with the response I got. The lady at BOE said that they checked out all 54 tags and every student was a resident in the county. She then bad mouthed Mrs Wilson's article and says "She obviously did not know what she was talking about". I could not believe I was hearing this. I see tags at my sons school(Hood Ave) that are out of district and I always turn them in. I was told that about 100 students were illegally enrolled in Fayette Co. schools this year and those kids have been kicked out. How did these kids even get enrolled? It makes me sick to know that our tax $ are paying for Clayton, Fulton, and even Dekalb county kids to come to our schools and that the BOE is not doing anything about it. I am going to take further action since I was brushed off.

Submitted by SandySue on Fri, 01/13/2006 - 7:54am.

Good for you. We need more people like you in this county who will take action for things that are not correct. I hope you got the name of the person you talked to. Call or email your school board elected officials. Some of them must be up for re-election and will want to get to the bottom of this.
Good luck, my kids are in private school and this still ticks me off, but I am helping with the over crowding, so imagine what it would be like if all the private schools closed and all Fayette County students went to public schools! Get the non residents out of the county schools, as congress is doing with Mexico "tighten the boarders"!

Leoah Whineknott's picture
Submitted by Leoah Whineknott on Thu, 01/12/2006 - 5:58pm.

My family has lived in Fayette County for more than 50 years. In recent years, I can't count how many times we've had to 'prove' that we live in Fayette County each year school starts, with copies of deeds and electric bills. (Water bills are not acceptable!) I don't mind going through all of that trouble year-after-year if it keeps our taxes down, but it doesn't sound as though it is doing any good.

Leoah Whineknott

Submitted by historybuff on Thu, 01/12/2006 - 9:57pm.

The BOE is dropping the ball on this issue. Many, many out of county students do attend our schools. They are probably in the hundreds. Now we are asked to build more schools and pass SPLOSTS. Our students are sitting in trailers while we could remove these illegal students and manage the overcrowding. As for checking all 54 cars - that is incredibly hard to believe. Eighty percent of our taxes go to the schools. Why should we pay for these illegals? As for nothing being done - that is true if we as citizens do nothing. Come on, it is time for accountability from the elected school board members who spend our tax dollars.

Submitted by anonemessys on Thu, 01/12/2006 - 5:37pm.

Just for those of you who don't know, there are "code" words used to say that minorities are attending our schools from other counties. The problem is created by allowing school workers and teachers to bring their children here if they work here, and I'm sure an occasional athlete or friend we want. This sort of thing has been going on in high schools for maybe a hundred years, although not with minorities until recent years.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 01/13/2006 - 6:49am.

First of all, these families sending their kids to our schools are guilty of theft of services - a felony. Obviously the school employees and their children are not,but they should be pretty easy to identify - after all they work there.

Solution to the problem is easy - ask the parents to come in and prove their county of residence. When you get no response - send the kid home until the parents show up. It is up to them to prove they live here - not up to the school system to prove they don't

Submitted by melissafred on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 9:34pm.

Excellent solution, mudcat. My kids attend a Peachtree City elementary school. Almost every morning, I see one or two Coweta tags in the car rider circle. I may call the principal. From the sound of these posts, a call to the county office is going to be a waste of time.

I'm sick to death of illegals, be they to the county or to our blessed USA whining & griping when we try to pass laws to restrict them. They *itch and moan about their rights. What rights??? They are here illegally. If you want rights, come here legally, pay your taxes, contribute to society and I'll be more than happy for you to have the same rights I do. As far as rights go, what about my right to not have to subsidize freeloaders?

Let the flames begin.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 10:24am.

You people are nuts. Trying to cover up your racism with tax worries.
How in the name of Goth do you think the school system can have all 25,000 students come in and prove residence?
Maybe just the black and yellow and brown ones, huh?

Submitted by swmbo on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 12:25am.

Although I agree that melissafred's post sounds overly melanin-focused, the underlying residency issue isn't wrong. I chose to live in Fayette County because, among other things, I wanted to be in a place with good schools. I work at a soul-grinding job to afford to live here with the knowledge that I am working to pay for, among other things, maintaining good schools.

Now, I could have gotten a cheaper home in Fulton or Clayton county. I would also pay lower taxes on a home in Fulton or Clayton county. But, the trade-off is that I'd be near poorly-performing schools. So, I am working -- and more importantly I am paying for -- good schools. It's a simple quid pro quo.

I resent mightily the fact that some people are breaking the law and educating their children on my hard-earned tax dollars. They are welcome to work as hard as I do (12 - 14 hours a day, 6 days a week) and pay the taxes I pay to have full and equal access to our schools. To the extent that they have chosen to live where they live but educate their children on my dime, they are stealing.

None of that has a thing to do with the race of the parents who are engaged in the illegal behavior. And, with all due respect, I could not give a rat's tail about what it would take to have those parents come and prove residency. I have an electric bill, tax bill, gas bill, voter registration, mortgage, trash pickup bill and security system monitoring bill for my Fayette County home. The parents of those 25,000 students should be able to produce any or all of those same documents.

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

H. Hamster's picture
Submitted by H. Hamster on Fri, 01/13/2006 - 6:55am.

Better yet - just send a bill to the address supplied. It probably costs over $4000 a year to educate 1 kid. They can either pay the bill - if they live out of county or send back proof of residence. When the bills come back "returned -- addressee unknown" you know there's a potential problem and you keep that kid out of school until his parents come in and fix it. How hard is that?

The people who object to this are the same ones who object to voter ID - that would be the ones who are intent on committing fraud and think it is their right to do whatever they want - even if it is illegal.

Submitted by historybuff on Tue, 01/17/2006 - 5:54pm.

It costs over $8200 per year to educate a student. It seems to me that overcrowding could be relieved if these students were removed. We could hire another employee or two with the money saved. You are exactly right about these being the same prople who object to photo ID for voting. Photo ID is required for almost everything. Take notice of those that are objecting to this. If you are honest and do not mean to break the law, you would not mind showing proof of residency or photo ID. The dishonest will spend a lot time getting around the law. We need good detectives to find them out.

Submitted by PTCMomma on Sun, 01/15/2006 - 11:21pm.

This idea I do like!!!

Mom to 3, plus a few strays

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Mon, 01/16/2006 - 5:07am.

Count me in on this - great idea! It is so simple to solve a problem like this if we get rid of all the political correctness and mollycoddelling (that didn't spell check too well) that has influenced our school officials for way too long.

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