Government interferes! (modified)

They are interfering with the economy and not letting the natural forces of business occur!

I hear no complaints from the republicans however, except maybe about three right wing nuts, about this interference.

Signing up as a co-signer and giving several billion dollars of cheap money to Morgan to take over Bear-Sterns, another more ignorant crook!

I don't think we would have missed Bear Stern!

However, I do not hear any developers or contractors (mostly republicans) complaining about government interference in business!

I also think maybe a bail-out of those foreclosed mortgage holders might have come before banks, (refinanced at low rate) but I forgot for a moment this is a "dribble down" administration!

How come I never got a chance to buy some of that $2 Bear-Sterns stock?
Morgan got it all! It was $70, recently,
$30, last week!
Hypocrites, and more hypocrites!

When asked today why all this was done for Near-Sterns, Dec. Paulson said it was more important to keep the financial
market solvent than to worry about foreclosures on people!!

Dribble, dribble!

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Submitted by sageadvice on Tue, 03/18/2008 - 8:08am.

Governor Sonny today plans to bail out the landscaping and lawn people in Georgia. In addition to allowing anything they plant, scrape or mow, to be watered, even though a neighbor whose grass, bushes, flowers, and trees are dying, can not water.

The fact that the businesses contribute greatly to the republican party has nothing to do with it, he said.

Also, and additionally, besides, Sonny will have the state guarantee all fishermen who come into Georgia as tourists to fish, a catch.
If they don't catch anything in the mud after three days, he will have six huge salmon shipped to their home address from Canada, He worked this out for a trade of "chickens for fish" with the Canadian government. It takes three chickens to equal each fish.
The chicken farmers will be awarded tax breaks for the chickens shipped to Canada.

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