Another Argument against District Voting

This is what we have to look forward to if District Voting is allowed a foothold in Fayette County:

Board votes to revoke Clayton schools accreditation

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Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 03/16/2008 - 10:09pm.

You are not the only person who remembers when Riverdale was the "it" place. Back when Fayette County was hick town. Some of us remember when clayton county was the "it" place and Fayette County was the "hayseed" county, that would "never" compete.

Many of us remember what happened and how quickly Riverdale fell on hard times. Many of us remember how Joel was treated when he suggested that he could develope flood plain swamp land into something. Something that would compete with Riverdale. Some of us remember how quickly people short or under sold their homes and moved to PTC.

If we don't remember or learn from history we are doomed to repeat it.

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