Which are you looking forward to more?

Tue, 03/11/2008 - 2:24pm
By: The Citizen
NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament
32% (47 votes)
Start of 2008 major league baseball season
68% (99 votes)
Total votes: 146
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Submitted by Kathryn Patterson on Wed, 03/19/2008 - 2:38pm.

I've had the same experience waiting for the unreasonably long light late at night and after such an amount of time that I became very tired and bored and angry, I concluded that the authorities must not be aware that there is a broken light, so I did what I had to do to get us home. (By the way, turning right was not an option) I'm not surprised now to learn that it is a purposeful trap used to generate income for the city.

My brother-in-law in Hall County had a similar experience when the green light was so quick to turn red that it caught him as he went under it. The officer was right there and he got a ticket. He was angry and went to a vantage point to observe as the officers just got one after the other as law-abiding citizens tried to get thru the light in the usual way, but it was timed to make that impossible.

Before Christmas, I was taking my 5 little grandchildren to see the Christmas lights, when I came upon what I thought must be the scene of a terrible accident or something. Flashing blue lights everywhere, officers all out in the road, cars stopped on both sides of Peachtree Parkway. An officer came to my window and shone his bright floodlight into the faces of all my grandbabies in the back of my van and basically "searched" my car. To our left, an officer was administering the testing of sobriety to a gentleman who appeared to be sober, but because of all the lights flashing in the dark, all the people stopped and watching him, seemed to be having a hard time accomplishing perfectly all the tests. I thought that I would have had a difficult time too and I don't drink. I remember learning in school that the police would need a reasonable suspicion before they can stop you and search you. Why do we accept violations to our rights? This is still America and we have our founding documents that guarentee our rights to freedom. I am noticing more and more violations and I hope to see people of courage take a stand and do something about it. I admire you and your daughter and I hope you do not give up. (I went to court once when I knew I had done nothing wrong and the judge threw it out and nothing went on my record.) I disagree with the post that your daughter will continue to run lights, etc...I believe you are doing your duty as a Father to teach her that our constitution protects us and that we do have a proper course of action to fight injustice and miscarraige of due process.

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